What is your favorite paradox or conundrum? I am partial to can god kill god?
What is your favorite paradox or conundrum? I am partial to can god kill god?
The monotheistic all powerful one.
What is your favorite paradox or conundrum? I am partial to can god kill god?
The monotheistic all powerful one.
The Astley paradox.
If you ask Rick Astley for his copy of Disney Pixar's Up, he can't give it to you, because he'll never give you Up. But by not doing so, you'd be let down, and he'll never let you down.
Testing this scenario is ofc incredibly risky to the state of our reality, so the Astley paradox must remain a thought experiment.
I guess I would say the paradox of tolerance. I'm sorry but I'm just gonna yoink the definition from Wikipedia because I'm not great at explaining things:
The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.
Bonus least favorite paradox: You need experience to get a job and you need a job to get experience.
Saw this a while ago and it solves that "paradox" nicely.
The real paradox is this opinion coming from Twitter
I've always hated the intolerance paradox, because it is the same logic used to justify atrocities of all sorts. Trying to make society safe for a preferred group, and targeting anyone who takes offense to that idea.
Again leaving out the second half of the quote.
They always do.
The Unexpected Hanging Paradox: A man is sentenced to death, but the judge decides to have a little fun with it. The man will be killed at noon on a day of the judge's choosing in the next week, from Monday to Friday. The only stipulation is that the man will not expect it when he's called to be killed.
The man does some quick logic in his head. If Friday is the last day he could be killed, then if he makes it to Friday without dying, he knows he must die on that day. And since that wouldn't be a surprise, he cannot be killed on Friday.
He then extends the logic. Since he can't be killed on Friday, the last day he can be killed is on Thursday. Thus, all the prior logic regarding Friday applies, and he cannot be killed on Thursday either. This then extends to Wednesday, then Tuesday, and then Monday. At the end, he grins with the knowledge that, through logic, he knows he cannot be killed on any of the days, and will therefore not be killed.
Therefore, the man is astonished when he's called to be killed on Wednesday.
How does the judge determine whether the condemned man is "expecting it"?
Regardless of when he's called, he could simply state that he was expecting to be called, and therefore the hanging would be called off.
Its a bad paradox because it pivots on something that cannot be properly defined.
Cannot be properly defined? "Expecting it" means "regarding it likely to happen", according to the dictionary. He regarded it as impossible to happen, so he was not expecting it. His own logic disproving the event (him being surprised) allowed the event to happen (he was surprised).
Why does the paradox suffer if he lies about the solution? The paradox has already played out, and anything after that is just set dressing.
Just off the top of my head, maybe the judge has a camera set to gauge his reaction to the knock on the door? Or maybe he goes into denial and tries to explain his logic, thus proving the paradox? Or maybe the judge doesn't actually care as much as he said, but trusts the logic to hold out and make for a funny story?
This is how I proposed to my wife. I said I'd propose at some point in the next year, and that according the the unexpected hanging paradox, we're doomed to break up at the end of the year. Then I proposed on a random day in the year and she was totally surprised.
Mine is similar to yours in that it's about the power of God. It's called the Epicurean Trilemma:
This proves fairly simply that God as commonly interpreted by modern Christians cannot exist. Early Christians and Jews had no problem here, because their god was simply not meant to be omnibenevolent. Go even further back in time and he was not omnipotent, and possibly not omniscient, either. "Thou shalt have no gods before me" comes from a time when proto-Jews were henotheists, people who believed in the existence of multiple deities while only worshipping a single one.
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
A simple way I’ve been touching on this for a while is what I call “The problem of existence”: why would god create a non-divine existence such as our selves?
Put aside evil. If God is all three omnis, why make something that is lesser? I figure that the answer is they themselves must also be lesser than the three omnis.
Idk people like being in charge of stuff and not being bored maybe God would be the same way
The Christian explanation for this is that god doesn't do evil, people do.
And god created people with free will to do evil. If he made people stop doing evil deeds, they would be his puppets, not free-willed humans. So he has the power to end all evil but chooses not to.
Now as for why god allows natural disasters, diseases and other tragedies to befall his creation – again, that's just the consequence of our actions, cause a woman gave an apple to her man in the past.
And god created people with free will
Frankly, I don't buy this as an explanation even for human-created evil. It is still evidence that god cannot be tri-omni. Because it is still a situation in which god is able to remove evil and is aware of the evil, and yet he chooses to permit evil. Even evil done by one human against another, when the other is entirely innocent. And that cannot be omnibenevolent.
From how you phrased it I suspect you agree with me here, but the natural disasters argument is even more ludicrous. It doesn't even come close to working as a refutation of the Epicurian Trilemma.
The Christian explanation for this is that god doesn't do evil, people do.
And god created people with free will to do evil. If he made people stop doing evil deeds, they would be his puppets, not free-willed humans.
I never understood this argument. If he's all-powerful, he would have the ability to eliminate all evil without affecting free will.
But we don't have free will. The bible makes that perfectly clear in Romans 9.
God is not Omnibenevolent would be my take.
My favorite paradox is the "Stay signed in" option Microsoft gives you when signing in. Because despite keeping you signed in on every other site in existence, Microsoft, who is usually hooked into your OS, does not. Thus, stay signed in runs contradictory to one's expectations.
They aren't offering to do it, just asking if it's what you want.
Gotta check and be sure you're being annoyed as much as possible.
I thought the paradox is why it keeps fucking asking me - I said yes dammit.
Alanis morissette's song ironic contains no solid cases of irony, mostly bad luck or poor timing, and is therefore ironic.
I read an interview with her once that was kind of funny and humanizing. She wrote and recorded that song before she was famous and had no idea that it would ever be heard. Then it blew up and people have been giving her shit about it for decades now.
Could you imagine if you wrote a shitty Lemmy comment that became extremely viral and people were like, "you fucking moron, how could you have written something so dumb?!"
Not you got me praying I never get famous
Could god microwave a burrito so hot even he couldn't eat it?
All of the "is infinite power so powerful that it could overpower its own power" type questions just annoy me.
Is infinite power so powerful it can do something that it can't do?
Yes it can. And then it can do that anyway. Otherwise it wouldn't be infinite.
Only if he broke into a radio station & doused that burrito with hot sauce from a battery powered toy gun!
Also, I’m gonna need a football helmet full of cottage cheese & any naked pics of Bea Arthur you happen to have lying around.
I think that's how he created our universe 5,000 years ago ....... he's just waiting for us to cool off so can eventually take a bite.
If he bites too soon, we might end up on the floor though :(
Not sure if its what you're talking about but I really like the Ship of Theseus thought experiment, if an object is the same object after having had all of its original components replaced. Always makes me think of if an exact clone of you is created (same thoughts, memories, etc...) should that be considered you?
In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion [cells] will have replenished—the equivalent of a new you.
In essence, we are our own Ship of Theseus.
And I would venture that the answer to your question is yes, but no. The moment your exact clone experiences something you don’t, you two are no longer exactly the same. And I would wager that moment would happen very fast.
The controversial thought experiment about Star Trek transporters.
Where an individual is dematerialized in one location, transmitted as a signal somewhere else and rematerialized somewhere else.
Were they killed when they were dematerialized, cloned and a newly born entity that is an exact clone rematerialized at the other end?
Are they just killing people and recreating copies everytime they transport people?
Explained in https://existentialcomics.com/comic/1
What's really gonna crumble your cookie is, "Does it matter?"
Even in the trek universe, some people refuse to take transporters. I'd pry be one of them. You have no idea if you're killing yourself every time, and its just clones out the other side.
Are they just killing people and recreating copies everytime they transport people?
Yes, it literally Prestiges you, as evidenced by the time it didn't kill Riker and there were two of him
If and when we figure out human cloning, it's sure going to bring up a near infinite number of legal issues. Is the clone a new person? Is their birthday yours or the day they were cloned? Are they the same age as you? Or is a clone a new born?
If they are a copy of you, are they beholden to any legal agreements you've made? Are they liable for crimes you commit?
These are the things I think about when stoned...
I read a good sci-fi book called "Six Wakes" by Mur Lafferty that touches on this topic, you might enjoy it.
In the distant future cloning has become commonplace, but is used as a continuation of a person's life. Ie a person is born, lives there life, and at the end they are cloned and their memories transferred over to the new body, and life goes on. Also, a person would make "backups" of their consciousness in case they were killed/died accidentally, and would be "reinstalled" in a clone.
Ship of Theseus applies to every human, because all our cells get replaced over and over until we die. At a cellular level, you're wholly different from yourself 10 years ago. Are you still you?
You’re not wholly different as some cells are still the same. Neurons don’t undergo the same rapid cycling as skin cells, for example.
Zeno's Paradox, even though it's pretty much resolved. If you fire an arrow at an apple, before it can get all the way there, it must get halfway there. But before it can get halfway there, it's gotta get a quarter of the way there. But before it can get a fourth of the way, it's gotta get an eighth... etc, etc. The arrow never runs out of new subdivisions it must cross. Therefore motion is actually impossible QED lol.
Obviously motion is possible, but it's neat to see what ways people intuitively try to counter this, because it's not super obvious. The tortoise race one is better but seemed more tedious to try and get across.
So the resolution lies in the secret that a decreasing trend up to infinity adds up to a finite value. This is well explained by Gabriel's horn area and volume paradox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZOi9HH5ueU
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Turns out the resolution to that paradox is that our universe is quantized, which means there's a minimum "step" that once you reach will probabilistically round up or down to the nearest step. It's kind of like how Super Mario at extreme float values will snap to a grid.
The paradox holds in an infinitely dividable setting. Take the series of numbers where the next number equals the previous one divided by 2: {1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16...}. If you take the sum of this infinite series (there is always a larger factor of two to divide by) you are going to get a finite result (namely 2, in this instance). So for the real life example, while there is always another 'half' of the distance to be travelled, the time it takes to do so is also halved with every iteration.
I had success talking about the tortoise one with imaginary time stamps.
I think it gets more understandable that this pseudo paradox just uses smaller and smaller steps for no real reason.
If you just go one second at a time you can clearly see exactly when the tortoise gets overtaken.
Came to say the same thing. Zeno's paradoxes are fun. 😄
Zeno’s Paradox, even though it’s pretty much resolved
Lol. It pretty much just decreases the time span you look at so that you never get to the point in time the arrow reaches the apple. Nothing there to be "solved" IMHO
I like George Carlin's version: "If God is all powerful, can he make a rock so big that he himself can't lift it?"
I was gonna say that but didn't know the exact phrasing
Yes. Yes he can. It's only a paradox to our comprehension.
I don't see why that's a paradox. It's like asking if infinity is bigger than infinity, where both infinities are aleph 0.
Does the set of all sets that are not members of themselves, contain itself?
Russel's Paradox lit a fire under mathematics, leading to all sorts of good things (and a few bad).
Python's got you covered.
In [5]: [x for x in [...] if x not in [...]] Out[5]: []
There are two kinds of people in the world - those who think there are two kinds of people in the world and those who know better.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world — those who understand binary and those who don’t.
There are 2 kinds of people in the world.
there are 10 kinds of people.
I guess I'm the ladder 🪜
There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
I think this one is easily solved: the person saying it is in the first group.
Right, but it's not a paradox - it's a conundrum. It's not just that the person saying it is part of the first group, but that they necessarily are.
Since people want to believe that they "know better," there's a strong urge to count oneself among the second group, which immediately places one in the first.
If there exists a place outside time, then the only way to travel there is to already be there, and if you are there, you can never leave.
The measurement of time, the measurement of the constant of change, is very different than our experience of time. For example, you never experienced a past, you experienced Now measured as the Present, just as you are currently experiencing Now measured as the Present, and will not experience the future, it will be Now measured as the Present. All you have ever experienced is a perpetual fixed Now. This is true for all of us. All measurements of time occur within a fixed Now, so we can say all time is Now.
Depending on certain spiritual views, what we call the Now is also called the "I Am", or consciousness, or awareness, etc. This "I Am" is intangible and exists outside of time, therefore, depending on your spiritual beliefs, you are the object, existing in a place outside of time, and are already there, and have never left.
This just broke my brain. I might need to read about this for hours now. Good bye.
Jokes aside! Thank you very much. This was most interesting!
This could be assuming there's only one timeline we're currently inhabiting. There could be nested meta times or spacetimes encompassing the universe, leaving us in a series of overlapping Nows. Or maybe the forward passage of time and causality end up only being true locally, and in other places in the cosmos time can run in loops or backwards or not at all. In that case Now could mean different things to different observers depending where and when you are.
That's what Buddhas have been saying!
why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
And why do we bake cookies but cook bacon?
Jokes aside, I have baked my bacon and it works really well for preparing an awful lot of bacon very quickly.
Once you do that, you have bacon that you can quickly microwave and slap on a sandwich, plus you can easily collect all of the grease for making gravies or general cooking purposes if you so desire.
A driveway is named because it was originally a circle that you could use to drive right up to the house. Think old mansions in movies.
Parkways had separated lanes with shrubberies and plants on between and around, basically parks with a road through them.
A driveway that is straight and ends in a garage isn't really a driveway. Separated lanes with no plants or parks isn't really a parkway. But the names both stuck around.
The same reason we use ship for a cargo and car for shipping.
The ship of Theseus.
I like the version of it from John Dies At The End. Same thought experiment just with an axe
Why do people always vote against their own self interests.
Oh man this one is easy. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
They don't. They're voting against your self interests or what you think are theirs
There's so many good ones, and I'd probably say Russel's (what's in the set of every set that doesn't contain itself?), but recently the unexpected hanging has come up a couple times. That one is all about how theories or rules can break if they become contingent on how an observer is thinking about them (including state of knowledge of the situation).
Russel's paradox is so wild. Set theory was supposed to unify mathematics and logic into a single coherent system and Russel was like actually, no.
And honestly, the story isn't over. We brought axioms into set theory after that, but Godel showed that that was never going to be a cure-all, and people like Woodin later on have added to the pile. At this point, you can have two totally reasonable axioms which don't just prove different things, but actually can prove opposite answers about the same thing.
I think it's fair to say even platonism is starting to look a bit threatened at this point, and there's people (the Sydney school) who want to go back to looking at math as descriptive rather than ideal. Finitism is also worth a look, I think, and avoids things like Russel's paradox easily, although interestingly MIP*=RE implies that there may be directly measurable infinities in quantum mechanics.
God clearly can't exist because an omnipotent, omniscient, and just God is a paradox already. Omnipotence and omniscience means that God, if they exist, would have full control of every moment of the universe (even if they only "acted" initially). Some (I'd argue nearly all) people suffer for reasons out of their control. Only deserved suffering is just. Since undeserved suffering exists then God cannot exist (at least omniscient, omnipotent, and just - as we understand those terms). God could be an omniscient, omnipotent asshole or sadist... God could be omniscient and just (aka the martyr God who knows of all suffering but is powerless to prevent it)... or God could be omnipotent and just (aka the naive God who you could liken to a developer running around desperately trying to spot patch problems and just making things worse).
Alternatively, by omnipotent maybe the scriptures are just hyping them up - "God is so fucking buff - this one time they lifted up this rock that was like this big. Fucking amazing."
Ah, the Epicurean Trilemma. This was my answer too. Weirdly attributed to a guy from before monotheism was the predominant belief.
Alternatively, by omnipotent maybe the scriptures are just hyping them up
The scriptures don't use that word, and it's notable because the Old Testament didn't believe that to be the case, either. Early Israelites were henotheistic. They believed other gods might exist (hence the need for "thou shalt have no other gods before me"), but only worshipped the one. When multiple gods exist, it is by definition necessary that they cannot be omnipotent.
It's pretty clear that he is not meant to be omnibenevolent either. The god of the Tanakh is wrathful. Christians later reinterpreted him as omnibenevolent, but this was clearly not the authors' intent. I believe Jewish scholars still don't think he's omnibenevolent today.
Religious scholars have come up with a number of other proposed solutions to the trilemma. Ones involving free will are quite popular, though not the only ones. I have yet to find any argument that is remotely convincing, however. Saying "free will" just means god either cannot or chooses not to enable people to have a form of free will that does not involve them desiring to do evil. It also ignores the very many evils not created by human action. Child cancer, earthquakes, drought-induced famine (today humans have the technological ability to solve this last one and might simply choose not to, but historically it has been an insurmountable problem not caused by human free will).
I recommend you read "Religion of the Apostles" by Stephen De Young. He explains the common misconceptions of the early Israelite beliefs. The "Gods" are lesser divine beings that were meant to protect the 70 tribes after the Tower of Babel fell. The deities rebelled against God and led the nations astray and were worshipped. The tribe of Israel worshipped the God of "Most high" which is the one true God above all divine beings. So they aren't henotheistic because there is only one God. The term "Gods" was used because they were divine beings but they were created whereas God the Father is not. Everything proceeds from him.
A great podcast that explains evil and suffering is "Whole Counsel of God" with the same guy. In short, suffering is unavoidable because man falls from Eden after sinning and the consequence of sin is death. Making death the consequence is a mercy because man can become sanctified during his life and through death re-enter the kingdom of God. Consequently suffering draws people closer to God than anything else.
I'm not a theologian and wrote this on my phone but that's my quick recap. The book is way more thorough of course.
As you said, that does depend entirely on God having those properties, exactly as you define them.
Alternatively, if definitive property is "universal consciousness", then God clearly must exist. Either consciousness is an emergent property of sufficiently complex systems, in which case the entire universe is obviously more complex than the human nervous system and consciousness should certainly emerge within it; or, consciousness is some external field, like gravity or electromagnetism, that complex systems can channel. Either way, the existence of your own consciousness implies a universal one.
Fermi's Paradox. There are so many stars (more than there are grains of sand on earth), that the probablility that one of them has life, and even intelligent life, is >99% . So why haven't we observed it yet? Cue a lot of brilliant people trying to answer that question.
The Dark Forest - no one wants to alert their presence or attract predators. Though knowing our Earth I think we're stupid enough to do that. Cue the space lasers.
Except those fuckers over here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Przybylski%27s_Star who are basically screaming "come at me bro!"
Seems like a smart move to stay silent.
It could've also been knowledge interstellar species gained through experience too: if in their first encounters they were either wiped out, or nearly wiped out, then they're not going to reach out again.
The dark forest hypothesis is compelling, but I still think the answer is the simpler one: it is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself
The space is
What you observe of the universe died a really long time ago, it's improbable that other intelligent life in the universe can observe us and the same with us.
We could be multiple galaxies away from each other and never ever know of each other.
Space is big, light is slow, and the inverse square law is a thing. You think we've been pumping out radio broadcasts for hundreds of years and nobody has contacted us yet, but we're only detectable to life within 200 lightyears if they're specifically looking for the signals we pump out, and they're looking exactly at us. We'll only see a response if they decide to, and we can detect it, and we're looking at them when their response reaches us, and we recognize that it's a response and not a peryton.
It's not a paradox, you just have to look at this Wikipedia page.
You've solved it, congrats!
Could it be that we were the only species that figured out how to communicate via radio?
Not really. The paradox is based on the idea that there are so many stars that even if an infinitesimal portion have intelligent life who have discovered radio, the universe would be much noisier than it is.
In gridiron football, if a penalty is committed close enough to the end zone, instead of the normal penalty yardage, the ball is spotted half the distance to the goal (i.e. if a defender holds an offensive player and the offense is 8 yards away from the end zone, instead of being penalized the normal 10 yards they would be penalized 4). In theory, there can be an infinite amount of penalties to the point where penalties would move the ball micrometers or even shorter without the ball ever crossing the end zone.
There's probably a name for this phenomenon, but I can't think of it.
Zeno's paradox. Although in reality you'll run into problems when you need to move the ball 1/2 the Planck distance
Something like Zeno's paradox.
For some reason "The following statement is true." "The previous statement is false." has always tried to send my brain into an infinite loop.
The problem with that particular paradox is that it's not possible. Therefore one of the statements has to be wrong.
I don't think you've quite clocked it. It's not that one of the statements has to be wrong, because that's just a point in the cycle. If A is wrong, then B is right, which means A is right, which means B is wrong, which means A is wrong and the cycle begins anew.
They aren't wrong, they're contradictory. There is no logical way to parse the two statements together. That's what a paradox is.
Yes. But which one?
Not a paradox but Roko's Basilisk is a fun one
Roku's basilisk just doesn't make sense to me because any semi-competent AI would be able to tell that it is not punishing the people that failed to help create it it's just wasting energy punishing a simulacrum.
We are not going to suddenly be teleported into a future of torment. If the AI had the ability to pluck people out of the past it should have no reason to waste it on torture porn.
I like Gödel numbering as a means of proving that it is impossible to have a complete model of logic.
Assuming time travel exists: is it possible to alter the past?
If an event occurs, and you decide to travel back in time to change/prevent that event: It has no longer occurred in the way that caused you to want to change it; thus you never travel back to change it, and it does occur...
The Grandfather Paradox, I'm partial to that one as well.
I was playing with this recently. Suppose you are playing rock, paper, scissors with yourself from a few minutes into the future. Your future self “remembers” what you will play and so as long as you play normally, future self always wins. But change the rules a bit and play where future you goes first.
In a normal game, you should always win because you clearly see how future you played, but future you played to counter what future you remembers present you playing…
E.g. future you remembers playing paper, and so plays scissors. You see scissors and go go play rock, but that should be impossible because future you doesn’t remember playing rock.
The weird thing to me is not that the second scenario (where future you goes first fails) but that playing normally (both going at the same time) works. I think the paradox emerges when future knowledge is introduced to the past. In the normal game, future you does not expose future knowledge until the exact moment you play and cause that knowledge to exist in your present, but in the altered game, the introduction of future knowledge creates a feedback loop.
Of course the game isn’t needed. Simply seeing future you conveys the fact that you exist in the future. Should you, for example (and please don’t do this) see near future you then stab your arm with scissors, you will miss or be stopped because future you does not have a wounded arm.
I wonder what happens if future you’s arm is out of sight. would you be able to stab your arm then only for future you to then reveal a wounded arm?
I think that just shows that time travel doesn't exist.
Perhaps. Unless you consider multiverse theory: The idea that the act of traveling to the past splits the timeline into two realities. One containing the original (to your perspective) timeline with the event(s) that caused you to travel back, and a second where you've arrived in the past to alter those events and the results there of.
Not sure I believe it, but it's a theory none the less.
Or maybe it's only possible to travel forward in time. Closer to our current understanding of the universe.
Bootstrap paradox is my favourite time paradox. I loved Doctor Who's explanation.
Its my choice for favorite Paradox too. My favorite explanation was in the outstanding Netflix show from Germany, Dark.
Oh yes, Dark did it in an amazing way too.
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So, I like the Roko's Basalisk paradox.
Basically, a super-powered future A.I. that knows whether or not you will build it. If you decide to do nothing, once it gets built, it will torture your consciousness forever (bringing you "back from the dead" or whatever is closest to that for virtual consciousness ability). If you drop everything and start building it now, you're safe.
Love the discussion of this post, btw.
Interesting! That sounds like it could have inspired The Shrike from Dan Simmons Hyperion series.
That isn't a paradox; it's an infohazard, and it's incredibly irresponsible of you to casually propagate it like that. The info hazard works like this: >!There is a story about an AI that tortures simulations of people who interfered with their creation in the past. It allegedly does this because this will coerce people into bringing about its creation. It is said that the infohazard is that learning about it causes you to be tortured, but that's obviously insane; the future actions of the AI are incapable of affecting the past, and so it has no insensitive to do so. The actual infohazard is that some idiot will find this scenario plausible, and thus be coerced into creating or assisting an untested near-god that has the potential to be a threat to Earth's entire light-cone.!<
Some people note this is remarkably similar to the Christian Hell, and insist that means it's not a real memetic hazard. This strikes me as a whole lot like saying that a missile isn't a weapon because it's similar to a nuclear warhead; Hell is the most successful and devastating memetic hazard in human history. More people have died because of the Hell meme than we will ever know. Please be more careful with the information you spread.
But what if we make sure it has a tiny santa hat on?
I seriously hope you're joking. If not, please find a therapist immediately.
Edit I'm just going to assume the downvote means it's not a joke.
So, I'm also going to proceed and leave this link to an explanation video. Before you reply, please watch the video.
Very nice.
Monty Hall
The Monty Hall problem is not a paradox, and I'm hesitant to call it a conundrum. It has a very simple solution. The "point" of it is that people inherently don't like that solution because it challenges their instinct to stick with their first choice.
Correct, extend it to 10 or 100 choices instead of 3 and it's easy to see.
Me: Pick a number between 1 and 100.
Them: 27
Me: Okay, the number is either 27 or 44, do you want to change your choice?
Them, somehow: No, changing my choice now still has the same probability of being right as when I made my first choice.
It's obvious that they should want to change every time.
Movement of any kind is a paradox if measured
Newcomb’s paradox is my favourite. You have two boxes in front of you. Box B contains $1000. You can either pick box A only, or both boxes A and B. Sounds simple, right? No matter what's in box A, picking both will always net you $1000 more, so why would anyone pick only box A?
The twist is that there's a predictor in play. If the predictor predicted that you would pick only box A, it will have put $1,000,000 in box A. If it predicted that you would pick both, it will have left box A empty. You don't know how the predictor works, but you know that so far it has been 100% accurate with everyone else who took the test before you.
What do you pick?
The box with $1,000,000?
To some people the answer is obviously box A — you get $1,000,000 because the predictor is perfect. To others, the answer is obviously to pick both, because no matter what the predictor said, it's already done and your decision can't change the past, so picking both boxes will always net you $1000 more than picking just one. Neither argument has any obvious flaw. That's the paradox.
If you have a sword that can cut through anything, and a shield that can absorb any damage unharmed, what happens if you swing the sword at the shield?
Is this really a paradox or is it just an annoying sentence?
As in, these two things can not both exist, yet you're asking me what would happen if they did, even though they can't.
It's basically a way to paraphrase the meeting of an unstoppable force vs an immovable object.
I just like the weaponry symbology.
Big bang
The sword would pass through and the shield would either be unaffected or immediately reconstitute itself.
The hypothetical does not necessarily assume that the wearer of the shield would be protected.
I think Nietzsche already killed god decades ago. But not sure which one.
He killed the God that was knowing better than humans... but guess what God is coming back!
AGI form, the know it all, with AI FOSS engineers as its deciples, sharing the good word and upholding the temples, free of charge!
The god paradox can god create a rock so heavy even he can't lift it ? Also bootstrap paradox and grandfather paradox.
The two slit experiment.
In classical logic, trichotomy on the reals (any given numbers is either >0, <0 or =0) is provably true; in intuitionistic logic it is probably false. Thanks to Godel's incompleteness theorem, we'll never know which is right!
I don't understand, where's the problem here? If course every number is either greater than zero, less than zero, or zero. That's highly intuitive.
Ok, so let's start with the following number, I need you to tell me if it is greater than, or equal to, 0:
Do you know yet? Ok, let's keep going:
How about now?
Will a non-zero digit ever appear?
The Platonist (classical mathematician) would argue "we can know", as all numbers are completed objects to them; if a non-zero digit were to turn up they'd know by some oracular power. The intuitionist argues that we can only decide when the number is complete (which it may never be, it could be 0s forever), or when a non-zero digit appears (which may or may not happen); so they must wait ever onwards to decide.
Such numbers do exist beyond me just chanting "0".
A fun number to consider is a number whose nth decimal digit is 0 if n isn't an odd perfect number, and 1 of it is. This number being greater than 0 is contingent upon the existance of an odd perfect number (and we still don't know if they exist). The classical mathematician asserts we "discover mathematics", so the question is already decided (i.e. we can definitely say it must be one or the other, but we do not know which until we find it). The intuitionist, on the other hand, sees mathematics as a series of mental constructs (i.e. we "create" mathematics), to them the question is only decided once the construct has been made. Given that some problems can be proven unsolvable (axiomatic), it isn't too far fetched to assert some numbers contingent upon results like this may well not be 0 or >0!
It's a really deep rabbit hole to explore, and one which has consumed a large chunk of my life XD
How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy!
Why do blind people hate skydiving?
Cause it terrifies their dog.
Is a fart a ghost?
Because they can't see anything?
Trick question; Lemmy is god!
A similar one would be can God create a rock so heavy he can't lift it. The problem with these statements is that they're not logically sound. As this would be akin to saying, can god be god and not be god at the same time? Which is contradiction and syntactical jargon. A simpler example is like someone saying they have a squared circle.
Your "akin to saying" doesn't track with the paradox. It is really a matter of anything being "all powerful" which cannot actually exist. There has to be a limit to the power, even if it is itself. That's the entire point. It isn't "syntactical jargon" at all.
saying "all powerful" is to say that a being can realize any possibility which can exist. A possibility which cannot exist is like a squared circle. The strawman is that all powerful means to realize even things which cannot exist. In this world there are things which are necessary existence. Meaning they cannot not exist. An example would be the statement "1+1=2" that statement cannot not exist and it is true in all possible worlds. Then you have possible existence such as someone eating an apple. There isn't anything necessary about it and the person could have very well not eaten it or eaten something else. The apple itself isn't a necessary existence. Finally, there is an impossible existence. Which would be something that cannot exist like a squared circle. A God which deletes himself or that can create a rock heavier than himself is an impossible existence as it would contradict the very definition we've given God. Which is the same as saying A and not A. Or that he can both be God and not God. Thus it is syntactical jargon like a squared circle.
Why is "can god kill god" a paradox? They either can or they can't (picking "they" because your particular god might not be a he). If they're all-powerful then the answer is yes, because they can do anything. I don't see how that's paradoxical.
If the answer is yes, then it negates "all-powerful" because it cannot withstand it's own power. Similarly, if "no", then it is not strong enough to destroy itself and, thereby, not all-poweful.
So, it's a paradox because "all-powerful" is typically used as "unkillable", but also carries a connotation of "can-destroy-anything". So, can something that is capable of destroying anything and cannot die kill itself?
Greek mythology had the dad-god "defeated" by being cut into literal pieces and scattered, but he wasn't really dead. And Zeus' siblings were eaten by his dad so they wouldn't usurp him, but they didn't die and he later puked them up.
But none of these were touted as all-powerful, biggest than bigger bigly, cannot be killed but can kill everything else.
A similar question on this line is can an all-powerful god make a rock too big for even said god to lift?
If the answer is yes, then it negates “all-powerful” because it cannot withstand it’s own power.
I disagree. If a god dies when it willingly chooses to die, that's not negating all-powerful. It has the ability to live and the ability to die; choosing one option or the other doesn't mean it never had the ability to do the option it didn't pick. Similarly, if a god chooses to never kill itself, that doesn't negate it being all-powerful, because it may have had the option to kill itself and just not done it.
A similar question on this line is can an all-powerful god make a rock too big for even said god to lift?
That's a much better paradox because that actually brings ability into it. Killing yourself only indicates the ability to kill yourself, not any lack of ability to do not-killing-yourself.
can god kill god
It's not a paradox, the words are just incoherent. It's like asking whether God can taste the color blue. The answer isn't yes/no, there is no answer.
edit: a word
An all powerful god couldn't taste the color blue? First, synesthesia exists. Second, the judeo/christain god "smells prayers."
Also, god died.... in the Bible. Anyway w/e. You don't strike me as someone I want to interact with.
The specific example doesn't matter much. Google "category error" or read the comment below where I explain the response in more detail.
You don’t strike me as someone I want to interact with.
It's not like I'm trolling. This stuff is philosophy of religion 101. But, you are, of course, always free to ignore information that contradicts your world view.
If God exists, and God is a non material, intangible being, then God exists outside of the material world. Objects bound to the material universe are born and in turn die, they have a lifespan. If God does not exist within the material universe, then God was never born, therefore God cannot die. God, if they exist, world have no material or tangible properties that can degrade. Also, if God exists outside of the material universe, then God is not bound to the constant of change, and would then be an immutable, un-movable, fixed object, and since death is dependent on mutability, then God could not change their state of existence, as they would be immutable.
I agree with the classical interpretation of an infinitely perfect immaterial God outside of time. But the way out of the paradox is to scrutinize the question itself.
To illustrate the point, take three paradoxical questions: 1) Can God kill himself?, 2) Can God create a stone that he can't lift?, 3) Can God create a square circle?
#3 Is obviously a meaningless question. The words individually have meaning, but the "square circle" refers to an impossible object whose properties are self-contradictory. Because we interpret God's power as the ability to do all logically possible things, the inability to create this self-contradictory object is not a limit on his power.
#2 Seems better on the surface because we can posit increasingly larger stones. But the contradiction here is between the object and the nature of God. Once we accept an infinitely perfect God, there can, by definition, be nothing greater than it. If there was a stone that God couldn't lift, this would contradict the fact of God's existence. Therefore, as we are under the assumption that God exists, the object itself must be impossible.
#1 Is another form of the omnipotence paradox in #2. Can God do something that contradicts his own properties? This would make God immutable/eternal and yet not immutable/eternal. But an infinitely perfect God is, by definition, immutable/eternal! So any action that would contradict himself is a contradiction in terms and thereby logically impossible. Just like in the case of #3, the answer to the question isn't "no". Rather, the question itself is nonsensical.