Freedom of a populace is not measured by access to the Internet but rather by what their government does to improve their material conditions, such as housing. I support the freedom to live inside a house, not the freedom to be homeless after a 1000$ misfortune, like in the U.S.
I personally view it as that if you can't allow people to see other viewpoints, then material conditions don't matter. As John Stuart Mill said in On Liberty, the person's ability to choose for themself is more important than an alleged better living condition. Furthermore, I see that if China were so much better, they would let their people see the alternative. By not letting their people see something they allege is worse, they prove it is better.
I am right now very happy for lemmygrads taglines, a) I was reminded (all day) this quote exists, and b) I didn't have to go far to find it:
It is difficult for me to imagine what ‘personal liberty’ is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment. Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible
– J. V. Stalin, Interview Between J. Stalin and Roy Howard
Again, I do not argue for capitalism, I agree with Stalin on this quote. I'm saying that I can go into whatever forum I want, and say that Joe Biden is committing genocide, and I don't disappear, I don't "kill myself" in my hotel room. I'm not defending capitalism, as I am a communist. The condition in which the worker lives is irreconcilable the universal liberty, however if China is socialism, in terms of liberty, they would be the same. I believe that socialism could be so much better. I believe that China could be so much better and it will be someday. But the state will not allow it.
You have to be a troll. But - you're a pretty funny one. A Boeing whistleblower 'killed himself in a hotel room' literally just last week. You can yell at Joe Biden however much you want, he's still gonna commit genocide without blinking.
Again, when I say Joe Biden commits genocide, I don't get disappeared the next day.
That's because you're a nobody.
I know this guy's already been banned and he can't respond to this, but I just had to fucking say it.
What liberals don't get is that you're only allowed to exist and argue against the state if you are effectively not a real threat.
They don't have to kill anybody in the CPUSA because they aren't a very effective group at making political change (right now), but the Black Panthers? Well, that was a different story...
A regular old citizen of Germany was arrested for posting on a social media post "from the river to the sea", They didn't even have to finish it. That was the only thing they said. Capitalist states disappear people all the time, It just depends on how fascist they are. And Germany is pretty fascist right now. The United States is in fact trying to destroy TikTok for its freedom of speech (I'm sure for other reasons too, as they probably just want an American bourgeois to make money off of it.).
Where do you get disappeared for saying Joe Biden commits genocide?
What even is your first sentence, that shit literally makes no sense. Oh yeah, I'd rather be able to have access to diverse viewpoints rather than affordable housing or sustinence or a good job lmao
Let me simplify it for you. It doesn't matter if they allegedly have better material conditions when they can't view information contrary to the state.
Hey y'all it doesn't matter if you lift billions of people out of poverty and they never have to worry about certain material conditions and therefore improve their quality of life, what makes a society better is being able to "view information contrary to the state".
"Man, this high housing ownership rate, access to food and education sucks, what our society really needs is the ability to be screamed at by white supremacists on Twitter."
"This society is great. I'm glad every source is monitored by the Chinese government, that's how you know they're factual."
Who the fuck gives a shit if they're feeding their people and improving their quality of life? If billions of people support their government because they know they have the people's interest at heart.
You seem to believe China is inherently lying about everything it does and says but can't possibly think of any reason why (spoiler, it's racism). You believe what the West says about China, which is why you believe in the Uyghur "genocide".
Drop the Zedong quote. Do you think that because the Chinese government is claiming to be socialist, that banning all other counties' resources is justified. how can the citizens not support their government when they're only allowed to know things that support the government? Also I'm racist because I don't support a government? I don't like the Russian government either but that doesn't make me racist towards Russians.
You're a racist because you can't possibly think that well over a billion Chinese people would support their government for doing exactly what I mentioned before, and your only fucking problem is "they ban other countries resources", without even bother to think about why.
Of course you don't like Russia, the government told you not to.
The funniest part is that this is all projection, lmao. Just look at what the West does to people who support Palestine. Censorship, media control, all the same things you allege China is doing is what the US is doing right now but somehow you believe what the US says about the countries they hate the most.
So you're saying you wouldn't have come to the conclusion Trump is a fascist if someone didn't tell you that he was? Like you wouldn't have found out about it yourself?
This but unironically
Ha yes, I'm sure having fucking google make the homeless in NY city sooo much better off than the peoples living in nice cheap apartments in Beijing. Tell me you've never been poor without telling me you've never been poor. 🤡
I personally view it as that if you can’t allow people to see other viewpoints, then material conditions don’t matter.
Said by someone who has never really been hungry,