this picture is 27kb
this picture is 27kb
this picture is 27kb
Can confirm. I pedest, and it's more useful for me to know how long it will take to get somewhere than how far away that somewhere is. One effects my time of departure, the other is just a fun fact.
In utah, I can average 80 mph on a road trip, in the houston texas area I can go maybe 20 mph average, so time is a lot more useful of a measure.
Yeah I'm a tad confused at why it's weird to measure by time. If I'm trying to get somewhere deep in the city vs on highway traffic the whole time vs something in between the two, the same distance will give you radically different times to traverse it.
It's also useful to give other people time estimates. Isn't it more useful to tell your boss that you'll be 15 minutes late versus the distance away in miles or kilometers? How about when you're a guest arriving at someone's house? Isn't it more logical to tell them you're 30 minutes from arrival as opposed to giving them the exact distance away in km or mi, especially when they might not know whether you're arriving from a high traffic area or not?
There is a lot you can criticize the US for and it would be totally valid. This one is bizarre and unwarranted.
We moved to Colorado and 10 miles takes me about 15 minutes to cross the city we’re in, 30 in traffic. Where we grew up 10 miles around the city was 1-2 hours regardless of time of day (except maybe 2am). The country is just way too diverse for distance to be nearly as meaningful at transit time.
"The British think 100 miles is a long way.
The Americans think 100 years is a long time."
45 minutes by car.
28 hours on foot.
Unless you’re trying to get across San Francisco, New York, Austin, or LA in mid day traffic. Then it’s 45 min by foot, and 28 hours by car.
IDK about NYC, man. I was there once and my initial impression was media lied about the traffic. There was no cars anywhere; but the sidewalks were crowded as fuck. 🤣
And every time I thought "screw all these people, I'm taking a cab" I'd tell them where I wanted to go and they were like "I'm not gonna take your money to go 2 blocks."
I drove a lady home from a party in NYC at like midnight, and I said "Oh, it's only five miles that won't be bad"
It took an hour to get there and back. I wasn't really mad because she was cute and maybe into me but we could have walked that distance in the same amount of time.
In the Midwest, we sometimes measure distance in number of songs.
My daughter is always asking how long until whatever and I usually say 3 SpongeBobs or however many SpongeBobs or takes
I do this with Titanic for long trips / flights.
My commute was an album and an EP long
"It takes two and a half Hamiltons to get to uncle Jack's house."
Must be a small pic, it loaded in less than 0.1% of a football game.
We relate distances in drive times around here
I measure in Freedom Eagles per Hamburger
Same as physicist measuring interval in special relativity. And I am talking about the bottom picture.
Is that instrument cluster from a jeep zj?
how are you so smart
I thought it's a joke about Boeing, but the 'n' was missing