"Cancel Culture"
"Cancel Culture"
"Cancel Culture"
I would agree to some extent, but say it would be power/control.
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
The lie the new atheist movement led everyone to believe was that religion is the problem, and that when we get rid of religion then everyone will be happy and get along. America is the furthest from religion it has been in its history, are things going great?
On issues motivated by religion, yes, America is moving in the right direction. LGBT acceptance, reproductive rights, etc.
The whole culture is influenced by religion, its not just paticular issues. I would argue that america is literally falling apart right now, and we are in for some serious issues. I understand that much of it can be associated to other things, but I think much of it has to do with loss of purpose and morals.
I can see why you would think that society is failing. You are religiously motivated, and religion consistently falls on the wrong side of issues. As mentioned, LGBTQ. Society is rapidly improving for transgender individuals, despite religiously-motivated efforts to block and reverse such progress. To the religious, this is a failure of society, a degradation of morality.
To trans individuals, their friends and family, it's a sign of improvement, and cause for hope.
Same with reproductive rights. Non-religious people believe that banning abortion creates more tragedy than it prevents. Religious people believe the opposite. So when Ohio, Kansas, and every other state that has asked the question has arrived at a pro-choice answer, religious people think it a failure, and non-religious think it progress.
Religion is losing control of the people. To the religiously-controlled, that's a bad thing. To the non-religious, it's a welcome relief.
I am stepping out from my personal beliefs and looking at things on a cultural level. The problem with your argument is that you are isolating everything and not looking at the overall picture. You cant just point to a thing and say that it is good but not look at the other impacts or influences that caused it to happen or are a consequence. Right now I can look at the overall situation in america and see we have people that lack purpose and unity, and many people that literally want to destroy it all and rebuild it in a false utopia. So even if you think all religion is false you should be able to recognize the overall stability it provided.
I am stepping out from my personal beliefs
Yeah, you're not. There is no objective viewpoint underpinning your arguments. They are based entirely on your subjective opinion, and are only valid for those sharing your opinion.
Right now I can look at the overall situation in america and see we have people that lack purpose
That you cannot see my "purpose" says more about your vision than it says about me.
many people that literally want to destroy it all and rebuild it in a false utopia.
Yes, I would like to see religiosity slowly and systematically destroyed, and society rebuilt on humanistic principles rather than "theistic" concepts that benefit no one but the clergy.
One thing that has make me successful is that I have the ability to step out and make decisions and opinions that are almost entirely objective.
You are right that you can have purpose outside of religions, but typically the purpose is vapid, or in the case of people like antifa, directly harmful.
And one thing you will find is that most of the "humanistic principles" you desire are based on religion, and the ones that are not tend to be a negative on society.