Welcome back! Depends on what you like, there's a good chunk of communities now. Just make sure to keep expectations in check, we're not Reddit, a good community here has a couple of posts a day and dozens, not thousands of comments. Your post here I'd say is doing pretty well.
We're still growing, slowly, but you're proof that people are growing tired of corporate social media.
Yeah, I couldn’t sleep last night, so I was looking around here for a while. I think browsing all might be good enough for now. I’m also really digging the smaller size; it seems to allow all posts made in good faith to get decent engagement. On Reddit, the early downvote I got on this post would have been a death sentence for responses, but now I’ve got lots to go off of here
Yeah we don't have the post counts to ignore one just because it got down voted once ! There are many posts that come back from the dead.
And I say this to everyone, you're already doing it'd be the change you want to see. If there's a niche community with no posts, start posting. People will gather to it.