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What the fuck happened to big franchises?

For some material reason, the big chunk of franchises - especially Star Wars, and the one I meatride the most Halo - took a downward spiral in quality starting in the 2010s?

My personal theory is because of the undemocratic nature of big media studios allowing and even encouraging substandard writers to steer them in dangerous directions causing hundreds of hours of talent being wasted.


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  • I think it's the same reason that popular music is so formulaic (This isn't a "modern music bad" argument, this goes for popular radio-hit music of any decade). These big studios are more concerned about making money than putting out a passion project so they go the safe route.

    • Thats why you should try to keep to indie/underground scenes with music honestly. Pop music is fine, save your money for the local band.

      • This is pretty much how I feel about music. It is pretty much my biggest interest outside of politics and I love exploring new artists.

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