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Is Nobara tied in with all the Redhat Drama?

Hello Everyone, I was planning to get a hard drive to install Linux in to use for daily driving. I was looking at Nobara for a bit but after the RedHat drama, should I still be using it? or should I look at something else for the time being? Thank you.

  • No, nothing RedHat is doing affects Nobara. Nobara is based on Fedora, which is upstream of RedHat. Nothing is changing.

    • I heard the guy working on Nobara works at Redhat tho. Idk what this means but if It doesn't mean anything for Fedora then it should be fine right?

      • I have no idea who signs his paychecks, but no, none of the announcement about the RHEL Sources affects Fedora in any way, unless Nobara is pulling sources from RHEL (which it isn't) this doesn't affect it at all. Nobara isn't an official Fedora, or RedHat product or project.

  • I read the explanation about this somewhere on the Nobara website, but I can't seem to find it. Someone else was asking about this so I'll just paste what I said there. This is a paraphrase of what I read on the Nobara site. If anyone can find the actual explanation it would be better, but this is how I understood what he said:

    The way it was explained to me was Fedora = RHEL Alpha, CentOS Stream = RHEL Beta, RHEL is Stable, then there are downstreams who build against RHEL. Only those who are downstream of REHL are effected by the changes. Both Fedora and Cent are necessary development platforms to support everything that eventually makes it down to RHEL in stable condition. They both depend on RHEL for funding, but RHEL depends on them for testing.