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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan

Image is of Azerbaijan's President, Aliyev (left) and Armenia's President, Pashinyan (right) in a meeting a month or two after Azerbaijan took Nagorno-Karabakh.

  1. Never go to a second location.
  2. Always get the interior ministry post.
  3. Never get in a helicopter or any small aircraft.
  4. If someone with a gun enters your car, they’re gonna kill you.
  5. If someone tells you they’re not going to kill you, they’re calming you down to kill you later.
  6. Never give up your nukes.
  7. Never release the opposition's political prisoners.
  8. Never let the opposition delay elections.
  9. If someone starts to get into German runes, drop them.
  10. Never trust a South American with a German name.
  11. Never move anywhere for a religion.
  12. Never go into the sewers unless you’re a sewer guy.
  13. If someone’s trying to get you to commit a crime, they're FBI (sometimes CIA or military intelligence).
  14. Never become an FBI informant.
  15. If you do become an FBI informant, record everything.
  16. Never relinquish your arms.
  17. Always get it in writing.
  18. If you keep gambling, you’ll eventually win.
  19. Never talk to cops without a lawyer.
  20. Always pay your mercenaries.
  21. Don’t let anyone take your passport.

To add an addendum to rule 3, never put your President and Foreign Minister in the same helicopter or small aircraft. Especially if doing so in bad weather conditions. Especially if you're already under threat from a hostile nuclear power in the region with a proclivity for terrorism (though this probably isn't Israel's doing, in this particular case).

Anyway, Azerbaijan. Not a great country, I think. Did some genocides. They're a petrostate that is hosting Cop29, which I suppose is a way for the bourgeoisie to implicitly convey their contempt for the green movement. They got weapons from Israel, too.

Just for the record, there's an Iranian province called East Azerbaijan, which is not the same as Azerbaijan.

The COTW (Country of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific country every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied nations. If you've wanted to talk about the country or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Country of the Week is Azerbaijan! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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  • This is old news and not of great importance but it's a silly little story about the uselessness of liberal western progressivism that I don't think has been posted here before:

    On May 8th the chairperson of the Copenhagen Pride organisation resigned to appease angry corporate sponsors who were cutting funding for the parade.

    What angered companies like Google and Mærsk so much was a statement put out back in February by the pride organisation in which they declared that the organisation "stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people" and stated that the organisation would "voice concern over business activities in 'Israel' and the occupied Palestinian territories" to their partners.

    Sponsors and the liberal establishment were deeply offended by the statement that they saw as a demand for them to take a stand against the genocide. The pride organisation demonstrated a complete lack of backbone as soon as the sponsors they depend on fire funding started leaving and put our a new statement apologising for "poor communication" and promised that they were "not asking any questions or making any demands" to their partners regarding 'Israel' and Palestine.

    Eventually the chairperson decided to resign as a way of appeasing sponsors.

    Received mainstream wisdom as communicated through the mainstream media quickly settled on siding with the sponsors. Everybody seems to agree that it was foolish of the organisation to say "please don't be an accessory to genocide" to their corporate sponsors, "experts" in the media are talking about how the pride organisation needs to fire their top leadership and grovel at the feet of corporate sponsors and everybody who have opinions for a living are talking about how you shouldn't connect LGBT rights to "a complex conflict in the middle East".

    • Denmark remains the model Nazi colony to this day

    • Pride in my country won't even kick out reactionary political parties from the arrangements. Libertarian adjacents who are fine* with gay people but who believe there's only two genders and it's determined at birth. Like, everyone who participates in pride hates you and you hate us, but because it's a mainstream political party we do this civility bs, otherwise it would be political, and just let them have their stand there. There's basically never a week passing without these guys making a transphobic statement so just chose any one of them and use it as a a reason to kick them out. Pride is political, if you can't tell homophobes and transphobes they're unwelcome, what's even the point?

      *as long as they're not too loud or visible

    • There needs to be more written about how western liberal feminism, social progressivism, and LGBT activism has just become a tool for neo colonialism, especially post 2008 financial crash, with the liberal parties in the west changing stances to assimilate these socially progressive movements. This is not social progressivism, this is social regression.

      It's honestly left me extremely disillusioned with social progressivism, even though I am LGBT myself and have faced discrimination and have had to keep all my relationships secret.

      • it's becoming the new human rights concerntrolling I think. as in, everybody should obviously be supportive of human rights but when it's constantly used by imperialists to justify absolutely heinous shit, it's hard not to get a little cynical about human rights sometimes. I'm a Marxist feminist of course, so perhaps attacking along that angle would be best. not against feminism, but against liberal feminism. it might get co-opted by fascists who would just boil down any argument against progressivism into based soyjak traditionmaxxing romanempirepilled whateverthefuck even if you state that you're a communist in the argument, but I don't know how to fight that co-opting.

        I'm also unsure of what exactly to think of, for example, the shit going on in Uganda right now with very harsh anti-LGBTQIA laws which are being responded to by the West with, of course, sanctions. saying "everybody here sucks" feels like a cop-out because the West clearly is favored in the power dynamic here but I don't really know.

        • it's becoming the new human rights concerntrolling I think. as in, everybody should obviously be supportive of human rights but when it's constantly used by imperialists to justify absolutely heinous shit, it's hard not to get a little cynical about human rights sometimes.

          It's the undermining of universalist values by Eurocentrism. Samir Amin wrote about it extensively:

          Eurocentrism is, like all dominant social phenomena, easy to grasp in the multiplicity of its daily manifestations but difficult to define precisely. Its manifestations, like those of other prevailing social phenomena, are expressed in the most varied of areas: day-to-day relationships between individuals, political information and opinion, general views concerning society and culture, social science. These expressions are sometimes violent, leading all the way to racism, and sometimes subtle. They express themselves in the idiom of popular opinion as well as in the erudite languages of specialists on politics, the Third World, economics, history, theology, and all the formulations of social science. I will, therefore, begin with this set of common ideas and opinions transmitted by the media, on which a broad consensus exists in the West, in order to summarize the Eurocentric vision:

          The European West is not only the world of material wealth and power, including military might; it is also the site of the triumph of the scientific spirit, rationality, and practical efficiency, just as it is the world of tolerance, diversity of opinions, respect for human rights and democracy, concern for equality--at least the equality of rights and opportunities--and social justice. It is the best of the worlds that have been known up until this time. This first thesis, which simply repeats facts which are in themselves hardly debatable, is reinforced by the corollary thesis that other societies--the socialist East and the underdeveloped South--have nothing better to offer on any of the levels mentioned (wealth, democracy, or even social justice). On the contrary, these societies can only progress to the extent that they imitate the West. And this is what they are doing, in any case, even if they are doing it slowly and imperfecdy, because of elements of resistance based on outmoded dogmatisms (like Marxism) or anachronistic motivations (like tribalism or religious fundamentalism).

          Consequently, it becomes impossible to contemplate any other future for the world than its progressive Europeanization. For the most optimistic, this Europeanization, which is simply the diffusion of a superior model, functions as a necessary law, imposed by the force of circumstances. The conquest of the planet by Europe is thus justified, to the extent that it has roused other peoples from their fatal lethargy. For others, non-European peoples have an alternative choice: either they can accept Europeanization and internalize its demands, or, if they decide against it, they will lead themselves to an impasse that inevitably leads to their decline. The progressive Westernization of the world is nothing more than the expression of the triumph of the humanist universalism invented by Europe ...

          I, therefore, charge Eurocentrism with an inability to see anything other than the lives of those who are comfortably installed in the modern world. Modern culture claims to be founded on humanist universalism. In fact, in its Eurocentric version, it negates any such universalism. Eurocentrism has brought with it the destruction of peoples and civilizations that have resisted its spread. In this sense, Nazism, far from being an aberration, always remains a latent possibility, for it is only the extreme formulation of the theses of Eurocentrism. If there ever were an impasse, it is that in which Eurocentrism encloses contemporary humanity.

        • Yes, thank you for being the only one not implying that we're inevitably entering a new dark age of homophobia! Thank you for suggesting a plan of action! I needed this.

      • I'm a doomer when it comes to this. I think LGBT has almost been completely coopted as a tool of Western imperialism and that the vast majority of countries who don't submit to Western imperialism will double down on queerphobia as a vulgar way of combating imperialism since bashing the queers is the path of least resistance. Because of this, queer people living in those countries will flock towards Western NGOs for safety and support, where they will be groomed to be agents of Western imperialism. What happens if the only source of information for HRT comes from some Western NGO that has a history of grooming ringleaders of color revolutions and is being actively surveilled by counterintelligence because of its role in color revolutions? Or even worse, what happens if that Western NGO promises hormones but you have to participate in fake protests, literally dangling hormones in front of desperate dysphoric trans people who need HRT? At a certain point, those governments will just choose to liquidate queer people, justifying it as a liquidation of traitors, the mentally colonized, Western sellouts, and weak moral d-words. And the really sad part about this is that their fears aren't even that completely off base because I don't know how many queer people will force themselves to live their life as a cishet for the sake of anti-imperialism or any other ideology for that matter. It doesn't work for queer Evangelicals forced to live their life as a cishet, so why should we expect this to work for any other ideology?

        Queer people everywhere should be free to live their life as their authentic selves. And what happens if their only option of living their authentic selves is through the doors of a Western NGO?

    • Letting Zionists play the reverse UNO card so Isntrael can BDS you.