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  • Stephen Kings IT. Also listening to Stephen King The Outsider in preparation of Holly coming out in September.

  • Trudi Canavan - The Ambassador's Mission

    Loved the first trilogy, only recently found out there's a second.

  • Convenience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata. I'm on page 30 of 160.

    Also procrastinating on these:

    • Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus - Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley
    • A Manual for Creating Atheists - Peter Boghossian
  • Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith (project gutenberg)

    It's slow going because of the archaic style, but will be a revelation to anyone who thinks Smith doesn't care about humanity.

    • I haven't read Theory of Moral Sentiments yet, but Freakonomics did a fantastic podcast series on Adam Smith. They spend a lot of time on the Theory of Moral Sentiments and how what he actually wrote doesn't match the current "perception" of him.

  • The Morning Star by Karl Ove Knausgård. Only read the first couple of chapters yet but I'm enjoying it so far.