These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
These two approach you at the bar and say they "really like your vibe." wyd?
Prepare for trouble and make it double
Make it triple
Start a Pokecule?
Prepare for trouble?
And make it double?
Nay, now thruple?
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
I put on the cat ears and shout, "Meeeee-owth, that's right!"
whatever the fuck they want
Glad to see most of us here are on the same page that we're definitely banging both Jessie and James
Proud of you comrades
lmao, your egg's about to get cracked, James
Use my lickitung on their venusaurs
Knew from the second I saw this thread there would be people here being confidently wrong about them being kids lol. Never fails.
wow that's a solid tumblr post.
here's a link to it without the loginwall
I'll def be blasting off
Slap both they asses till red raw.
Ask James where his giant tits went
I'm taking my pikachu and going home
Washed your anus for nothing
Ask James for fashion advice.
I was looking for trouble,
I'll take it double.
to put it bluntly im sucking em off
Hit my Vaporeon and turn on the Charmander by asking can I suck on your Pigeottoes
incredible post, incredible
meekly say thank you and speedwalk outside feeling overwhelmed. then cry in an alleyway and throw up (unrelated to their complement.)
ask the barkeep how these two 17 year olds got in
From both:
Age Unconfirmed[1]
[1] In The Birth of Mewtwo, Jessie's mother Miyamoto wrote a report 20 years before Mewtwo's creation that says she gave away her daughter to be a foster child as a little girl. Jessie is affected by the same lethargy as other adults in Filling the Light with Darkness!
so Jessie would presumably be at least 20, probably early 20s.
Wait, Ash is 10? He definitely doesn't vibe as a 10 year old at all in the English dub. Just going by the way the VA capture his voice, he's more like some dude who's going through puberty, so at least 12+.
I'm going through Bulbapedia, and some of these canonical ages just makes me go huh. Gary also starts out as 10, which is an even bigger head-scratcher. Like, wasn't the dude driving around in a convertible at some point? It makes him being surrounded by cheerleaders a lot weirder unless the cheerleaders were also 10 years old, which strains credibility.
Hide my Pokemon
Buy her a drink. Ask him to dance.
Appropriate choices, both.
i give them their own movie because they were the only redeeming quality to pokemon
Get in the pokeball.
They are children.
I don't blame you on that assumption. Early Pokemon human designs really struggled to draw people in certain age ranges. They basically have a few characters that do the Jotaro thing of looking like a person in their late 20s and still not being able to buy a pack of cigs.
I can fix 'em.
I gotta start going to bars 😅
Duh, joining up with them. (And hopefully getting made into the filling of a sandwich.)