According to the StatCounter, Linux on the desktop has continued to rise and remains above 4%, with this being the healthiest it's ever looked on the desktop.
I tried to give Windows 11 another go recently just to see how it is, I pulled all my files over including my gog games files which had wineprefixes in the folders, with /appdata folders for each prefix.
Windows decided "you know what, screw c:\users\appdata, lets use the appdata folder in this random gamefolder on a different drive instead" and proceeded to cannibalize itself just breaking the majority of apps. No idea how it can't recognize that the random wine "windows" files that aren't in the correct locations aren't the actual location for them. Couldn't fix it because it thought the "c:" folder in the wine directory was my actual c: drive and refused to delete it
Sure it was an extremely niche issue a Windows user would never realistically run into, but it reminded me just how fragile it is for uncommon usecases