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  • This past week was a bit of a doozy. Lost power and a way out of our dead end street on Thursday morning when a tree fell across our road and took a power pole with it. A neighbor who's an electrician and I cut the way out for the street and cleared one travel lane despite the fire department's protests, while two other neighbors with plows cleared what they could. Power was restored Sunday night, but none of the crews cleared the road obstruction, so another neighbor with a bigger tractor than the rest of us rolled up and cleared it.

    I'm fortunate enough to be able to carry on phone conversations while I'm doing the tasks for our nursery, so I started calling the town manager and the chiefs of the fire and EMS crews to start a conversation about having a real plan for the next time it happens. And it will, because Maine passed a law several years ago that incentivized the power utility to do as little as possible maintaining the trees near the lines. I started a text chain with the neighborhood to keep them updated on what's being discussed and to solicit feedback and suggestions for the solutions we'd like to present to the town, and that text chain has gotten the neighbors offering further assistance to each other to help recover from the storm (does my little socialist heart proud!). Folks have been dropping off cookies and stopping by to thank me, even though I keep telling them it's just my way of repaying them for being wonderful neighbors.

    In other news, all the plants I stupidly potted before the storm survived!

  • weekend before last, my little dog jean went to an agility competition. she didn't win (or even qualify), but she ran a whole course! she hopped of the dog walk halfway up, probably because she got spooked on the teeter during a practice session the other day.

    loki (aussie) will be competing in four agility runs this weekend, so fingers crossed that goes well.

    echo (border collie) is doing really well in her canine good citizen class. she has her test in a few weeks, and i'm confident she'll pass with flying colors.

    i was house/dog sitting last week, and the dog killed a squirrel right in front of me the first day i was there... so that's a new one. owner said the dog has always chased squirrels, but that's the first time she actually caught one. 😳 (the dog is fine, up to date on shots and no injuries from the squirrel, despite being bitten.)

    i finally found a primary care provider. basically been putting it off since we moved last year, but my knee has been bothering me lately (training up for a week-long ride in july), so i knew i needed to go get that checked out.

  • Going great, having some issue with my new 3D printer but nothing that won't be solved with a replacement part or three (fucking prusa MK4 expansion joints, impossible to source anywhere but from the prusa site and they strip easier than a desperate sex worker), but regardless of that my relationship with meghan is progressing very well, we moved onto the 'i love you' stage after she accidentally blurted it out after I gave her a gift and we both kinda just rolled with it.

    She also left this very cute note after our last date for me to find when I got back from dropping her home. So life is great right now, I start my job this coming Monday too.

  • A bit miserable this week. Got sick, and haven't been able to sleep more than a few hours a night as a result, which is making it worse.

    A misery snowball effect.

    Hoping I can get a full night's sleep soon 🤞

  • First day of Eid here and I happened to twist my foot while getting out of the shower. Hurts. Tried to play Command & Conquet but man....i have never really gotten into RTS games and strategy making.