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    • Wombat feces are cube shaped.
    • Bananas are berries and strawberries are not.
    • Oxford university is older than the Aztec empire.
    • Humans share 50% of our DNA with bananas.
  • if you scramble a rubiks cube up there is a good chance that it is the first cube to be in that state. there are 43,252,003,247,489,856,000 possible states that a cube(3x3) can be scrambled up in to.

  • There are four stanzas to the Star Spangled Banner (the US national anthem) and what you typically here at sporting events is only the first.

    Bonus fun fact, the fourth stanza contains the line that, in the 1860s became the shorter, "In God We Trust," motto on coinage that eventually became the national motto of the US in the 1950s (which was also when it was added to paper money). That original line from the fourth stanza was, "And this be our motto - 'In God is our trust.'"