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Top: KBt RE: 66, Akko Mod 005 Middle: Zoom 65, Qazimodo Bottom: Vault 35, Daisy 40, mISO 34
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Top: KBt RE: 66, Akko Mod 005 Middle: Zoom 65, Qazimodo Bottom: Vault 35, Daisy 40, mISO 34
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Aesthetically they look great. But my wrists hurt from carpal tunnel syndrome just looking at them. Especially the small ones.
Aren't they uncomfortable to use?
I've never found them uncomfortable, but I'm pretty small so maybe that helps.
As someone who uses a 40s keyboard (no numbers row, kinda similar to the bottom middle keyboard in OP's pic): my wrist pain that I got from typing 4-6 hours a day was gone once I started using them, because they're compact and I don't have to move my hands/wrists at all. When I type with a full-sized keyboard, I have to move my wrist when I want to type numbers, for example. Now I can type for 8+ hours a day without worrying about pain.
Of course, keyboards are all personal preference! That's why I love the mech keyboard community, seeing all the different layouts and shapes people tailor to use for themselves.
Scale for these is sometimes hard to give in pictures. Their use case is also important, as generally, you’re not typing a novel with these.
I got a few friends who work in IT like me who have keyboards line these. I wouldn't last an hour using those for daily programming.
So far my favorite keyboard for work has been the Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic keyboard. I haven't had any other keyboard match it's comfort.
They discontinued it but Lenovo now has a similar one.
They're not very good for gaming though. And the mouse is usually pretty lousy in terms of DPI.
So about gaming… A couple weeks ago I had a dream that I was gaming and my friend told me I was playing poorly because of my keyboard so then we got in a fight. I usually use a 65% for gaming but last week someone convinced me I could use the Vault 35 (green one on the bottom left) so I tried it last week. It went okay after I got everything mapped the way I wanted but then at one point I accidentally turned off my gaming layer and the friend who I got in a fight with in the dream started to get annoyed so I pretended my game was messing up. Then I came clean the next day and he said "fuck you".
Moral of the story is I'm going to continue gaming on the 35%.
Oh, the mechanical keyboard hobby has a rabbit hole for damn near every preference you've ever idly entertained for even a moment. There's an antire category of boards "Alice or Arisu" that does a similar split, though only a few have any slope along the left-to-right axis.
Then here on lemmy there's ! which is a little corner of the ergo community. They are NOT fucking around with their typing devices.