My best friend recently came out as francais. Well, he used to be my best friend.
Now we’re just amis sharing the ménage of trois.
Did you never notice it when he kissed you?
It used to just be on the lips, but now it's on both cheeks. It makes me uncomfortable.
More than friends, less than lovers?
That's disgusting! He's FRENCH!
There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the D̶u̶t̶c̶h̶ French.
Nah, fuck the fr*nch
The French get a bad rep, they riot for anti-worker bullshit, they helped the US win the revolution,and they didn’t go along with dubya’s stupid Iraq war
The current bad reputation of the French is mostly because of WW2. They surrendered after only 6 weeks of fighting and then heavily collaborated with the Nazis. French collaboration was so heartfelt that they refused to hand over their navy to the British when requested to do so. They even fired on American ships and troops in North Africa when the Americans arrived to liberate them from German occupation.
The French were also enthusiastic participants in the Final Solution. According to Wikipedia, "the Nazis in France relied to a considerable extent on the co-operation of local authorities to carry out what they called the Final Solution. The government of Vichy France and the French police organized and implemented the roundups of Jews."
After the war, De Gaulle promoted the narrative that the French heroically resisted the Nazis, but this was not at all true. The famous French Resistance was tiny until the last part of the war, and only grew once it became clear that Germany would lose. The French government also denied their role in the Holocaust for over 50 years until 1995 when Jacques Chirac finally admitted that, "[T]hose black hours soiled our history forever. ... [T]he criminal madness of the occupier was assisted by the French people, by the French State. ... France, that day, committed the irreparable."
So, yeah, that's why people dunk on France, particularly when it comes to military matters. They certainly did not live up to the ideals of the Revolution or the martial prowess of Napoleon.
More relevantly SOME people can be discriminated just based on where they were born, and it is perfectly fine, since they are white and european...
the French liked this
Omelet du fromage.
Suddenly I feel myself swooning and am very attracted to you
Who says Dexters Laboratory never taught me anything!
u/1-Sisyphe's original upload of THE response gif is dead... Purged by imgur. Enjoy this archive.org version instead
Being french is not a problem in this household.
Being British on the other hand...
As a French I approve this
My condolences
I hate the "new" gay flag :(
I have only seen this flag in this here post and it looks to me as if it were the lesbian and gay pride flags next to each other.
That'd be because they are the lesbian and gay pride flags next to each other.
I'm okay with all of these except the French
Esti, hein?
Someone you know is a human
Based on your username, it isn't you.
All it takes is one baguette.
Thankfully I don't know anyone like that lol
Well, we can still talk, if only they stopped talking about OCaml
Someone that I love is very, definitely French.
Tab'nac! Vraiment???
That ananas you see smoking in the corner
Believe it or not, French
I read this in the Big Lebowski narrator voice.
That is not the preferred nomenclature.
I'll not stand for this Ajax erasure
I hate everybody equally.
French Canadian (and only 1/4) thank you very much.
Frwnch 🤮