Hairy butthole worm liberal woke Agenda rule
Hairy butthole worm liberal woke Agenda rule
Hairy butthole worm liberal woke Agenda rule
I’m sure this is satire from context, but it wouldn’t shock me if he did this segement
Honestly no idea if this is satire or something he really said.
Hold on, Benny Boy told me it's not suppose to be "moist", his doctor wife told him that. Not sure what to believe anymore.
In Reagan's America worms looked like circumcised penises Exhibit A:
That ain't a regular worm tho, that's Leto Atreides II, The God Emperor, The Tyrant
Still a phallic looking worm
Circumcised? More like decapitated 😵💫
this was the best book
First he came for my female M&Ms and I said nothing…
The Pre-David-Lynch worm (as per paintings on mass market paperback books) was of the hairy butthole configuration as were those in the 2000 Syfy series.
Why do I get the feeling David-Lynch thought long and hard about the sexual symbolism of that worm?
It's more like the designs were by H.R. Giger, whose design principle was "yeah but what if it was a vagina and/or penis?"
EDIT: Not quite right. Giger did designs for Jodorowsky's failed Dune project which Lynch took over. I would still say there some elements in the movie that look quite Giger-y. But his sandworm looked like this:
He would think the 1984 version looks like a vagina. Because he clearly has never seen a vagina.
Tucker is looking rough these days.
Putin's teat will do that to a man
Did they photoshop the orange tan on him or has he been taking beauty advice from Trump?
If they did, they seriously fucked up by not making his eyes look melange-infused.
Anyone who visits Putin has to puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose.
In case someone is wondering what the Tucker M&M comments are about (I didn’t):
Oh yea, I forgot about his weird hardon for animated candy women.
I am just looking up news related to this, lol
Look what they took from us!
the remake of beetlejuice is gonna be weird
why are conservatives so convinced that there is a direct correlation between viewing vaguely gay things and actually having innate homosexual attraction?
if this were true why weren't all the genx and boomer gays scared straight by the propaganda of their times? also why weren't the closet airport bathroom stall foot tapping gays turned straight by their hot Barbara Sreisand Karen wives
They aren't. It's another excuse to oppress minorities. They don't care if it makes sense ot not.
You know how everyone is bald and pale on giedi prime and what baron Vladimir Harkonnen looks like.
Dude so fat and full of cancer he has to use an antigravity suit to float his fat ass around to his growth popping appointments.
Haven't seen the second movie yet but the first one really conveyed the grotesque nature of Baron Harkonnen perfectly, the subtle spine popping noises as the suit activates are just chefs kiss
That's downright post-modern.
Back in my day we had sting in underpants and WE FUCKING LOVED IT there was no "gay" or... Well it was an extremely gay time but.. But we didn't pretend to like it! We did, though but you know what I mean!