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  • Covid awareness? On Lemmy? Getting over a thousand points? It feels like I'm in a dream.

    Reminder to everyone that wearing a well fitting n95 mask in public takes very little effort but helps others (who may be immunocompromised, already battling long covid or other conditions, or otherwise vulnerable) and yourself avoid getting sick which can save people from chronic pain, disability, death, and more. Please do what you can to take precautions and prevent the spread of disease!

    PS: I recommend 3M's Aura respirators. I know 3M sucks (understatement) but they do make a good and affordable n95. If you have issues with your glasses fogging up with masks on, this one is for you.

  • We learned that in the zombie apocalypse, there is gonna be people that march right into the horde convinced it wont kill them and that zombies arent real.

  • My only time with covid nearly took me out, and that was with my both vaccinations(both parts of each). Decided after that to continue wearing masks to large public gatherings.

    I've been through some rough surgeries due to certain medical conditions I have, but nothing compares to the aches of covid while your chest feels like it's got multiple weights on it and you're seeing stars with every little small cough. I never want to feel that way again.

  • I don't usually do this, but...

    In the context, "I know, over a million Americans have died" stinks nationalism from a distance - because it implies that the tragedy is not people dying; it's only when those people pay taxes to the same government as you. (16~28M people died, regardless of country, by the way.)

    Not sure if the author realises the nationalism in that. Probably not.

    • Seeing the worst meaning in everything, eh?

      As a species we are more worried about things happening close to us. That's how we work.

      A kid dying in Uganda does not move you because why would it? A kid dying in your hometown is something else.

      Don't pretend to be superior about it.

      • The very conflation between "my hometown" and "the territory controlled by the government that I pay taxes to" is nationalistic in nature.

        Your assumption that I'm seeing the worst meaning in everything is partially incorrect. Pragmatics taught me to look for the implicatures of what is said, but it is not just the worst. And the implicature is there, due to the maxim of quantity. (Note that not even in this case I'm "seeing" the worst meaning, as it wouldn't be justified by the text.)

        Regarding your Uganda example: if someone lives in, say, Texas, why would they care more about the deaths in Maine than the ones in Uganda? This gets specially nasty once you swap "Uganda" with "Coahuila". I see the exact same thing where I live, by the way, before some assumer starts distorting this into a "y u bashin unired starians? i is so confyuzed...".

        Don’t pretend to be superior about it.

        Yet another assumption: that I'm "pretending to be superior" about not feeling attached to a government or the concept of nation. Please distinguish between what's implied by something said/written vs. what you assume from it. The former is to retrieve information; the later is to make shit up.

        The main reason that I'm pointing this out is to highlight a specific right-wing discourse (nationalism) that is so ingrained into society that even us, at the left, give it a free pass. I'm focusing on the discourse, not putting myself on a higher ground.

        [EDIT reason: clarifications + trying to be slightly less verbose.]