cam someone spoon-feed me this meme? i don't get it.
All plants require different levels nutrients to grow. If the same plant is grown repeatedly in the same soil then the soil will run out of the nutrients that plant needs and growing that plant becomes difficult. By rotating through plants with different nutrient requirements, the soil can maintain a sustainable balance of nutrients.
We now use the scientific method to argue ideas, but in the past ideas could just be laughed at if people thought they sounded dumb. People laughed at ideas like the sun being the center of the solar system and doctors needing to wash their hands before surgery. Refusal to accept these ideas held humanity back from technological advancement.
Good explanation. Crop rotation also decreases plant diseases and insect damage.
I feel like this is something that would happened at one of my past shitty jobs or in a crappy friend group.
We now use the scientific method to argue ideas, but in the past ideas could just be laughed at if people thought they sounded dumb.
Used to before the whole covid scam anyway. Now it's "trust the science" which of course is an oxymoron. The whole point of science is that we don't trust it, we verify it. And that wasn't allowed.
You can't really grow the same crop in the same field season after season (without fertiliser), because they'll sap the specific nutrients they need from the soil. If you do that over and over eventually the soil wont have any food for that crop. Growing something different each season that takes different nutrients from the soil lets it recover the other ones. I don't know how it recovers on its own, circle of life stuff probably. Modern farming can cheat by artificially replenishing the nutrients with fertiliser.
It also makes it stronger against disease.
The problem is that even with crop rotation much of our soil is still nearly depleted. Most farmers aren’t doing enough varied rotation or rest cycles or regenerative farming since anything other than the same 2-3 crops isn’t profitable for them
Never thought about it that way, so if farmers (at this point probably mostly international big farming corporations) would just rotate their crops, they would not have to buy as much fertiliser, destroy the environment and probably a tonne of other disgusting stuff that comes with mono-cultures, like the excessive need for fertilisers? Yeah, that checks out 🥵 ("It's too much work! Other crops don't sell!")
Unobservant idiots will always try to hold progress back.
"Science progresses at the march of funerals" as they say
As others have said, a monoculture will drain those specific nutrients.
Beans are kinda special being a nitrogen fixer. Lot of plants will drain nitrogen so we fertilize as supplement.
Plant beans, squash, and corn together and you won't need to rotate your fields and the plants will form a sort of symbiosis working together.
farmers will rotate crops because they leech and release different nutrients from/into the soil. its common to follow up certain crops with beans because they release nitrogen or something into the soil. i'm sure someone else has a better understanding of how it works.
In addition to what Darth_Reagan said, it's for pest control as well. By keeping a plant in the field for more than one season, you provide a food source for pests whose parents went there to feed the previous one. Some diseases only impact certain crops and can stick around in the dead matter only to attack your vulnerable new plants.
She is playing the part of the dumb antagonist saying Jeff is stupid for rotating his crops.
Somehow the dumb antagonist is 5000 years old. Humanity can be dumb lol.
She's playing a collective of dumb antagonists, and Jeff may or may not be a collective of progressive thinking/experimenting people who were ignored throughout history despite their efforts.
If she's the mean girl of agricultural history I image there's also a prehistoric nerds table, planting the 3 sisters in an out of the way field. So they have a place to hang out on their own while getting laughed at for it.
thankfully, the assholes used to die off pretty quick back then.
How am I supposed to eat beans while watching Cars 2 now?
It doesn't matter, if it was a good idea 17 other people also had it and at least one of them is a big enough asshole to try it