I know the leftist in me is supposed to have sympathy for these people and get them to unionize. But only after I stop laughing and enjoying this moment. For years these fucks told the rest of us to “learn to code” and pretended like studying anything else at uni was a fucking waste of time.
GUESS WHAT FUCKERS. SO WAS CODING. Looks like we’ll be baristas together, only I’ll have three years of experience!!!
It's going to have to get much much worse before engineers unionize. I am sorry to say my fellows do not occupy reality in a class sense and these layoffs are just a taste of what's to come.
I also don't encounter a lot of the "learn to code" types irl, if ever. If anything, i hear pushback on outsourcing and bootcamps. I wonder how much of that sentiment was actual engineers vs students online who hadn't entered the workforce yet.
Most engineers I know are OK but not at all class conscious people.
I also have some bias here, I don't live or work on the coasts so the silicon valley elistist tech bro musk worshipping cutthroat competitive culture you see at big tech is just not there. And those types tend to be the loudest shittiest dudes online.
Midwest here, most folks just treat it as a job like any other. Still won't fucking unionize though, US propaganda is too strong.
Yes, I have been in software development for close to 15 years and I have never seen it this bad. Everyone seems to mythologize 2008 but I was working age in those years and it is just as bad now as it was then; maybe worse, especially seeing as we weren’t collectively in denial about a plague wiping out millions of the working population at the time. It has been almost 1.5 years since I was furloughed, and I don’t even get calls back anymore. Echoing sentiment elsewhere in this thread that tech workers are an especially clueless bunch as far as class relations, too; I have been attempting to organize for as long as I’ve been in this field and absolutely none of them want it. We had experienced the largest white collar labor leverage in living memory (mandatory remote work) that we just let them take from us because this field is all miserable men who can’t actually stand to be around their families and nonexistent home life. It would be remarkable if it weren’t fucking all of us over, and they all love it. Very bleak.
everyone should be a plumber so that anyone can fix plumbing on their own instead of paying others to do it. how will a person get food if everyone's a plumber?
i dont really know what to do. i learned to code and right now i can't get a job.
all of my experience is in programming, so i can't really get into other industries. i can't do most jobs bc i am disabled and cannot drive, so the fact all the current advice is "do a job that requires the ability to drive" really isn't helpful. like even if i made enough money to move to the city i still couldn't be a plumber.
if anyone has any advice on jobs that are remote i would appreciate it
A handful of speculative super-bubbles are on the verge of popping (one might argue that sites like Twitter have already popped and just won't admit it).
The overwhelming majority of software engineers and systems architects and coders are either
a) doing just fine in their non-imploding industries, such as finance and energy and manufacturing
b) eating the same pile of dogshit they've been eating for the last 30 years, assuming they're doing entertainment software or working Fivr jobs or otherwise engaged in the most precarious forms of software development work
This isn't bad news for coders. This is bad news for Silicon Valley VCs and their promise of unlimited borrowing capacity.
not me, when 99,999 coders get laid off because AI took their jobs, they're all going to sit around and do nothing all day, meanwhile I'm going to be the one who continues to apply for jobs or use those AI tools to make 50 micro-startups!!!
I would simply move to a peripheral country poor enough for outsourcers to hire me. In fact they were already doing it, gentrifying the shit out of everywhere.
Learn to code bros have fallen. All that’s left are the Go to trade school bros who act like trades are completely free to learn, guarantee unionized employment and don’t absolutely destroy your body.
I think this is mostly going to end up hurting PMC ghouls who were middle managers at like Google, Facebook, or Twitter, at least in the long run. The world would have to radically collapse in order for coding/IT jobs to stop growing in general, since every business and industry is only going to get increasingly entangled with digital technology. What's drying up are the "Lead Metaverse Development Specialist" type positions, as the US Government slows down the free money tap and giant tech conglomerates have to stop setting cash on fire.
That's all to say: I think it's fine to laugh at this. If these people have real skills beyond "project management," they'll probably be fine (or as fine as anyone) eventually; they might just have to get real jobs.
As long as I could remember I just wanted to make contraptions. I was always ripping apart my toys and connecting wires. I always resented the "I'm going into engineering for the money" crowd, like damn, leave some room for the people who actually want to do this.
Thankfully I know about more than making web pages, but I'm sorta worried elite tier web devs who have been living in the most convoluted systems ever designed by man are going to realize its actually easier to learn electrical engineering.
This specifically applies to the big companies in the US.
Companies are still desperate for coders in Sweden. I got my current job first week of searching months before graduating.
I absolutely agree that "learn to code" is obnoxious of course. Just saying that coders are still in high demand even if the tech giants are laying off.
I don't have any other skills and my company is insistent on doing more layoffs, while telling us everything is great. The previous layoffs are showing since we're having more impactful bugs with nobody to fix it. I want to unionize but other techies at my office think on the individual level when it comes to their career. I can't blame them I guess since any of us can be decided to go whenever. But that's more the reason we're stronger together so I'll still tell them about how much more power we have and hope it sticks
I learned to code and I honestly kinda hate it. Started having an existential crisis in my 30s, learned enough to get me hired, do the same shit every day, I'm kinda going nuts. I miss doing manual labor honestly.
Idk how long I'll stay in this industry. I guess until I get fired for being bad at my job. Maybe I'll go back to school and get an English degree and just teach overseas or something
This only applies to some gigantic international mostly american cooperations. Don't act like the IT market isn't demanding more people than society supplies.