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Ubuntu's Mozillateam PPA now forcing users over to snap install for Firefox.

What use to be the PPA that allowed Ubuntu users to use native .deb packages for Firefox has recently changed to the same meta package that forces installation of Snap and the Firefox snap package.

I am having to remove the meta package, then re-uninstall the snap firefox, then re-uninstall Snap, then install pin the latest build I could get (firefox_116.0.3+build2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~mt1_arm64.deb) to keep the native firefox build.

I'm so done with Ubuntu.

  • Yeah… For years I already suggested anything good but Ubuntu to those interested in trying Linux, but now I'm going to directly tell them not to touch it. Sure, you've got lots of online discussions from the past 20-ish years of people teaching each other how to install PPAs for up-to-date versions of programs or drivers and that's sweet. But how about a distro where that stuff is just available out of the box and one that doesn't force you to use snaps as if they didn't cause issues left and right?

  • Yeah, snaps are garbage as long as canonical keeps the backend locked. Better to switch to a more userfriendly distro. If you want to stay in the deb ecosystem ... maybe go with something like Mint or Pop!_OS or debian (testing)

    • Debian's packages are more up to date than those in Mint and PopOS. Why people always complain about Debian being out of date, but never complain about that with other distros is beyond me. I guess people just repeat what they hear or read without ever thinking for themselves. Some might call them sheeple, me I just become ever so slightly more disgruntled.

  • You may need to move away from Ubuntu to an Ubuntu-based distro. Pop!_OS still packages firefox as a deb

  • The last time I had to deal with Firefox-Snap on a fresh Ubuntu install, it kept crashing on launch. Grabbed a tarball and that justworks (TM). That was around a year ago. Hopefully the situation has gotten better.

  • This may be caused by pinned versions or preferences not being setup correctly in your apt config, rather than a problem with the PPA. It could have been caused by the recent 117 update.

    In /etc/apt/preferences.d/ you can create files to control which versions and releases are used for which packages. This is how linux mint prevents snap from getting in, (even though they package their own firefox with its own customizations). Setting up something like:

    Package: snapd
    Pin: release a=*
    Pin-Priority: -10


    Package: firefox
    Pin: release o=Ubuntu
    Pin-Priority: -10

    should get it working better for any further upgrades

  • I've been having no issues with the Firefox snap on Ubuntu 22.04lts since I upgraded last month.

    • Then you have a use case that doesn't hit the limits of it's implementation. I am both glad for you, in that it hasn't bit you, and sad for you, in that you have let yourself be sucked into the proprietary ubuntu app store, known as snap.

    • You haven't tried to run it in containers, have you?