"Keep politics out of games" yelled the man to game about killing literal nazis.
"Keep politics out of games" yelled the man to game about killing literal nazis.
"Keep politics out of games" yelled the man to game about killing literal nazis.
"White man bad game" and its the Bioshock game where the group of black revolutionaries turn into a pillaging horde as soon as they lose their single authority figure so you are obliged to shoot them in the face through the rest of the game
Later DLC would ""reveal"" that the black revolutionary leader only pretended to want to kill a child so the white main female character would grow as a person by killing her.
bioshock infinite bad
It's literally the plot, the game fucking sucks. Every Bioshock game is deeply anticommunist.
Bioshock infinite doesn't count because its entire plot is saying that slaves rising up against their slave owners is as bad as being a slave owner.
Wolfenstein 2 is a masterpiece however, but also BJ is literally white
Hate that they both sided it. Viva Vox Populi!
Daisy Fitzroy did nothing wrong
Wolfenstein 1 still had that sketchy ass relationship between a brain damaged guy and the nurse who changed his adult diapers for two decades while he was almost comatose. I checked out when those two had a sex scene.
Not only that, but it's about heroes who are literally white killing nazis lol. Red Dead Redemption 2's protagonist was a white cowboy who wasn't racist. They'll screech about how not every white person is racist, then when a non-racist white person is depicted, they screech that it's still anti white because they identify with the crackers being shot by the players.
Game where women and minorities exist and/or are playable: Woke
Game where everyone you kill is white and the player is white: Woke
Hmmm it sure sounds to me like they want a game where you play as a white guy but you kill non-white people.
They have resident evil 5 yet don't even like that
Chris beats Wesker with Sheva's help because woke
Idk maybe they have mixed feelings about B.J being jewish - would not surprise me
I should make a game called "Kill All Gamers" and in it all the gamers are white
link to Kickstarter plz
and your character can be anything except white and male
Average gamer ideal of an apolitical game: Custer's Revenge or some shit
You'd think they'd be happy that Wolfenstein avoided wokewashing by making all the Nazis white. Maybe they're upset because the new Nazi leader was a woman? Idk, just seems like a skill issue for all the Nazi men.
And like, you're a white guy killing the nazis, what is that if not positive representation?
Wolfenstein 2 was fun, never played the first reboot
First is better gameplay wise, with better set pieces and a stronger ending. The sequel had a lot more it wanted to say
The first Wolfenstein reboot has some of the most aggressive sounding guns I've ever heard in a game. It's perfect. Every gun sounds like you're firing a giant pirate cannon and Nazis explode into little red chunks.
The basic assault rifle makes such a clear crack sound, like an H&K rifle and now that I'm typing this that was probably the idea. That the future Nazis created a parallel universe H&K.
Yeah it was a fun nazi killing simulator, but otherwise felt meh, not the first time I've heard the first is better.
First one is also very good, definitely recommended if you're ever in an FPS mood.
just tried to fire up this game again (Wolfenstein II) and remembered why I noped out the first time. it opens with a drawn-out unskippable cutscene of domestic violence and child abuse
I can understand, though at least ::: spoiler spoiler you eventually get to kill that asshole :::
More proof of what being "apolitical" actually is 95% of the time.