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  • What’s that? Restaurant owner wants handouts? Tough luck bud, it’s a free market and if you can’t compete that’s on you!

    You want all the reward of being a capitalist with none of the risk. Come back to me when you’ve gotten over your entitlement!

  • "Business owners take risks that's why they should be paid a lot of money"

    "Of course minimum wage shouldn't be higher, then the business owner can't afford to run their business"

    "Of course the business owner should be compensated! They couldn't know the market would crash, it would be unfair to punish them for events of chance!"

    It's wild how people think it's a divine right to own a business where you can underpay workers.

  • I hate how these fuckers complain while poor people are suffering more than them.

    "Waaaaaa I can't use near slave labour to get rich off my shitty restaurant, waaaaaa"

    Good. Fuck you.

    • Remember how the capitalist class kept blaming inflation on the meager COVID relief checks sent to individuals but conveniently overlooked the much larger amount given to small businesses? And how easy it was for them to fraudulently inflate the losses reported?

  • Salute to the glorious socialist state of CCCalifornia for literally executing the petty bourgeoise by creating a minimum wage that is almost enough to scrape by on

  • I made 26 an hour my first year working as an RN at a hospital, beyond the fact that I've been blacklisted at my local hospitals because the first one was a transphobic piece of shit, I don't even want to go back anymore, I can work at a nursing home with less interstaff drama, less stress, and less risk to my own health while making more than the hospitals pay even after they had to jump pay up 10+ an hour just to get some nurses back.

  • As it should be. When I graduated college, min wage was $8 and rent was like 1k a month to live in a really rough area in one of the shittier cities.