Blahaj rule
Blahaj rule
Blahaj rule
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What dumb ass its a shark its got nothing to do with feminism are trans or anything I wish they'd just come out of the closet and stop self harming
Except that blåhaj is a trans icon.
wHaT DuMb aSs iTs a sHaRk iTs gOt nOtHiNg tO Do wItH FeMiNiSm aRe tRaNs oR AnYtHiNg i wIsH ThEy’d jUsT CoMe oUt oF ThE ClOsEt aNd sToP SeLf hArMiNg
its literally a shark sprinkler, what do you want?
What is brother saying
Far-right extremists stop telling on themselves challenge: impossible