Absolute legend
Absolute legend
Absolute legend
Everything is open source for this guy after using this simple trick. Big techs HATE him!
Honestly, anybody with a gender studies degree can get into software developer nowadays no sweat, nowadays the fortune 500 standards are so low that they'll just hire anyone on the spot without even questioning it. Honestly only started to take note of this the second Biden got into office, the quality of software overall has gone down. Overall, back to open source, I never truly got the open source movement in general, never been my thing. Proprietary software is inheitly more secure which is why most enterprise systems still use windows xp.
More like source available, since you can’t use the code in your stuff without the permission of the company 🤓
That screams: Open you source code and accepted correction !
It screams made-up internet story.
It screams both!
It's an old joke.
inb4 they wait until his last day then roll back the changes because functional code/unauthorized changes are against company policy and actually they need that bug to slow down the user so they don't click so fast the database crashes.
Oh, you cynical (and probably right) monster. Cheers!
Always love this one, I'd do the same but there's to many fucking things to fix.
It seems like I'm constantly finding bugs in businesses' apps. Do they not have people test them?
They do, and they have a backlog of hundreds of issues to fix and they must prioritise then. If fixing a bug doesn't make money, it's not priority.
I deal with this every day. It hurts me to my core.
sure they do, you're one of them
As someone in the dev team for a "business app", we probably know about most or all of them, but they're just not important enough for anyone in management to prioritize them as part of a sprint. It's also possible no one has given us reproducible steps to make them happen, so we just straight up don't know what to fix. Usually the former though.
I would fix that bug but the complete rewrite that management has had me working on for the past two years will make it obsolete anyway.
Ah, the circle of life
Sometimes no.
Yes, they're called "customers".
Sometimes. Other times they layoff the QAs and anyone else whose job is about quality.
They usually do yes however it's all about prioritization.
You may have hundreds or thousands or open requests and issues.
With tens of thousands of closed issues that were either not reproducible, not actually problems, or largely indecipherable.
There's usually a feature roadmap which is where most of the development money and time is spent. If it's an older business application then certain bugs might easily take weeks to find, fix, test, validate, go through user acceptance, A/B test, and then deploy. But fixing is expensive work, so if the bug isn't severe it's usually deprioritized next to higher priority work.
Bro that reminds me when I was in university and I used to tutor fellow students with the goal of getting laid. As soon as I got laid I stopped tutoring. Now unfortunately I'm married and have kids because of that.
Reminds me of when my breaks started failing on my 1990 Chrysler LeBaron so I got a job at a break repair place long enough to fix them then I quit.
He finally won the war after so many battles.
this is the first real 100x developer.
That happened.
ESR: "Every good work of software starts by scratching a developer's personal itch."
I thought that buffoon was out of my memory Everybody Loves Eric Raymond
Repost #357
this is why open source?
Maybe the guy is content where he was, asks just wanted to fix that bug
the guy who contributed to proprietary software