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  • JP is literally the stereotypical dilettante that he says is miserable in his book. It's probably why he is so familiar with the topic, it's a self help book for himself. If you have ever seen any of his live streams, the man literally keeps a dirty office.

    That said, all JP has inspired is school shootings and pressuring for sex, he is no comparison to the man around whom both the 20th and 21st century revolves.

  • It used to be that reading the work of someone before you criticized them was considered a requirement. Now anybody can become an anti-Marxist without reading a single word he wrote.

    • This reminded me of his debate with Zizek. He couldn't be assed to do more than skim the Manifesto to critique Marx

      • This phenomenon, I think, is due to a campaign of obfuscation and a continual attack on the meaning and substance behind these things.

        These concrete terms and concepts have been reduced to vague inclinations and undefined and fundamentally nebulous and ungraspable phenomena. Instead of critiquing solid beliefs and ideas accompanied by a rigorous body of academic work, you are now critiquing and defending a “feeling”. A constant, all-encompassing and omnipresent feeling, but a feeling nonetheless. And arguments about feelings don’t have anything to do with academics. All you have to do is argue from some inherent, innate knowledge that you know you must possess because doing the reading is too much work, even as you spend hours a day posting screeds about Chinese cum machines on twitter. This is why debate has been reduced to such an uneducated joke that it can scarcely still be called debate. “Marxism” and “capitalism” - these terms have been robbed of their meaning and therefore any debate can only be devoid of intellectual vigor. How many anticommunist can name a single Marxist concept and form a coherent critique? You’d be hard pressed to find one that doesn’t just go on a meaningless tirade about 1984. This is the result of decades of American anti-intellectualism. Now we have to live in a world where the aesthetics of intellectual meaning are still there but the thing itself is dead.

        Obviously, meaningful discussions occur every day. But about Marxism and in a mainstream setting? Forget about it.

    • Idk, I can only read the word linen so many times before it starts to not seem like a real word and the rest of my language comprehension starts to degrade from there.

    • Meanwhile, the dweebs who follow Peterson will of course insist that you read every word he ever wrote and watch his 2700 hours of youtube content before you're allowed to express any opinion on their doctor daddy.

      It's very convenient.

    • He didn't consider human nature. $1 million for this keen insight, please.

  • Hey Jordan

    Have you fixed the world yet? No? Cleaned your room yet? No?

    Then fuck off and stop telling a real political scientist who actually inspired revolutions and actually changed the world how to do his job.

    Marx literally inspired the Soviets, who in turn got the first human into space. He fucking changed the world and you aren't worth the shit on his boots.

  • HENRIETTA MARX: where do you think you’re going

    KARL MARX: to my room

    to write more poems for Jenny von Westphalen

    HENRIETTA MARX: well while you’re up there

    you might as well clean the room if you’re going to be doing poems in it

    KARL MARX: i’ll do it LATER

    HENRIETTA MARX: i left the cleaning supplies outside your door

    you’ll do it now

    KARL MARX: wow mom

    it’s the MEANS of production

    not the CRUELS of production

  • history is going to forget you, Jordan

    history will not forget Marx unless we destroy ourselves before building what he initially envisioned

  • The idea that there is, out there in the world, one motherfucker dumb enough to read this and take it seriously is enough to make me wanna go back in time and pulverize the first human ancestor to crawl out of the sea

  • There's a lot of like, lifestyle attacking when it comes to Marxism. I got a book from my father in law once that was an epic take down of Marxism, but focused a lot on points like Marxists are miserable people, Marxists wouldn't be Marxists if they were happy, etc. Guess it's just typical avoiding the actual logic at hand, but it's still interesting, and at the very least funny when you try and retroactively apply it to some guy in the 1800s you are entirely disconnected from

  • JBP's gonna take this so strongly that he's gonna invent time travel just to fulfill it. Watch!

    • Dear Friedrich,

      Today a strange Canadian man appeared in my apartment and started berating me in broken German about the messy state of my rooms. I drove him away with a few stout blows from a fireplace poker which I had recently retrieved from the pawn shop.



      PS: send more money I'm broke again lol