As for people who are politically backward, Communists should not slight or despise them, but should befriend them,unite with them, convince them and encourage them to go forward. -Mao Zedong
Okay, just for funsies, I used chatGPT to see if it could come up with a name for that kind of aesthetic. I figured it would come up with something like retrofuturistic communism or something.
Nope, it just spits back an error. It won't even touch it. It's like nope I saw a Hammer and Sickle and I ain't doing shit about it.
Other chats still work, and in fact, the chat still works so long as that image isn't in the history.
It's so fucking obvious that America is repressive. Built straight into our tools. I feel like it took me a while to get to this point, but I totally fucking understand why China has banned Google and anything else that doesn't comply.
I need a Chinese-made bot that can speak English and actually talk about communism. STAT! Actually, if anybody knows one seriously, I'm happy to try it out. I need to step back into the AI news game. I've been away from it for a while.
The quote is nice and has a right thought behind it, though, concidering Mao's actions, even if he actually said it, i doubt he ever really meant it.
The 20th century was a century of bloody dictatorships, and i think it is time to bring the new age of politically and ideologically strong leaders to the world: not as bloodstained, but still willing to overthrow the regiment of bloated inhumane cowards. After all, the world has changed a lot since the last century.
My point is, we have to stop praising glorious people of the past in order to see the potential leaders of the future.
All i see is how unhappy people are with the current regiment, but its almost as they are not willing to do anything about it. Are you really dislike our current politic paradigm as much as you're trying to convey if you're not actually doing anything?
Sorry, don't mind me, i'm just shouting to the void and noone in particular.
This isn't about "great leaders", it's about us. Here's what's meant by the quote:
As for people who are politically backward, [we] Communists should not slight or despise them, but should befriend them, unite with them, convince them and encourage them to go forward.
without a leader the crowd is just a bunch of unorganized people. The quote is not a recipe for organization, rather a one for converting people to your ideology. I have no idea how you have concluded what you just said.
Unless you build a hierarchical structure, there will be no order and therefore no coordination in people's actions. Just like now people are sitting here on the internet, ranting that the system is rotten, but basically doing nothing. They're either not actually believing in what they say, or need someone who will be able to motivate them to go on the barricades. If you're not ready to die for your ideology then may be its not really your ideology after all, and you've simply been tempted by the utopian fantasies of a bunch of dreamers? You know, like modern christians who do believe in existence of heaven, but don't in one of hell. Of course everyone wants to end up in the firs but not in the latter, but this way of thinking, that believing in the right thing will get them there is as immature as it could be.
sorry, the last paragraph is me continuing screaming to the void. Its just that this quote made me thinking and after some time of inner dialogue i've came to the thougts i wrote here. They are not quite relevant to the post, i simply need to let the steam out. As i said, don't mind me.