President Biden says Hamas is motivated by "ancient desires" to eliminate Jews
President Biden says Hamas is motivated by "ancient desires" to eliminate Jews
President Biden says Hamas is motivated by "ancient desires" to eliminate Jews
Racist and politically incompetent. Amazing.
But correct?
What do you think hamas is committed to?
Probably the Israeli money they're taking...
The Hasbara-in-Chief is still pushing the debunked mutilation and rape allegations.
This is the same Palestine that is getting bombed to shit, right?
Odd how nobody talks much about the Zionists showing up after the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and finding ways to expand their territory at the expense of Palestinians. Often using violent means.
Curious how the vote to establish Israeli didn't include Palestinians living there
Vote for the nazi or the other nazi will win, vote for the nazi or the other nazi will win, vote for the nazi or the other nazi will win
Don't worry… it's not racist because Uncle Joe said it. /s
that sounds racist!
Racist with a side of greed for oil.
You see hamas has been there since thousands of years ago and has been trying to eliminate the jews /s
Oh wait it was a new creation in the last century, I wonder why...