Is it clear how close they have to be to an ex-President at all times? Is the law written that they need to be in visual contact at all times? I have no idea.
I hadn't thought of it that way. He's definitely entitled to protection while in prison. I don't see any statute or regulation that sets a distance. They have to protect dude though.
It's called 'protective custody.' Child molesters, known stool pigeons, and ex-cops are kept in a separate area. Cells are locked 23 hours a day with one hour of exercise alone in a segregated yard.
There's no statute and the secret service doesn't comment on protection procedures. It'd be kind of silly if you could plan an assassination by just reading a law.
I imagine it's a case of the Secret Service coordinating with the State on how to handle Trump. No matter what he did, he's a former president, and is entitled to the protection of the Secret Service.
They roshambo over who has to go buy a camp chair and a kindle to sit outside the cell?
In all seriousness, there is basically zero chance trump ends up in gen pop. He'll be in the whitest of white collar prisons (if not just house arrest) and it will be comparable to guarding him at a golf course. Just with fewer plane rides.
Honestly, him never being president again and having to stay alone for a few years in a cheap motel with free HBO with the Secret Service guarding outside would be enough for me.
One of those really sleazy rooms with the heart shaped jacuzzi that has the DNA of thousands of people clogging the pump. And a bed that vibrates if you put a quarter in it. And wood panel walls.
Basically zero chance. People think he is rich so he gets rich people prison. Not where you put the poors.
Also, there is zero chance the secret service will even attempt to protect someone in a supermax. People are fine ignoring the hellscape that is the american prison system until they know someone in there. And those secret service agents would be tasked with keeping him alive around violent criminals. That would be vetoed IMMEDIATELY. Hell, Biden might even step in at that point.
On the incredibly off chance he is not put in a prison that would make Martha Stewart's stint look rough, he would be in solitary basically 22 hours a day. Which...
Look, the bleeding heart liberal in me feels that even the orange shitstain doesn't deserve that. But every other fiber of my being... ain't gonna lose any sleep over it.
I was about to say - being a supermax, there is no interaction with other prisoners, so that makes the Secret Service's job easier.
Most likely though, I'm thinking the Dept. of Corrections may end up building a dedicated facility just for Trump. A prison with one prisoner sort of like Spandau Prison in Germany.
There is still zero chance they are putting someone they are tasked with protecting in there. Shit happens and he is still surrounded by VERY violent offenders.