The horrors we've unleashed
The horrors we've unleashed
The horrors we've unleashed
Stupid sexy Descartes!
Wearing nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
They hated AI because it was telling the truth
They hate me cuz they AInt me.
Cogito ergo sum gains?
I thicc therefore I am
Cogito ergo gym
Yo bae, I’m thicc, therefore I am.
You could smell that boy's clam wafting down past the wharf.
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, good morning, Descartes! [slide guitar riff]
This is the result of putting Descartes before the horse.
fuckin hell dude leave some quads for the rest of us
I squat, therefore I am beefcake.
We sure that’s not some lost Frank Zappa album art?
I think, therefore I gam
I thicc, therefore I am
They're thick because descartin' his ass around all day.
funny af but why put this on science memes?
Big Papa Descartes
The work provides a systematic statement of his metaphysics and natural philosophy, and represents the first truly comprehensive, mechanistic account of the universe.
A PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy for a reason. He is a seminal figure in the history and philosophy of science and greatly influenced the scientific method. He also laid the foundations for multiple fields.
Didn't know the guy was a Tour de France champ.
Should have named it the Tour Des Cartes.
He knows what he got and he isn't afraid to show it off.
Aint no writer gonna have quads like that
The moment I knew discourse about image AI would never be sensible was when someone expanded The Birth Of Venus and people were talking shit about the composition. Like the goal was to improve on Botticelli... not to demonstrate this absurd magic that was impossible six months earlier.
[Contra theme intensifies]
Is he preparing to give birth?
Too bad he was a piece of turd otherwise.
I mean he's French.jokingmaybe