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  • Liberals said the exact same shit during the civil rights movement i.e. MLK was a Russian asset and being controlled by the CCCP etc.

    • Hell, they killed Bobby Seale Huey, (never history before morning coffee) because he actually met the Chinese comrades of his time; and they couldn't have a Black leader bringing communism to the hood

      EDIT now that I've got a cup of ACTUAL coffee in me and not some watered down, burnt, gas station turpentine, lemme get more into this because I've got a pet theory. The Panthers meeting our Chinese comrades is the entire reason why COINTELPRO has only continued, intensified, and evolved in the decades since-- because it all boils down to 'they can't have anyone bringing communism to the hood'.

      Back in the day, they had the shit locked down. The internet wasn't like that yet; we couldn't have whole-ass discussions, debates, arguments, and flame wars over theory or sects. The knowledge base wasn't out there yet, you had to be into some scholarly shit in the first place, or know somebody who jumped you in, to even be talking like we are now. The genie's out of the bottle now; and they CANNOT AFFORD another movement as large as or as motivated as the Panthers were. They can't have another community-based, community-focused mutual aid network like that again, because these theories are the next step.

      This is why they train our misleaders to make the concept of seeking liberation sound corny. This is why the misleaders push "Black Excellence™", "Black Capitalism", and all that happy assimilation-reformist bullshit. Part of why the 'hotep' discourse is a thing. (I'm not gonna play around and act like some of it isn't some members of our community actually being corny about it; but I don't believe that sentiment came from the ground up.) This is why they locked up the Uhuru 3, and made 61 political prisoners under RICO charges in Georgia. This is why they still infiltrate our organizations, lock up our leaders, and kill the ones they know won't comply. They can't afford another.

  • Liberals try not to infantilise and dismiss the experiences of minorities challenge: impossible.

  • I said it then and I'll say it now...

    If a handful of memes from Russian for-profit bot farms seeking Facebook ad revenue can almost topple 'the greatest democracy in the history of the world' then it ain't worth shit and you just pack it up now.

  • Tumblr users be like:

    Pith aside, I'm going to need crackers to knock this kind of bullshit, especially this "Black users were SPECIFICALLY TARGETED by the Ruzzian Orc Bots" tack they're on now right the fuck off; because this is the exact play that the feds have been running persecuting the Uhuru 3. Isn't it Amazing how hella white people can act up, attempt to steal an election, and trample down the halls of the Capitol building screaming about how they're gonna lynch everybody from AOC to Mike Pence, have FUCK ALL done to them, but the minute a Black soul stands against the settler empire's intractable wars, genocides, and colonizing, they get FBI raids, federal charges, and being labeled a "Russian asset"?

    Deadass if Cuba, Russia, China, Vietnam, or Ghana offered to pay my one-way ticket out and set me up with a job on my landing? If I was entering their country as a defector or refugee? I'd do it in a heartbeat, and the next time anyone saw me I'd be Yeonmi Parking this country of crackers. "Their food security is so bad that when a family patriarch hits a possum on the freeway, they talk about feasting for a week." I could do her job.

  • I'm reminded of this map a Blairite drew a couple years back to link Russian interference with "the black community".

    • Blairite? How dare you! I'll have you know that Paul Mason is a commited communist, no wait, commited socialist, no wait, socialist realist, hang on, leftist-NAFOist with spice-taking characteristics. You can joke about his Pepe Silva enemies of the state mind map all you like, but the only three true working class white blokes he still drinks with from his Trot days thought it sounded important and I'll have you know that an admin worker for MI5 sent him a polite email saying they appriciated him sending it in but it wasn't what they were looking for and to keep trying. That's basically the same as making him the new James Bond right there! People are just bitter because he was the first to correctly identify that the best route to a worldwide socialist unity is to back Starmer and insist he immeadiately starts a nuclear war with Russia for the good of the global working glass. He might be the next foreign secretary! After all he only just missed out on getting onto one of six different 5-9 person shortlists to stand as a Labour MP in various constituancies. He's a valuable and important political operater, which is why the Labour leadership respected him too much not to beg him to please not go canvassing and campaigning in Islington North for fear that he'd make it too easy for them to get rid of Corbyn and they'd look vindictive when all they wish him is the best. And even if you're one of these too cool for school jaded fake online leftists that doesn't believe in 'electoralism' (i.e. power) then he's once again about to prove his lifelong anti-fascist credentials by putting the hard questions to our brave comrades from the Ukrainian military who spend every day of this conflict on the front lines of the defense industry convention circuit, like 'what's your favourite Putin meme' and 'what's your favourite memory from your time in Tornado Battalion?' Time to grow up, be more like him, and do some actual real political praxis.

    • tag yourself, I'm "campists"

    • Was this Paul M16sons work ?

  • These people, they do not believe in reality and objective truth, they only believe what they are told. In that way they act closer to bots than any “russian bot” on the internet ever could.

  • These fucking libshits will bang on about Russian bot influencing the election and fail to address many of the real things that were happening to marginalized communities. And that's not even going into the fact that the real impact of these botfarms was minimal at best.

    Libs will erase history when its convenient. They'll act as if they didn't demean the issues black and other people of color faced during the 2016 election by waving them off as "being influenced by Russian botfarms". They'll act as if they didn't act like they thought the BLM protests would cost Biden the election because it'd make people think Democrats couldn't keep the protests in their cities in line. They'll act as if they didn't blame BLM for their mediocre performance in the midterm elections.

  • Imagine adding the hashtag Tumblr history with full sincerity thinking you’re preserving the record and preventing the erasure of real events that mattered.

  • They are both partially correct

    We knew about cambridge analytica in 2018, of course russia would try something similar, but the greatest success of their campaign was to turn everyone into a russian bot

    Most of the somewhat attributable bot tweets were so obvious bait that they weren't even that effective, but after the discourse started, every political discussion devolved into a cpusa meeting circa red scare and mkultra

    • And just to add, the "bot" terminology is pretty dehumanizing, when most of the data points to just farms of people posting

  • I love dunk_tank posts that have tumblr posts in them, always something fun

    • I spend some time on curatedtumblr and tumblr. 90% of the posts are nonpolitical and fine, 5% are political and lukewarm, 3% are "not voting for Biden means you literally want every single trans person in the country to die!" which is just boring at this point, and 2% are actually vaguely interesting bad takes