You can choose a super power, but the first person to reply can name a side effect.
You can choose a super power, but the first person to reply can name a side effect.
I always thought this was a fun topic. What power would you choose?
You can choose a super power, but the first person to reply can name a side effect.
I always thought this was a fun topic. What power would you choose?
Stop any confrontation by yelling "enough!"
Side effect: your voice cracks in an absurd way every time you use this power. Both parties find it too funny to continue fighting. They instead laugh at you.
Finally a plausible power.
It gets the job done
The power to stop/start time at will while still able to move & interact with stuff
It only works when your eyes are closed.
Your side effect is super cool, specially if you imagine that even light would be frozen in time. People in this thread keep choosing side effects that would ruin the super power but this one would be a problem but still worth using the power. With some practice you might even overcome some of thrle drawbacks.
Now I want a super hero with this power and side effect
Air particles also frozen
Wherever I am, everything becomes peaceful. Nations at war start peace talks. Long standing conflicts are immediately solved.
Wherever you leave from instantly goes to war.
They (the place ) can no longer stand you and you can never stay in a single place for more than a day.
Hahaha. You got me!
I'll be like Lassie (the classical trope of the main character charging setting every episode).
All of the violence and hatred that would have been present around you gets redirected somewhere else in the world. The more discord there was in a place before you arrived, the harder the redirection hits its new location. You occupy a bubble of peace but outside of it things get even worse. You always hear about this and see the consequences of it but you are never able to directly observe it because whenever you try, the discord gets redirected somewhere else.
You cursed me!
I especially (dis)like the fact that I may occupy a bubble of peace, but at the same time knowing things are getting worse.
You reduced me to either an obnoxious self-entitled prick, or a pathetic loser.
Thanks a lot. The world now hates me...
The ability to speak and translate between any languages
Now you can also speak and translate the languages of the trees and the rocks and the inanimate objects all around you and you have no way to get them to shut up.
First human being to get ghosted by the earth; I can live with that honor
The power of anti-cheeto dust fingers.
The power to be happy.
Only while asleep
*For others
You make everyone around you miserable
Mostly worth it.
But only when you are naked. Otherwise you'll be miserable. Sorry this got kinky real quick
Already to too close to irl
But only at the expense of others...
Immunity to side effects. I can take any drug, and it only does the thing it is meant to do. 😤
Swallowing pills is extremely difficult, and can only be roughed down with a semi chicken dance shuffle that involves hopping and takes 4 minutes too long for anyone noticing.
Viagra no longer works. You can no longer get high off any opiod, just the painkilling effects. Cortisone no longer treats skin conditions. Breast cancer meds, HIV retrovirals, rogaine, most antidepressants, and you'd better stay tf away from blood thinners and valium
You get type 1 diabetes
You have 10x the tolerance and nobody believes your immunity claims.
"Bullshit, dude."
"I'll show you..." Downs an entire bottle of Viagra, maintains an erection for exactly 3 hours 59 minutes
Immunity to internet-reply-based side effects
But Everyone loves you. Oh... wait....
The power to manifest any desired food in any quantity
It's all rotten.
Which sounds really bad but then you can basically replace all of the fertilizer in the world and will solve the nitrogen runoff problem for all of the planet for your entire life.
It manifests as a storm cloud, raining the food down over a large area over a short period of time.
I've seen that movie
Having this ability will cause you to lose self-control and become morbidly obese.
I’ll go first. The power to always know a person’s next move.
Side effect: you have a vision of the first move they'd make after taking your mom/dad on a date
First commentor missed the Cassandra side effect: you can do nothing to change it and no one believes you.
You can see a person's next move at the expense of generating negative causality, wherein large objects are attracted to you at high speed. See the man unwrapping a sandwich? Boom, hit by a bus/piano/anvil/whale.
Side effect: you're never prepared for the move they will be making next.
The ability to resolve any kind of conflict!
You can only do it with extreme violence
To use one of the all-time greatest movie quotes: "Put the cookie down!!"
Ability to controls technology with my mind.
you are extra susceptible to suggestion, don't turn off your adblocker ;)
Feel like it would still be worth it
You now also know absolutely nothing about tech
Or you get zaped back in time to the 18th hundreds
You have the power to make people instantly be extremely hungry
Side effect: you have a premonition of exactly what their bowel movement will smell like as a result of whatever they eat due to their hunger
When using your power you get uncontrollable diarrhea
You keep your original face.
Always accompanied by a horrifying metallic scraping sound that can be heard a mile around
You feel it, and it hurts as much as you'd imagine rearranging bones should hurt.
The power to travel through time, at the speed of regular time
Side effect: you still age at your regular rate.
Ability to eliminate others side effects.
They transfer to you
The power to control gravity at the atomic and cosmic scale
You already do, just a very tiny amount.
The power to change stoplights from red to green (and back again)
But you can only change the light after you’ve gone through it
You're the only one who is able to see the changes.
Edit: I decided that a superpower which only alters your perception is not really a superpower, so let me improve it: All drivers who have the same eye color as you will be able to see the changed colors. Other drivers will see the original colors. Enjoy!
The power to choose my own side effect
Exactly. Whatever side-effect is cast upon you, you THINK it was chosen by you. You're 100% sure it was your decision. You're blissfully but unfortunately erroneously way too self-confident.
Free frogurt with your choice of toppings.
Potassium Benzoate
The power to have ghost doctors from the 1750s perform really bad srs on anyone who tries to think of a bad consequence of me having this power.
The ghost doctors read "srs" as "serious" and just give me a mild glare
While they slice and dice you
The ghost doctors have bad eyesight and mistake you for everyone else.
Enjoy your mutilation
The power to send messages to your past self
Granted. Unfortunately, it only works when you send yourself hate mail.
Granted. Your past self now has the ability to send messages to you!
I can summon whatever food and drink I want in the moment
The summoning makes you feel nauseous
But it'll always appear on the opposite side of earth
Be able to have multiple save slots, change the outcomes of a timeline then save it within a savefile, and being able to bring items from different savefiles to the others. Would be cool to collect different iterations of games and movies.
I will always have full knowledge of everything and know how to do anything
You never get to use the power for your own enjoyment because people will never leave you alone…you will constantly assaulted with questions because everyone knows you have the answers. You have no peace.
Damn you got me... This sounds horrible
You become completely physically disabled, almost a complete vegetative state, and can't physically do any of it.
I'll know how to construct a full exoskeleton with a brain interface and communicate the instructions to someone who can build it for me. Just look at how well Stephen Hawkins fared
Dying on command.
But you'll wake up the next day in a someoneelse's body somewhere else on earth knowing nothing of your new bodys past experience language or anything. You can only remember your past life experience. This might not be as bad as I sounds actually. Could be interesting.
This would make a great book
Basically Quantum Leap
The power to teleport 1m forwards.
Everything in the whole universe also moves 1m forwards at the same time
Forwards is relative to the direction the Earth is traveling around the sun.
Your clothes and anything you are carrying don't teleport with you
the power to make plants grow faster
You age proportionally to the plant until the effect is done.
i.e. make a plant that takes 10 days to grow to maturity grow in the span of 2 days, you age 10 days in those 2 days
Excess consumption of nutrients rapidly depletes the soil causing biome collapse
Powe of kicking cures diabetes.
Kicking causes your legs to fall off.
You can't control your feet and they always shapeshift to a size that makes your shoes too tight.
Just take off the shoes before.
In order to manipulate objects with telekinesis, you sever the link between the object and the earths gravitational pull.
Every object you use your power on now has the ability to drift and float away if not strapped down.
This includes, but is not limited to: people, animals, and buildings.
That's not a bug, it's a feature.
Side effect: you have a 25% chance of your pants and underwear being affected instead of your desired target.
Granted. You also have prostate cancer.
Time&space travel
I think I'll add my own:
You teleport in 1cm units relative to the center of our galaxy, meaning you have to think of xyz of each teleportation and you if you miss caclulate enjoy being dead and in space.
Time is in epoch ms and leaves you in the same spot relative to the center of the galaxy.
Thanos snap that targets right wingers.
Only those that aren't racist.
The snap makes them even louder and more obnoxious.