Living the dream
Living the dream
Full luxury.
Living the dream
Full luxury.
seems like an addiction to me but alright buddy
Yeah this does not sound healthy and I don't think this behaviour should be nornalised and propagated...
Especially considering weed suppresses REM sleep
Hey shut up, nerd
rips bong
I remember when a recovered alcoholic came to our school to talk to us about alcoholism.
One of my class mates asked "when did you realise you were addicted?", he answered "when I'd wake up to swig some vodka and then just go back to sleep again".
So yh, you might be right. I personally don't think cannabis is as destructive as many other well known drugs, but it can still be a bad habit and you can always have too much of a good thing.
Makes me think of how we perceive the flow of time; how novel experiences create a flood of memories, potentially affecting your perception of the flow of time to make your life feel like it has lasted longer. And then I think about those old friends, with an extremely limited amount of novel experiences after high school... We used to jam all the time, they all played an instrument of some kind and they've all long given up in favor of endless wake and bake and being perpetually high. It doesn't ruin your health quickly like other drugs, it just has a tendency to convince people its OK to do literally nothing. There's a time and place for that; many times and many places, actually. Its when that time and place becomes all the time and everywhere that it can be insidious.
I bet the last thing anyone ever thinks on their death bed is "I really wish I smoked more weed".
most average Dutch person
Two ibuprofen and a quarter of a Delta 9 gummy and the only thing you're getting up for is emergency diarrhea!
Just take a sleeping pill.
Terrible advice. Sleeping pills are much more addictive than cannabis and you should only take them if your doctor advised you to.
I'm not saying OPs behaviour is healthy.
Lol because there's no side effects / risks / addiction potential in sedatives/hypnotics?
Mm, yes.
I use weed and Ambien for sleep (not both all the time, but you get it) and while I Ambien suits me very well, I can see the abuse potential and know a lot of people who choose to avoid it due to all manner of behaviour. And very often nowadays, what is prescribes for slight insomnia is something like a small dose of seroquel, which is practically poison compared to weed. Originally it was meant only for the most severe manic schizophrenics and bipolar patients. Then they started pushing it "a little" and despite being fined for hundreds of millions for bad marketing practices, it's still pushed a lot.
"Take a sleeping pill"
Why not cannabis? Smoking is unhealthy, yes, but herb vaporisers are pretty innocuous as delivery mechanisms.