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Flameshot: Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software Flameshot

Flameshot is a free and open-source, cross-platform tool to take screenshots with many built-in features to save you time.


Flameshot is a free and open-source, cross-platform tool to take screenshots with many built-in features to save you time.

Hacker News

Flameshot – Open-source screenshot software

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Software Livre

Um screenshot open source pra você

2 0
  • Got this installed on all my work machines - if you're wanting to stick a screenshot on Jira or Slack with a couple of arrows, wavy lines, or a bit blurred out then it's dead quick and has just the functionality that you need. Yes, it's simple and lacks a lot of 'power tools'. Sometimes that's just what you need, tho.

  • I switch between this and Shutter on a regular basis depending on what I feel like using that day.