Trump's mug shot
Trump's mug shot
Trump's mug shot
I've been waiting for this day for so long, seeing this wannabe dictator commit crime after crime with no consequences and hearing so many people saying this would never happen, but here we are. Cheers my American neighbors! This is a good day for democracy!
I agree, but also a tragic day. This does nothing to reduce the polarization or convince his misguided followers of anything. Trump might go away but his voters won't. We have decades of this to look forward to. It's a step in the right direction at least...
I am going to disagree with you here. This is a long process. This teachers our kids about consequence. There is a lot more gears spinning than just punishing the big Cheeto.
Oh well, if he was allowed to get off without any consequences, it would be far, far worse.
It may be dark going forward, but we need to savor every bit of victory we can get like cold water on a searing summer day.
The alternative is worse.
Isn't this like the 3rd mug shot over the past few months, or did we not get to see those? I've lost track.
The other ones didn't take mugshots
I agree, but is this a consequence tho
That's what op is saying.
how long did he study this expression in front of the mirror, i wonder
He should of worked on it more, it's no Blue Steel
Orange Smudge
He somehow managed to make himself look even more like a dipshit than usual.
It's 100% a toddler version of angry face. I've seen it many times but only from toddlers or as a joke.
“I’m not gonna poop I’m not gonna poop I’m not gonnapoop I’m notgonnapoop I’mnotgonnapooooooop….”
See I'm getting more of a "why the fuck can't I poop" vibe from it. Anger and rage and pain
He must have based it off that Goebbels picture when he realized the photographer was Jewish
Not sure but I've seen it before.
Edit: here
these look like he has difficulty seeing: now where is the camera
Merde oui
La meilleure pic de 2023.
Better than putin on time magazine
If you really think about it, he has never looked away from the image of himself in the mirror.
thanks for the reminder
Study?! Has he ever?
I call this one, Red Rain
Red Rain
He’s trying so hard to hide his neckgina
You know it's bad when you're using your combover to block your neckgina.
His head got stuck in the sous vide
It does look weirdly practised. Do you think he asked them to see it before he left? Or asked them to retake it.
Is that what he's doing?? I was trying to figure out what's going on in this pose lmao.
Using those MySpace angles
You can bet he spent time practicing that pose in front of a mirror at Mar-a-Lago beforehand. That’s supposed to be his ‘If you fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you ‘ look, but it’s more like ‘mommy, I think I did doo doos’.
Guliani made an almost identical pose. Maybe they worked on it together after a smush sesh.
Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to hide the characteristics of a coward hiding behind a facade.
Get out of here I'm trying to take a shit! And find me some laxatives!
What is it with all these mug shots having a similar scowl going on?
And looking like they were photographed with a webcam from 2004?
How do you afford quality cameras when your budget goes to militarization of the force?
Have you ever been booked? It's because it is almost certainly a webcam and a very old one at that.
Nuh uh! Mine was at least taken with a webcam from 2010
He's trying to look defiant and outraged. Guy knows how to work his marks. I guarantee you every Republican looking at that photo is getting a massive boner over it.
Yeah, but even Giuliani is making the same scowl, and that guys a total dope.
The tee shirts are probably rolling off the press minutes after the photo was released.
Police officers and cameras don't seem to get along very well.
Cops are the only photographers in the world better at setting up the lighting for black people.
Camera angle... The camera looks like it's set up high, so arrestees have to tilt their heads up when getting their mugshots. Tends to give people a Kubrick Stare.
Certainly odd camera angle, plus bad lighting and maybe an atypical focal length (for what the avg person is used to seeing)?
Here's hoping this is the last time in my life I have to gaze upon this grotesque misshapen oompa loompa.
His appearance is irrelevant. There's plenty of us ugly guys here. But not everyone is such a jerk.
Oh I agree wholeheartedly. But every time I see his ghoulish rictus of a face it reminds me that for four miserable years the democratically elected* leader of the largest economy in the world was a philandering child rapist. One who is only now facing the slightest possibility of consequence for a tiny fraction of his crimes because he engaged in honest to god high treason. Nothing against ugly dudes. You're cool.
*kind of
A cautionary tale of when the ugliness unside morphs the flesh into a lumpy miscolored mass of dangling skin
Bro, thats offensive. The oompa loompas look way better.
True enough. Say what you will about the 'loompas, they lift.
On a side note politicians love these comments as they joke about it too at rallies and increases support.
Makes me wonder what politicians can into jokes of culture popularized the people who died as a result of their actions.
Trump had agreed to a $200,000 bond and other release conditions, including not using social media to intimidate co-defendants or witnesses in the case.
Just gotta point this thing out. Seems soft to me idk. Maybe they just want to give him more rope to see how much he will hang himself with it this time, but really a ban from all social media would make the most sense considering how much harm his posts on there have caused.
To me it seems like the trump team had them retake te photo several times. It's off center, it's a non standard angle, and they're letting him make a face unseen in most mug shots.
Yes and if you look at the other mugshots in the series, most have a big glare spot. Trump almost certainly got photo privileges
I'm starting to default to think they're playing the rope angle really hard. He absolutely will not be able to conform to those terms. Though they should not have limited it to "social media", he has access to all the communication channels the world has to offer to put a hit out.
Finally a real picture
Is it just me or…
Launch him!
"Ahhhhhhh, hing ahhh!"
He's still wearing the same suit with the red tie? The man's like Bart Simpson.
Is that his fcking blue steel look? Wonder how long he spent practicing that expression in the mirror this week.
blue steel
Orange Lead
I wonder how long he sat in front of the mirror and practiced that.
You got this, Donald... make 'em wait for it... BOOM
This is…. Exactly what I hoped it would be lol.
I wonder if he’ll make a new nft trading card based on it 🤔
They're already selling T-shirts with it printed on them.
I can only hope that "The guy on that one T-shirt" never becomes this picture instead of Che
Sadly this will be an excellent fundraising opportunity for him.
Annoying Orange goes to prison.
And apparently he's listed as 6'3" weighing 215 lbs. That is not the face of a 215 lb person over 6 feet.
He is 5'6 if we're been generous. Just look at pictures of him at the podium and compare them to pictures of other presidents. No way he is 6 foot.
The correctional officer saying to Trump in his cell: "Who are you going to call?"
God, is this a joke? This is the actual mugshot? I thought you'd be required to keep a straight face for that. Where's the side view?
That's probably as straight as he can stand in those stupid heel lifts.
Kim kardashian wore less makeup in her mugshot.
I can't find a Kim Kardashian mugshot, did that happen? If so, DDG is covering it up.
6’3”, 215 my ass. Lolololololol
He has been looking a lot thinner lately. I was thinking about that last video I seen.
He old. He can’t stay fat and alive.
I think he's been stressing all these indictments. That's why he dropping weight.
Ugly looking fucker, ain't he?
I've been wondering, didn't mug shots use to have front and side views, with height lines on the wall behind? And why did they take his word on height and weight? Because unless he's been on Ozempic he's nowhere near 215. And 6'3"? Maybe in platform lifts.
Here's a list of everybody who got arrested:
Lol, the only person who couldn't make bail was the only black guy!
Only one who wasn't offered bail you mean.
My God.... Seeing the photos and reading the charges..... Scissor me timbers!
That feeling when you're trying to hold back a shit, but you're currently being photographed for a mug shot.
Tried to hold back a shit...
That is definitely the face of “I tried hard, but it slipped through the crack.”
Wow, what a tough guy! LOoooool.
Oh and the sore loser had to lie about his height and weight, too. Sheesh.
why is this radiating "Mom said its my turn on the xbox!" energy
NBC has the full lineup here:
Jesus Christ that lineup looks like a collection of old folks dressed up after Sunday church about to make some IHOP waitress's last few hours of her shift a literal hell on Earth.
By mugshot standards Jenna Ellis looks damn good. Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, David Shafer, Cathy Latham, and Harrison Floyd look like pretty respectable mug shots also. I mean Ray Smith has what I would expect most mug shots to look like. I don’t understand the critique with these. Especially Jenna, that shit looks better than any other government photo I’ve ever had taken and none of mine have been mug shots. I mean I’m ugly but still. I have a hard time believing it wouldn’t go into a top 100 list of best mug shots, the “photographer” and web cam showed up for that one just as much as she did.
Replace IHOP with America and you've nailed it.
Can someone please take a screenshot? I'm getting bombarded with popups.
When will the dart boards with that face be available? Or will they be Biden's main campaign giveaway?
It's 100% legal to create shooting targets based off of real people. First amendment protected
I have a friend with a print shop, I'm sure I can have some made.
I need this on a t-shirt
I just bought one. Dont care if it goes towards his defense, its fucking hilarious.
Chaotic neutral over here...
A fool and his money are easily parted.
Not going to be able to wear it without everyone thinking it's "in solidarity". Though I've been thinking lately that we should start immediately adopting any symbol they love as a symbol for something they hate. e.g. swastika as the new pride symbol, and they don't ever get it back, just like they do with every symbol that is supposed to represent being against all the terrible traits they embody. And I'm not talking about putting rainbow colors on it, we take the original. Everyone would have to get onboard of course, I'm not putting on a Gadsden flag shirt unless it's going to start repelling incels, instead of inviting them to talk to me about crypto.
The find out phase begins!
Nothing will fundamentally be changed by this but I am waiting for the photoshop battles with giddy anticipation
It’s like, a 1 MP camera. 🤔
That's definitely a higher resolution version floating around.
looks fake
With so much money spent on the police, you'd expect at least a HD photo for the mugshots
Not very frightening at all
It's like that face one makes as like a 12 year old when you're mad and desperately trying to look intimidating, but just look silly because you're blatantly overdoing it and don't look very intimidating anyway.
Book 'Em, Danno
I'm sorry to be even asking, but, is this real?
Yep! Got the update from AP news last night!
Looks like someone's punched his left eye, and then given him pinkeye in both eyes.. look how bloodshot they are!
He's been crying.
The same face every grampa makes when kids are on his lawn…
....yer fired.
Hahahahaha he looks like a toddler who poopied his diapers
One for the history books. Good to see. Fully deserved.
That's him, showing the world his real face.
Blue Steel.
He calls that look “Blue Steal”
Blew steal
Is he... Pooping?
Blue steel
What, me worry?
Big Unsolved Mysteries vibes from this pic. Like he's the guy that disappeared that everyone had a reason to hate.
Disappointed not grabbing the pussy.
Trying to determine if this is AI generated or not lol
It's the real deal
Yep, seen it a hundred times after now. Bring it on!
Looks like trump has a new truth social profile photo. LOL
There's something really funky going on with his eyes in particular even outside his normally goofy look
It's ok he just shit his pants
Looks like his buttplug got accidentally dislodged but he can't fix it right at that moment
Great! This means I can expect memes by tomorrow morning. Get to work people; "Do that vudu that you do so well!"