Or we could do metric time
Or we could do metric time
Or we could do metric time
As a software dev who has lost weeks of his life dealing with timezones, leap days, daylight savings time, date math and other associated nonsense I fully support this being the way the world is. I don't want to go through the transition to get there though
Bad news: this has nothing to do with timezones, leap days nor daylight saving time. Honestly, leap days would be worse because they wouldn't be part of the 7 day week
It's accounted for just like any other leap year, add it to the end of a month as a universal holiday. Most calendar models make it July 29. It's also worth noting that this is actually 364 days, and a single day at the end of the year is a universal holiday.
Edit: I think leap years should be at the end of the year too for simplicity.
Just make them holidays, everyone works too much anyway, and it's just getting worse for no reason.
Developers are the only people against DST changes, just because of how complex it will get. Dear God cities are removing DST! Cities! It means I need to know if you are in or out of a city to know if you need to be shown daylight or standard time!
Just please do it nationally yes or no
Dear God cities are removing DST! Cities! It means I need to know if you are in or out of a city to know if you need to be shown daylight or standard time!
That's why it's lucky that identifiers in the tz database are already things like America/New_York
instead of "eastern time."
thank you for your service, i usually resort to libraries doing the heavy lifting but even then it's tough and prone to error
A lunar day is 27.3 days and a solar cycle is 29 and change. So we'd be just off the lunar cycles. Like when you're sitting waiting for a turn lane signal to change and the person in front of you has a blinker that's just a tiny bit slower than yours.
Yeah sadly the rotations of Earth around its axis, the moon around Earth, and Earth around the sun don't divide each other nicely
So what I'm getting from this is that we need to push the Moon a bit further from the Earth, and pull the Earth a bit closer to the Sun.
France tried such calendar in 1789 and 1871. We lost it when Jules Ferry executed all the communalists in Paris. Some people in France still use those calendars to show their support to revolutionary ideas
There are a few websites and twitter accounts that remind you that today is Nonidi, 29 Germinal of the year CCXXXII.
Picking up a newspaper in Thailand reminds you it’s year 2567
The reckoning of the Buddhist Era in Thailand is 543 years ahead of Anno Domini, so the year 2024 AD corresponds to B.E. 2567.
I own such a website and I can confirm that this date is right. French wikipedia though is wrong as it uses a bad simplication reform that was never voted
We should divide the year into four suits — one for each season. Each suit is thirteen weeks long, numbered ace to king. Sometimes we have a Joker day.
Ah yes, the Balatro calendar. I play a King of Diamonds, which triples the number of days in June and removes October.
We should make the days 28 hours long as well while we're at it.
I actually had this happen once. My mental health actually improved, but it was untenable for my job and social life unfortunately. It was kinda nice for a couple months though.
What the flying fuck. I literally did that exact thing in university to manage my at-the-time undiagnosed sleep disorder.
I slept through like 30% of my classes, but it was the most rested I'd ever been in my life.
New years day is always a holiday that doesn't fall on any other day of the calendar. It's just kind of its own thing. No idea how that would actually work irl but that is usually how this proposal is explained.
But how would the corporate world divide the 13 month year into quarters? Don't you know what that'll do to the bottom line?! Think of the poor shareholders! /s
We dine on the rich during month 13.
The solution to that is having 12 months of 4 weeks each, and one week of solstice every 3 months. One quarter then is 13 weeks in total. That makes it so each quarter perfectly matches a season and keeps it all in sync with solar time. In the ideal case you also match the school holidays to the solstice, and the winter solstice includes new year's day and leap day, making it just a bit longer for Christmas holidays.
Yes, I've given this a bit too much thought.
I'd put leap day with the Summer Solstice, split up the extra days.
3 months and one week. Simples!
Kodak used this calendar for 60 years. The company's decline started within a decade of abandoning the calendar.
3 months 1 week?
Split it to 3 months as is now, then the remainder is 28 days. 28 is divisible by 4 to leave 7.
Q1 ends 1 week into April, Q2 ends 2 weeks into June, etc.
This reminds me of a fantasy series I like, where the world still has 365 day, but every month is 30 days long, and the remaining 5 days are separate holidays for the solstices, equinoxes, and new years.
Also, when are we going to do 10hrs/day, 100 min/hr and 100s/min?
Don't decimalize time, instead dozenalize our numbers! Twelve is such a better building block than ten. Pretty much all math becomes way easier using dozenal numbers instead of decimal ones.
Also, when are we going to do 10hrs/day, 100 min/hr and 100s/min?
This is how you collectively give the entire scientific community a simultaneous aneurysm. The amount of work needed to convert measurements based on our current seconds/minutes/hours to your "metric" seconds/minutes/hours would be astronomical.
Also, pretty much everyone already agrees on the current system of time, so why change it? It would just create another metric/imperial or F/C divide and cause conversion mistakes.
It would add another level to time conversion between timezones
Oh god, converting imperial kHz to metric kHz sounds awful
The 24h cycle with subdivisions in 60 is easy for dividing them up though. 60 divides by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30.
I like this better because if you have to do one holiday outside of the calendar then why not 5 and the equinoxes and solsctices divide it up perfectly. Then everything else is nice and even. I assume weeks were six days long as that is how I always thought of it. 5 six day weeks.
Apparently in the series it's 6 5-day weeks. They also didn't have names for the days
In preparation for the upcoming Bell Riots, WWIII, Eugenics Wars, First Contact, Battle of Wolf 359, and Dominion Wars, I say we stop beating around the bush and adopt the Bajoran 26 hour day.
I do not want my birthday to fall on the same day of the week each year!
Seems like a high price to pay just to test who cares enough.
Can we do something about October being the 10th month of the year. It's stupid and annoying.
Blame the Caesars, Julius for July and Augustus for August.
That's a common misconception. For the Romans, the year used to start with March and only have ten months. January and February weren't even named, it was just the time between harvest and the new year. Several calendar changes followed over the centuries. Adding two months (January and February). Moving the new year to January, which made September-December no longer 7-10. Adding random one-off months to realign with the seasons. And a couple different tries at leap days, among other things.
Edit 2: To clarify, the above changes were all made by the Romans, they only started with a ten month calendar.
Edit: The fifth and sixth months were originally named Quintilis and Sextilis before they were changed to July and August.
I suppose we could fix it by moving the start of the year to March 1st. Start of spring makes more sense for the new year anyway.
Tbf, the calendar before them was even worse
And September (sept=seven), November (nov=nine) and December (dec=ten)...
Start the year on March 1st like it used to be?
You can thank Julius Augustus for that. He wanted the best months named after himself. Egomaniac.
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Why would they are? The amount they get a year is still the same amount, just broken up more evenly.
Oh honey
I hate the idea of metric time (for a lot of use cases metric is still awesome).
12 and 60 can be easily divided by 2, 3, 4, 6. 60 also by 5 and 10. Even for 8 it's still kind of easy.
For 10 or 100 division is easy for 2, 5 and 10 and okay-ish for 4.
The 12/60 (and 360 degrees of a circle) are such an elegant system!
We should "just" switch to base-6 (or maybe 12) first
AFAIK the system goes back to the old Babylonians who had a base-60 system subdivided into 5 times 12. 5 times 12 could easily be counted using your thumb to count the 12 knuckles on the other fingers and the 5 fingers of the other hand.
I mean, how amazing is counting like that! I only learned to count to 10 with my fingers. I love the base-10 for its simplicity but base-60, subbase-12 is the shit :D
makes sense in a world without much fractions or the decimal system. You want to get the most divisors for your buck.
IMHO especially in a setting like time where fractions are very common (like "half an hour"), being able to represent fractions with whole numbers is very convenient.
Get better at math and theres no problem.
Thank you ! Last time I tried to explain this on Lemmy, I wrote my longest comment ever. I'm gonna use you much better explanation next time.
I've actual been saying this for years for this exact reason. God forbid we not be able to divide a year into clean quarters.
Three months and one week still seems like a clean quarter to me.
Alternatively, if we really want to stick to the three-month quarter then we could call the extra week of each quarter an off-week or save it all for the 13th month of the year since nothing really gets done during that time anyway.
Surprisingly, one of the only groups to use this calendar IRL was a giant international corporation: Kodak
Can we start the 1st on Sunday though so every month has a Friday the 13th?
This is the real discussion piece. We either always have Friday the 13th or we never do again.
I'm with you for always Friday the 13th.
Plus, never having one again just feels wrong.
Ah yes, decimalized time. An idea so bad even the French said no, just no after trying it.
People being afraid of the number 13 doesnt make it a bad idea.
I believe they're referring to the metric time comment, not the calendar change idea.
You left out one day 28x13 is 364 The alignment to the weekdays is only right every seventh year. Every sixth of you account for leap years.
That day would be new year's day, not an ordinary day. So those weeks would be
Leap day/international holiday, undated
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of developers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
Universal holidays between the years was good enough for the Mayans and it's good enough for me!
The international fixed calendar is basically what's described here. But it adds one day to bring it to 365, that day is called year day, and its an extra day, not a day of the week just a bonus day. Leap years get a second extra day 6 months later.
I like it.
But mostly because of all the furor it’ll cause.
Just make inconvenient days holidays, few will complain.
i'm intrigued, but leap days would fuck it up though
This meme already ignores the fact that it's only produced a calendar of 364 days.
Most proposed versions I've seen of this calendar have New Year's Day as a standalone holiday, so the leap day presumably tacks on to that every 4 years?
Currently, everyone in the world agrees about the days of the week (correct me if I'm wrong). If it's Monday in France it's Monday in Finland, besides a few hours due to timezones. But if a particular society adopts this system you describe, or any system under which every year starts on a particular day of the week and is solar aligned, that necessitates having an incomplete week and losing that sync with the entire rest of the world.
A possible solution is to only use leap weeks. So every year has 364 days, but every 6 years or so (spare me the exact calculation) you track on a leap week to realign with the solar cycle. This is similar to the leap month in the Hebrew calendar - months follow the moon so a leap month is the smallest unit possible to tweak the length of a year.
true I've heard about that, sure why not
Also imagine your birthday always being on a Monday...
We cant ever change it now because people would complain about the cost of doing so. Like freedom units.
Software developers hearing we're changing the calendar 💀
We should all just switch to Unix time.
We could inadvertently make 12/31/1969 and 1/1/1970 the most dangerous destination for time travelers, sounds fun to me.
Don’t forget about Gormanuary
You really think the world could come to an agreement on which day the week should start? Would be really awkward if a month starts with the second or third day of the week.
Imagine if your birthday was always on Monday
Strong counterargument there!
International Fixed Calendar? I seem to remember hearing a proposal for the 13th month being called Sol which is kinda cool.
The 13th month should be called eleven, because it'd come after December (10), our 12th month.
The 13th month should be called Smarch!
I think December comes from Classical Greek number 10 deka. 11 is enteka. So the next month could be Entecember.
I have genuinely had exactly this conversation with only the names changed. Multiple times.
perennial calendars – specifically leap week calendars (already implemented in the ISO week date calendar) – keeps all the advantages of 28 day months, and the leap week (instead of a leap day) allows for everything to stay lined up and doesn’t interrupt the 7-day week cycle
Metric time is TAI
Quarters would be weird for businesses so it would never catch on.
We could all unionize and just take the first month off, set it in the deepest part of winter, January or so, and just set Christmas to be during that month. Although people might not be thrilled to move Christmas to after New Year's.
Christmas is already after New Year's in the current calendar year ;)
It's not really that hard to have a quarter be 3 months + 1 week tbh.
I bow to your lobes in all business matters.
Walter is not as smart as jesse sadly never was
It sounds like you need a rewatch. Jesse has about a quarter of Walt's intelligence and knowledge, if that.
I fully support this if it means I can take that extra 13th month off to relax
Wouldn't it make sense to have the 1st be a Sunday and 28th be a Saturday?
Iirc most countries consider Monday the beginning of the week and Sunday the end of the week, hence the term "weekend"
I used to think the same, even made fun of friends and family for setting calendars to start on Monday, but then I tried it and found the light