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Admin update - Hexbear Defederated

This is an admin post, intended for blahaj lemmy users. Top level posts from members of other instances will be removed.


Edit - Hexbear announced plans to deferedate from us.


After recent events, it feels to me that sentiment has shifted and more people are asking for defederation of hexbear than previously

I've been doing my best to try and mend bridges and keep us connected, as it's my hope that we can maintain trans solidarity and work with them, despite the friction, however, ultimately, I feel that this is an issue for the blahaj lemmy community to decide, not the admins alone

So here's what we're going to do

We're going to leave things as they are for a week. That will give time for things to calm down whilst we see if we can work together. After a week, I'll put up a vote and get a feel for where the community is at in regards to our continued federation with hexbear. That poll will run for a week. If there is a strong will to defederate (a clear majority), then that's what we will do

  • I have been watching my love tie herself in knots over the last several days, having to deal with the drama that has been brought on, trying her best to bring everyone back together.

    There's been bad behaviour from both sides, and I'm really disappointed to see that some of the worst of it came from our users, who didn't keep to the moral high ground, disregarded our instance rules and stoopped to levels of behaviour worse than that leveled against them.

    There have been accusations against us (or Ada specifically) that we are a safe harbour for bad behaviour and cause harm to trans people through our inaction.

    This is perhaps the cruelest accusation they could have leveled at Ada, as she works tirelessly to maintain a safe space for our community, and while I was hoping, for all the effort that she was investing into this issue, that she could make it work despite my own reservations, this last attack on her impeccable morality has made me very angry.

    I'm sorry for those that wanted to remain federated, sorry that it came to this, but I am glad it's over now, purely for the mental health of my precious beloved.

    • Hope you're okay. You guys are great. I totally understand the desire to have more people who say they want trans solidarity (yet support countries that hate trans people). The following really showcases the pathology of tankies.

      Any attempt at comradeship with a tankie is doomed to fail. Regardless of what they claim, tankies aren't interested in any form of debate, compromise, or exchange of ideas with anarchists or socialists. Their only goal is to give their dangerous ideology an appearance of legitimacy.

      Their only purpose in engaging you is to normalize their toxic beliefs and make us accepting of their presence in radical groups so they can grow their ranks. If you welcome tankies into your spaces, if you engage tankies in civil discourse, if you entertain their repugnant ideas or buy into their absurd notions of "left unity" and enable their attempts to create divisions between anarchists and sow discord, then they have already succeeded in poisoning your movement and rendering it useless.

    • I hope she is doing okay. I have been very critical of this community, here and in other threads, but I want to make it clear that I have not had anything but respect for her and I know none of this was intended or deserved. She didn’t fan the flames. I have been very disappointed some of the users here who went out of their way to do so, and were much more interested in fighting tankies than just… not.

      Lot of people said they threw off the vibe here. It seems like a lot of people here are perfectly capable of doing that themselves. I moved here because it was a small little friendly place with chill management who did what needed done but wasn’t heavy handed. I appreciate that she tried to maintain that even when people wanted a war.

    • :(

  • When I moved from Reddit to Lemmy, I made an account on because I wanted to be on an instance that's run by progressive trans people. Being able to trust that the admins will run an instance that's actually protective of its members is such a relief, especially coming from Reddit.

    Experiencing Lemmy for the first time was an adjustment. I was using "all" when I normally don't, and that brought a lot of new things, good and bad, into my feed. There were some posts and comments that I found gross, but the things were dealt with or not so bad.

    I started noticing a lot of NSFW posts from lemmynsfw with women that looked very young, and I found myself thinking about whether or not to report the content and how the moderators were verifying content. As young looking as possible while being legal and without getting banned was obviously the purpose. I was relieved when defederation happened. All of a sudden my feed was still diverse content, just minus jailbait-simulator. I missed the A+ posts by some of the guys, an Adonis or three, but I survived.

    Things were great, then I started noticing the "fuck Ukraine, NATO is evil" posts along with "Tianamen square deaths are CIA propaganda". That's when hexbear federated. brought different perspectives, and they were valuable regardless of me agreeing or not. Hexbear is different.

    Touting LGBT rights in Cuba, that's great, and I didn't know about the the changes in 2022. TIL. That's my entire list of positive hexbear posts I've seen so far. I'm sure there's more, but the community doesn't seem to prioritize showing that. "Dunking" and snark are not valuable contributions, and the simping for Putin is straight up evil.

    Ada and other admins/mods, thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration, your work, and everything you give to make this community run. I'm just a lurker, but I appreciate you all so much.

  • I really don’t understand the hate towards Hexbear – sure, some users may be problematically argumentative, but that seems to be true of many instances. Meanwhile, as a trans person, Hexbear was actually one of the first places I felt safe when I started looking for a reddit alternative, and, to me, that means a lot. I’m glad I eventually found Blahaj Zone (both the lemmy and hajkey instances), but Hexbear really does feel like a good, queer-friendly, solidly leftist space, which we need more of on the internet, imo.

    Like, we may disagree with their politics at points, but I’ve seen conservative and neoliberal users from other instances being awful to Hexbear users far more often than the other way around. I also think it speaks heavily in favor of Hexbear that some of the anti-Hexbear comments on the previous meta thread were from transphobic users from other instances.

  • Thanks for this! I personally find most of Hexbear annoying on a personal level, but that’s a problem I can personally solve with community blocking (and I mostly surf my subbed communities anyway). The way the original metathread devolved put them on thin fucking ice as far as federation is concerned. They seem to have a large proportion of people who are assholes for assholes sakes and haven’t learned that just because you believe you’re right about something doesn’t mean you have a pre-ordained right to be a fucking asshole. Or at least I’ve seen a lot of those folks, which has left a bad taste in my mouth.

  • I'm pretty new to this instance, having moved from .world recently. I haven't interacted with anyone from hexbear yet but I've seen some of their members behaviour on other instances and followed threads back to that instance.

    They seem to have a self fulfilling persecution complex centred around their political opinions. I see them on their own instance saying things like 'any instance that doesn't believe the exact, very narrowly defined ideology that we do are stupid and they hate what we stand for', then they go onto the other instances and make even the most innocent posts that have nothing to do with politics into commentary on their ideology. It's like they can't see the world in any other way, or respect that others might. Then, when they get banned, they head back to their instance and say 'see? they're just intolerant boot lickers'. It often feels like they're trying to get banned, or their instance defederated simply so they can happily confirm to each other their belief that everyone is out to get them.

    It can get pretty mentally exhausting seeing people say something utterly innocuous like 'I like chips' and then a bunch of hexbear users launch into a long winded political sub-thread on what a dick you are for liking NATO-loving, liberal, colonialist chips.

    They are trans and lgbtq+ allies and that's a good thing. I'm just not sure that that one aspect of their makeup drowns out all the baggage that comes with it. I always feel it comes with conditions attached - we'll be your allies as long as we can flood your instance. I have no doubt that if this instance were to defed with them, their allyship would no longer extend to blahaj members.

  • I'd like to thank you (@Ada) for keeping everyone in the loop and dealing with the (sole) legitimate issue that a hexbear user raised as promptly as was possible for you, given that everyone has to sleep and have a life.

    Defedding is an unfortunate step, but in this case it felt inevitable. Yes they were very good on issues surrounding representation for all kinds of 'minority' groups and there seemed to be a few good apples amongst them but the majority of that instance see absolutely everything through the lens of totalitarianism so its possibly not a surprise that that totalitarianism ethos spilled over into their interactions in the wider fediverse. Totalitarianism forbids dissenting or different opinions, no matter how innocent or minor the opinion and that seemed to me to be the essence of hexbear. The fact that their shade of totalitarianism included respecting trans/queer/non-white/differently abled people is both a good thing and still not enough to justify the rest of their rigidity. I intrinsicly mistrust anyone who is so absolutely certain about every part of their mindset that they cannot brook any kind of differing view, no matter how minor the difference being expressed is. Online, that results in dog-piling, brigading and flooding other instances and all that happens then is users on the recipient instance get bored with dealing with it and stay away.

  • Just want to throw some admin appreciation in here. Sudden drama like this taking off like a wildfire can be pretty difficult to handle (particularly in the face of brigading) and I appreciate y'all staying level headed and legitimately trying to foster broader trans community outside of our instance. It's an important niche and I'm glad to be a part of it.

    EDIT: I think this is especially important to mention as the discourse has kind of soured from both sides. Sure it's understandable that tensions are running high but it's important to remember that there's real people on the other end of it, in some cases doing free labor for a community that they love.

  • I hope we can have camaraderie between them. This issue is very polarising here, so I'm really interested to see what the vote is gonna be.

  • I followed the previous threads without participating, so let me just quickly say I'd rather we stay federated. I can see how some people might get really annoyed by their more vocal shitposters and political takes, but I think they're overall good.

    • A post here calling to block them ended up on their All feed, and it still didn’t get that bad.

      It really did. I was the target of a lot of it, and I had to moderate the rest of it.

      It also didn't end up in their "all" feed as such. It was posted in their "dunk on a lib" community, and that made it to their all page. And then a great many of them jumped on over here and trolled.

      Their admins stepped in and clarified things to ensure it won't happen again, but before things calmed down, it was pretty bad.

      I have hope that we can make things work going forward, but the stuff that happened before was absolutely not sustainable.

      • Does the fact that they have a community dedicated to organizing dogpiling and brigading not bother you?

        Does it only bother you that they used it on you?

      • I think having the rule about top-level comments on defed posts being from Blahaj members only has helped a lot. What would you think about making it a permanent rule in the sidebar of this community?

        Also, I was wondering if it might be worthwhile finding a trusted community member or two to add as moderators to this community. That way it wouldn’t just be you and supakaity having to remove those comments. That way y’all could focus more on the decision-making aspect of a potential defed, as well as more pressing server admin tasks.

        Edit: I was going to add, my reasoning for these two things is that these questions around defederation are only going to become more frequent as Lemmy grows, especially here on Blahaj where we have a higher standard than most instances do.

    • They also had posts on their instance directing people to our meta post. If you look at that thread, it’s mostly hexbear users now

      • That post was deleted by their admin and their admin said to leave it alone, which it seems they did after being told to. Seems worth mentioning.

  • I'm going to use my last post here before the vote to say, it was massively irresponsible to federate with these trolls before consulting with the community you administrate. I'm sure they spun you a good sob story but they've hurled abuse at your users that you're apparently happy to let go unanswered. And you say they deserve a second chance. Wait staff gets your order wrong? That deserves a second chance, restaurants are chaotic and shit happens. Person shows up to work late? So much shit happens in the Dat to day, you can't possibly plan for everything, absolutely give a second chance. A bunch of tankie trolls use your instance as their entertainment? Absolutely fucking not. You get a second chance for a mistake, not active malice. I'd buy into the "Trans solidarity" lie if they didn't admit in their own instance this was about "dunking on us". They're here to recruit and make fun, and they made no bones about it on their own server. Not to put too fine a point on it, you fell for the first nazi at the bar. For the tankies, I know you're not nazis, you just use the same style arguments and are equally as tolerant of people who dont share your beliefs.

    Long story short, I could not give less of a shit what Hexbear does on their own server but they've been extremely detrimental to our own communities and that not being considered a factor at all is beyond absurd

    As an admin you have a duty to those you administrate and you've essentially told them that the abuse they've suffered is inconsequential in the face of Trans solidarity The same Trans solidarity Hexbear uses to abuse your users, willfully and maliciously. That's not good enough for me.

    • I’m going to use my last post here before the vote to say, it was massively irresponsible to federate with these trolls before consulting with the community you administrate

      That's how federation works. We are on a blacklist system, which means we federate with anyone and everyone unless they are added to a blacklist, and you don't add good faith communities on to the black list without exceptional circumstances.

      Whether this is exceptional enough to add them varies depending on who you ask within our community, and that is why there is a vote

      I’d buy into the “Trans solidarity” lie

      That's my wording, not theirs

      As an admin you have a duty to those you administrate and you’ve essentially told them that the abuse they’ve suffered is inconsequential in the face of Trans solidarity The same Trans solidarity Hexbear uses to abuse your users, willfully and maliciously

      I have users telling me that they want to stay federated, I have users telling me I shouldn't federate. There is no path I can take that keeps all of the community happy. Which is why I am administrating, talking directly to their admin, pushing for changes in their rules and behaviour, and putting the final decision up for a vote.

      I'm pushing for change, and then making sure that the choice is still there.

      That's what's involved in administration.

    • I don't think admins owe anyone a vote on federating in good faith. I have no critique of your others points, as they are all your opinions and my disagreement with them is simply my opinion. But I think calling out an admin for trying to grow the Lemmiverse (federate with a new instance) is asinine. It's on them to take proper action as needed after, not before.

    • What communities exactly have they been detrimental to?

  • This whole thing was a shitshow and I regret that any of it happened. I did add fuel to the fire in the first discussion thread and I wish I didn't. I hope that something like this never happens again. We were definitely not innocent in this drama. It was sort of necessary that either instance defederates as I could see the infighting going on indefinitely. Hopefully Ada can take a well deserved break now.

  • I honestly don't know about them that much but I'm fine with what people decide :)

    Mostly I just wanted to add that Lemmy needs a way to limit who can reply to posts because it would solve a lot of problems

    • Yep, local only posts/communities would be really helpful!

      • Until thats done, i think that could be done with an automoderator. E.g. iff a post title begins with [ONLYLOCAL] then trawl the comments every n minutes and remove all comments from nonlocal users. Maybe it would fall apart at scale? But im not sure. It would certainly be more performant as part of the software itself, but i do think its possible with an automod.