It not being enforced seemed to make people think that now they have a right to be mad about it.
I just don't see a case for this upset. What am I missing? The requirement was spelled out the whole time.
All I see is people not reading the not-fine-at-all print and then being upset when the rule starts being enforced.
I honestly don't understand the problem here.
Now why it was offered for sale in regions that can't use PSN is a mystery. Those accounts should definitely be refunded beyond the "normal" refund window and Steam needs to pay attention to that kind of thing a lot better than this. They wouldn't have necessarily known that the account wasn't possible for them, so that's totally understandable.
But for those who are in a country that can get the account, I just don't see a leg for them to stand on here.
If I'm missing something here please tell me. I love using my pitchfork. But I just don't see justification here specifically.
Sony has been hacked half a million times, why should I give them more data when they've shown the game doesn't need the link to function perfectly fine? This is all data collection bullshit and the more we allow it to happen, the more normalized it becomes, the more people like you "don't see a leg to stand on here".
I don't understand feeling those things and then choosing to buy a Sony game that requires a Sony account, normalizing and supporting such practices. Giving people money is far more of a normalization tactic.
I didn't, that mention said it was potential some games might have PSN linking on Sony's side, and I didn't see any such actual requirement on the game itself. That's why I refunded my game when this started, this is nonsense and I won't support it.