There is a currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it
There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor. Their faith was been shaken by an Arrowhead community manager they believed they found to be (gasp) progressive who was then subsequently harassed, but their head-scratching reading of Helldivers 2 as a “non-political” game is worth examining.
The only thing that makes sense is that these players have the shallowest of surface-level readings of the game. You are a patriotic soldier serving Super Earth. You must kill bugs and evil robots trying to hurt your brothers-in-arms and innocent citizens. There are no storylines to insert progressive causes into, everyone wears helmets so no “forced diversity.” Therefore, no politics.
Of course, this is…wildly off the mark, as Helldivers 2 is about the most blatantly obvious satire of militaristic fascism since the film that inspired it, Starship Troopers.
I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't.
I never played the game but watched some trailers and gameplay videos. I'm 99% certain that Helldivers 2 is following the Starship Troopers formula and purely making fun of patrionism, propaganda, war, the military, military personnel, "freedom", heroism, politics and military advertisements and turning that into a game. There's just so many obvious signs, it seems impossible to miss. In other words, it is a political game. Or maybe I just really don't get either of the two.
There are still people who think that Starship Troopers should be taken seriously. This despite the fact that it has Neil Patrick Harris in it, a man who sings and dances in every possible opportunity.
"I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't.”
Wellcome to the post-internet era, where u can no longer tell if that obviously idiotic argument was written by a bot, a troll, or just your average right-winger.
I mean, the game is really on the nose with its parodic elements, how could they possibly not see that? Just talk to the supply officer ladies in the back part of the ship.
They are full of gems like “the bot society is wholly built on war. If they ever won they wouldnt know what to do“ (paraphrased), or the ministry of truth which ensures all citizens are properly indoctrinated informed, or the ministry of economy which makes sure resources flow to the "most deserving".
Conservatives think they're the default. They don't have an ideology, a religion, a sexuality, or an ethnicity. They're normal. It's everyone else who's different.
I don't disagree with this synopsis, but I'm sadly unsurprised that your familiarity with the source material stops at the movie — which, in fact, was preceded (nearly 40 years) & inspired by a (far better) book of the same name from Heinlein. 😅😶 What's more, Helldivers 2 seems to take more cues from the book than the movie, and it does the original more honor than the cult classic did in '97, too.
Lastly, who in their right mind ever expects alt-right fucknuts to parse irony? Isn't that integral to their M.O., the consistent whoosh so frequent that it must be like white noise in their skulls 24/7? (Yes, there's a supremacy joke in there, but I'm too tired to dig it up)
I wonder if when extreme satire flies over someones head, outside of not consuming the media critically enough, the difference between heavy satire and pantomime can be subtle. A quick example being One Punch Man, I'd categorize that show as a Pantomime of Anime Cliches rather than satire, as while its playing up the ridiculousness of common anime tropes, its clear it's doing so with a full love of the medium, and indeed the tropes its making fun of
So, I think there's something weird about the nature of the satire in Helldivers 2 that might lead to some problems.
I don't feel like it's that controversial to say that the game is pretty obviously ripping off Starship Troopers. Like to a point that goes way beyond mere homage. Now I don't view this as an inherent problem, because I don't believe IP should be a thing, but this fact, combined with the way they've adapted it into a game leads to some issues.
The game basically has all the aesthetic elements of the satire of Starship Troopers: The over the top patriotism, nationalism, militarism, the devaluing of the individual and life, etc. On it's own, this is enough for people who have already become disillusioned with the US war machine to get what it's saying. However, to someone who's deep in the propaganda that America is a force for good in the world that is simply fighting evil enemies who hate freedom and democracy, there is no cognitive dissonance there. Of course we're gonna be all patriotic about fighting against some big bad enemy that's threatening us.
Not that people didn't also misunderstand Starship Troopers, but a key difference it has in driving it's point home is that moment at the end of the movie when they capture one of the bugs and learn it feels fear and then they all cheer. We see that no, the bugs aren't some unthinking monsters bent on destroying us, they're intelligent creatures and we're the invaders, but the people are so indoctrinated at this point that this fact doesn't even phase them.
Helldivers 2 doesn't really have that anywhere within the main "text" of the game. Sure, you can read some lore and get a bit of that from some conversations with NPCs on the ship, but that's not really how people interact with games, or at least a game like this. Most people are going to load into a lobby, pick a mission, maybe mess around with their loadout, then go jump into a game where the bugs ARE horrible unthinking monsters who represent an existential threat to humanity. In the ways the game lets you interact with it, there's no option where you make peace with the bugs or come to understand the horror of what you're doing. The bugs are just enemies and you have an assortment of guns and bombs to interact with them.
So since the mechanics of the game itself don't really mesh well with the message of the satire, what it relies on is either
a) You already having seen Starship Troopers or
b) You already understanding imperialism, fascism, and recognizing those traits in America's military culture.
It's kind of a weird place for a piece of media to be when it's message only makes sense in the context of another similar piece of media or when the player/reader/viewer already agrees with it's message.
It's not terribly surprising that it hasn't had any success breaking through to the people who need their minds changed.
The satirical nature of Helldivers 2 is obvious, but in Starship Troopers the bugs flung a meteor at Earth which destroyed a major city and killed millions. I would argue that Starship Troopers has a bit more of a serious vibe with subtle satire, aside from some of the commercials like the one of soldiers giving kids guns. In Helldivers 2 the intro video shows that bugs are killing civilians, which could be true or could be purely propaganda. But yea, anyone who doesn't understand that Helldivers 2 is satirical is a fucking idiot. It all makes fun of militaristic imperialism, you can literally name your ship "King of Democracy".
This seems like some made up shit. For all 5 people who don't seem to get the stinging nature of this game's satire, I just can't bring myself to care.
This could be right and maybe I'm under a rock but I am suspicious of articles that reference dumb things people are supposedly saying without any quotes or citations
I think what a lot of people miss here is that when people say "keep politics out of x" what they mean is "keep blatant cringeworthy soapboxing out of x."
Helldivers is tongue in cheek and doesn't feel the need to bash you over the head with "But actually fascism bad" every five seconds, instead it has gag recruitment ads and an overall really funny presentation that works whether you get it or you don't.
I guarantee you that no rightoid looks at a one world government "super earth" with fond eyes.
If you're an identitarian the fact that the Helldivers can be men or women is unacceptable, not to mention it's not clear if they're ethnically homogeneous
If you're a libertarian the de-individualization and constant surveillance/propaganda from a totalitarian state is unacceptable, double that if you're an ancap
Monarchists would probably like this if it were an explicit monarchy, but it's not, so they would probably also not like it
The only faction who would like this game's world is classical fascists, the kind Mussolini was, which ironically a lot of people seem to really really like on any side of the political spectrum, cause it's literally just totalitarian ideological illiberal authority.
Because people disagree about whether a certain ideology is desirable, you could have an accurate portrayal of it accepted as positive by its supporters and negative by its opponents. The supporters aren't necessarily missing "satire" - maybe they see the same thing that the opponents do, but they like it.
Oof, looks like someone had a deadline looming and decided to take the non-issue of a few dummies lacking media literacy and blow it up into a full article.
Verhoeven didn't even read the source material. Starship Troopers (the book), is only fascist if you assume that anyone that's pro-military is fascist. Heinlein was a very unlikely fascist, given that he was largely libertarian. The point of the book was that people needed to be directly, personally invested in a society for it to function; the bugs were a plot device that he used to flesh out his social concepts. It was closer to utopian than fascist.
Secondly, Lucas directly based Star Wars off Kurosawa Akira's "The Hidden Fortress". Ideas about the rebels and the empire might have been echoing US imperialism in Vietnam, but the overarching narrative structure owes a lot to Kurosawa. Ben Kenobi, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, C3PO and R2-D2 are very clearly present in the Kurosawa film. It's a fun movie, if not terribly deep or meaningful compared to Kurosawa's later films, and I would def. recommend it.
There is currently a very funny, kind of sad dust-up over Helldivers 2, in which self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers have previously heralded it as a rare game where they believe “politics” does not play a factor
The game does of course have a political message, but I think there is a slightly different take that could have merit.
The "political" part of the game is to make fun of the interventionist foreign policy of the US. This was a major culture war issue from the 80s to the 2000s, but since the 2010s, the culture wars have shifted towards identity politics. The 'self-proclaimed “anti-woke” gamers' are right in pointing out that Helldivers avoids these topics.