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  • I honestly thought this was my own doing and was about to go insane when I couldn't find the setting to revert this. Why on earth would they do this.......

    • I've felt this a lot over the years. Regressions in interface designs happen here and there, and I feel it's just people justifying their jobs. We have to change this, and that, and EVERYTHING, to keep it fresh. Where in reality, sometimes only some things need changing.

    • I put buttons on screens for people at work and I'm imagining the fury that would rain down on me if I put 2 buttons in place do a normal thing that was once one button. I would never hear the end of it.

  • I think however this is just based on how the average user interacts with this toggle. Very few users actively turn off their BT, ever, as they have frequent situations where they want their BT to just work immediately.

    OTOH, this means that in some cases, they need to swap which device to connect to, hence opening the menu on the first tap.

  • this entire quick actions shade was redesigned either for children or for elders

    the space now used for 4 quick actions could fit 12 quick actions before

  • This is part of why is think stock android is now trash. I'll stick to oem skins for now

  • my phone does single tap to toggle and tap on the down arrow or longpress for settings page