HIV cure breakthrough as virus eliminated from cells in laboratory.
HIV cure breakthrough as virus eliminated from cells in laboratory.

It is thanks to a gene-editing tool known as Crispr-Cas, which won the Nobel Prize in 2020

HIV cure breakthrough as virus eliminated from cells in laboratory.
It is thanks to a gene-editing tool known as Crispr-Cas, which won the Nobel Prize in 2020
I'm still impressed by the pills that stop infection. From epidemic to this all within a lifetime.
Fuck yeah science!
While certainly an interesting development, this is just in a petri dish.
Every science article, every single one. They always make things sound like breakthroughs and I have to come in the comments to find out it's bullshit or exaggerations. Why?
The truth is they use this as a way to secure additional funding, or show existing grants that progress is being made.
Whenever you feel the need to ask why in a capitalistic driven society, the answer usually ends up being: "money".
It's an issue with media outlets sensationalizing everything. The authors of the study even say that it's premature to call this a cure in humans. It is a nice step forward though.
The headline is clickbait. The article ends with
“While these preliminary findings are very encouraging, it is premature to declare that there is a functional HIV cure on the horizon,” the researchers say.
I get more frustrated with articles like this than true clickbait. Here’s a genuine breakthrough in science, in an important health area: we should be excited, happy, inspired. Instead we’re annoyed by a misleading clickbait headline
Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.
To be fair, every 'breakthrough' starts small and takes decades before reaching the public.
Lithium-ion batteries are my favorite example because we take them for granted but the technology to make them was proven in the 70s.
Maybe view this stuff as a gradual accumulation not as a world changing event. As others ITT pointed out there was fuck all medical science could do about this disease in the era of Reagan Christians laughing about it. Now you can get it and live almost a normal life, provided you live in a wealthy country. The virus is dying not with a bang but with a whimper.
I think its to emphasize the importance of what seems small and boring out of context. Even though it may border on being misleading, I certainly would rather read extrapolations by informed journalists than be left not knowing which conclusions are important to me after reading a scientific publication.
Yep, might as well have used bleach.
That's not even remotely the same thing.
Some of you really need to stay off the internet.
Here's what's interesting about this: HIV is a retrovirus. That means it integrates itself in your DNA. This approach edits the virus in your DNA. The downside is that, like most recombinant viruses, hiv mutates often. This would have to be tailored.
The other, bigger issue is that this only removes the virus in DNA. The virus RNA and packages to turn it into DNA and reinsert it need to be delt with before it can be cured.
In achieving a true cure, you would have to achieve both steps. Considering our previous success was to off all your bone marrow and replace it, this is a promising approach.
I'm pretty excited. Sad it took 40 years though
Sure, but this approach could've never been achieved without CRISPR. That basic research was the lynchpin that may allow gene editing in the future.
Imagine if scientists working on cures had the budget of the US military...
There are plenty of retro viruses i would hope these could apply to.
The entire origin of CRISPR is an immune defense mechanism against DNA based bacteriophages(bacteria don't have a nucleus so they can't have a retrovirus). It's just cool that we're able to use bacteria immune strategies in our own cells.
As even the article says, we must be cautious because this is purely in the lab at the moment, but this could be a breakthrough along the lines of antibiotics in terms of doing something about virulent viruses, not just HIV!
Just think of all the lives lost because of the Reagan government hating gay people.
HIV played a huge part in making societies generally more conservative in the past 40 years or so. Having a cure might start to turn things in the other direction again.
Well, until Reagan's buddy Rock Hudson got it. Then it started getting funding.
Additional Links:
"The authors emphasise that their work represents proof of concept, and will not become a cure for HIV tomorrow. They say: “Our next steps involve optimising the delivery route to target the majority of the HIV reservoir cells. We will combine the CRISPR therapeutics and receptor-targeting reagents and move to preclinical models to study in detail the efficacy and safety aspects of a combined cure strategy. This will be instrumental to achieve preferential CRISPR-Cas delivery to the reservoir cells and avoiding delivery into non-reservoir cells. This strategy is to make this system as safe as possible for future clinical applications. We hope to achieve the right balance between efficacy and safety of this CURE strategy. Only then can we consider clinical trials of ‘cure’ in humans to disable the HIV reservoir. While these preliminary findings are very encouraging, it is premature to declare that there is a functional HIV cure on the horizon.”"
This is great news!
On another note, does this mean reckless casual sex is back in style?
Other STIs still exist, as does risk of pregnancy for hetero couples. Casual sex is on the table, always has been. Just make sure you’re wrapping the appropriate bits, and keeping on top of your personal health.
Well super gonorrhea is a thing now, so I'd probably give it a wait personally.
The #1 reckless casual sex thing you are referring to in which helps spread it is rape. No It hasn’t gone away or ‘fallen out of style’ sadly. Nor has used needles.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
After Ebola had a cure, everyone just kept eating spoiled contaminated food.
That reminds me, I gotta check my cat gelatin. It goes great with bat frittata.
Bout time