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What Solarpunk Tech do you own?

Kind of curious what tech people own, everything from small to big tech. Assuming solarpanels are a given for a lot of peeps here, or maybe will be in the future. But what other tech do you own that you're happy with?

  • A stack of ewaste laptops I'm fixing up to give away, and this jailbroken Chromebook I reinstalled with Alpine Linux which has become my writing computer whenever I'm out and about.

    • Also; had never heard of Movim before, seems like quite the cool project - am also planning on startin my own blog so this might be the perfect solution for me :)

      • Movim is awesome! PoVoq put a bunch of work into getting it set up and linked with Lemmy so if you have an account here, you can just start using the microblogging platform too! I use WordPress for my art and writing and Movim for my making-and-fixing-type projects, and I mostly prefer Movim - the interface is nice, it's free, doesn't spatter everything I write with gross ads, and it's not corporate. I'd very much recommend it.

    • Wow! Thanks for sharing! LOVE that logo you spray painted onto the laptop - a nice touch. Did you design the logo yourself too? It should totally be the logo for the Solarpunk Technology Community!

      • Thanks! I pulled it from one of the more popular solarpunk flags. Out of all the ones I've seen, many of which feature the sun-and-gear motif in some configuration, it's my favorite symbol for the movement; It's very simple and visually clear, and easy to render with one color.

  • I started messing about with Linux/Raspberry Pi, Arduino, LoRa/Meshtastic in the past couple of months due to being (further) breadpilled with podcasts about open source, greenhouse automation, autonomous text-based communication and such.

    I'm not a tech person so I'm literally doing kid-level electronics tutorials on the Arduino ("Congratulations! You've made your first circuit!") and still get a kick out of running sudo apt-get update/upgrade and seeing the lines of text scrolling by.

    But I really like the concept of appropriate tech in conjunction with open source "stuff" and, since I'm in a position of being able to listen to ~6.5 hours of podcasts during my workday, I might as well learn something. I hope to get comfortable with electronics for DIY solar eventually, too

    • Renault EV hacked with OVMS and mostly running on locally produced electricity. Runs 80 km/h, seats two and always finds a parking spot.
    • Kon-Tiki Oven to produce bio charcoal which we use a lot to make our soil somewhat less compact.
    • Small Solar Power Roofs to keep the rain or the sun away when sitting on the bench (one can be seen behind the car).
    • Total of about 50 kWp Solar, which we enjoy a lot - produces reasonable energy even during the Winter. Unfortunately, when the grid goes down, our own solar will go down also. People often underestimate the effort and investment needed to make a large solar system workable off-grid.

    • New facade with about 25 cm of insulation made from wood fibre. All materials locally sourced, mostly from our own grounds. Keeps the building cool in summer and warm in winter.
    • OpenWB EV charging of EV only when we have excess solar production.
    • Rain water is not sent into the city collection system but kept on the grounds and further down is collected in a little lake.
    • Cheap Solar Lights with motion detectors. Help a lot to not tip over during the night - even works reasonable during winter when the days are very short.

    • Home-grown power management system: In winter we use excess energy to heat up the workshop ensuring it does not freeze during the night (if that's not enough, and it cools down below 1 C we automatically use grid power to keep it from freezing.
    • The fridge for the drinks is only run on excess power.
    • Well insulated workshop build beside the house, providing additional insulation to the living quarters.

    • Reactivated the old well, added a manual frost resistant water pump
    • We are looking into using solar power to fill the reservoir from the well on demand. But this will need some trench digging.
    • AirPods Pro or any other good noise-cancelling equipment to avoid getting def and dumb by roaring farm machinery.
    • We have a shepherd's wagon without any electricity. Basic services like warmth, light, coffee and pizza can be provided by fossil means.
    • We have something like a tiny house completely running on off-grid on solar: electric stove, baking oven, warm water, floor heating, etc. Works very well for 10 years now.

    • Holy shit, username checks out! You're absolutely mad (in the best possible way) 😅. Thanks for sharing this extensive list. A lot of neat projects you've got going on, am quite jelous 😊

    • do you happen to know if buying an old twizy around 1500euros is a bad deal? for having to change battery for example

      • Unless the thing is seriously broken 1500€ sounds cheap. Most twizys have rented batteries - Renault rents you the battery for 50€/month.

  • I have a pocket-sized solar panel I bought intending to charge my phone on the go. When it arrived and I tried it out I remembered that I live in bloody Auckland, New Zealand, where we've never actually seen the sun, so that was a bust.

  • An air-to-water heat-pump and a solar-thermal (vacuum tubes) hot water heater combination.