This is what these non GMO types always seem to forget: we've been modifying the crap out of everything for the past thousands of years. We're now justuch more efficient and smart about it.
I have seen this image many times in my uni courses.
when european first reached the continent, the breeding of the plant was heavily advance, somewhat on the right side of thr image
this is one of the staple crops without which we could not survive.
the current varieties are so productive, but they require all modern farming methods, which can be impactful
if you want to apply biological agriculture, the mkst recent varieties are not a good pick, unless they actively support that
that image also serve as a quick explaination as to how our food systems evolved. When you read ancient folk tales, or even when you read about these plants in Biblical texts, imagine the one on the mid left. A small plant capable of supporting a limited amount of people
I seem to remember Bill posting a (or similar) site on twitter back when the riff was first popular. I'm not finding it if it still exists.
The one all the way on the right is what used to be stock corn, meaning we gave it to stock animals or ground it into flower. It's not for human consumption the way it's eaten now. Actual maize is quite colorful and was modified for easier human consumption. Ever wonder why corn shits out whole? It's because America gave you our stock corn instead human corn. Congratulations America, I you played yourself.