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  • I think one of the most surprisingly venomous reactions I ever got personally was on "the other site" for destiny 2. I made some suggestions that basically were "allow people to hide t-bagging, here's how it could work, and also allow people to disable emotes on their client."

    I'm an anti-fun Nazi cry baby evidently that just isn't on their level and can't take the heat. I just don't get their amazing side game of getting up in my head. I have no business playing a "competitive" game, taunts and being rude are "just part of the game." Their fun depends on other people being angry and any suggestion that their taunts might be disabled/the other person doesn't see their taunting is going to ruin the game.

    I was mostly posting that because a friend kept getting ticked every time I tried to get him into destiny PVP. So of course they attacked me as if "my friend" is imaginary.

    The best part was when the mods removed the post for "not having enough to do with Destiny 2" because I bothered to make reference to I think it was what other games were doing or something like that.

    Madness to me. Absolute madness.

  • In the runescape community there is a divide btw runescape 3 and osrs. Jagex devoted most of their resources to rs3 while osrs had 5x the player base of paying customers.

    Jagex released an update to rs3 that was basically a shit on the face of the community and only introduced more micro transaction pay2win bullshit into the game. This rs3 player made a post on the osrs subreddit explaining the situation and how the game they love is being destroyed by jagex greed. Now keep in mind osrs players also are pissed at jagex for destroying the game they love and dropping the ball with osrs at the time.

    How does the osrs community react to this out stretched hand. They spit in the posters face. Downvoted to hell with 1000s of comments clowning the guy saying no one gives a fuck about rs3 and that they are glad jagex is putting micros in rs3 because it's better there than osrs. Calling rs3 a dead game. Basically saying you're an idiot for spending tens of thousands of hours playing a game that is shit and it doesn't deserve to be saved.

  • Any post on lemmy that goes against the Linux/ FoSS hivemind gets down voted instantly, regardless if it is well thought out or not.