As an owner of children, I approve this message
As an owner of children, I approve this message
As an owner of children, I approve this message
TIL about the term "Parent".
OP, 2023.
Sidenote: if you're pretending shit for internet points, at least try for 10 seconds to put yourself in the shoes of the person you're pretending to be...
Give them a break, they haven't slept in weeks/months/years
labor theory of value but it's for kids: how hard you worked during sex = the value of the child
Rothbard moment
Yes, I traded an iPod for them
Self reporting here.
Carry ons should be put in the overhead bin or tuck under your seat.
If you carry your baby onto the plane, be kind to your fellow passengers and put it in the bin.
and not on kbin
Okay, I'm gonna bite the bullet and say it. This is disheartening. I'm not one to clutch pearls, but come on. Would you say this about anyone else? Dogs? Cats? Anything at all? Do you understand how fucked up it is? I just don't get it. It was the same in Reddit, and it's fucking same in here. Why do you hate children? You don't wanna have them, that's fine. Why would you say these things?
Maybe you're joking. Even after assuming that you are, this is in poor taste and a fucked up thing to say.
As a parent of two boys, i feel that much of the annoyance of no-children-having people is due to parents not putting boundaries for children in place.
Children scream because of attention. It means they are not getting it.
Start walking around with the kid to calm it down. Its your job as a parent. You cannot stay seated and act like "what are you gonna do? They are children ! They scream!"
No. You are a bad parent for letting them just scream.
Having said that, babies sometimes just scream without reason. Perhaps, and I mean this, if you have a baby that is prone to doing this, do not travel in confined spaces, or dine at restaurants until that phase of screaming is over.
You can train dogs and cats to be quiet and sit still. Not all of them will be happy doing it for a long plane ride, but you can do it. Babies on the other hand? Babies don't give a fuck.
You can do everything right and the baby will still scream.
See, I have this speculation that early humans were fucking dumb, had no object permanence, couldn't keep track of their kids, and generally pretended they didn't exist unless they were being annoying. So their babies had to fucking scream as loud as a firetruck for their parents to not lose them.
That's the other thing too. The sound of a crying baby will drive anyone who doesn't have antisocial personality disorder or has been driven deaf by the wonders of childcare completely insane. Why? Because while the sheer volume of a baby's scream might not be as loud as a barking dog on an objective decibel scale, but when it comes to perceptual decibel levels, babies are loud. Our hearing sensitivity varies based on pitch. The higher the pitch, the more sensitive our ears are. On top of that, our brains are hardwired to have a reaction to a screaming baby, which can manifest itself as irritation, annoyance, frustration, and other negative emotions, because our primitive monkey brains are screeching, "WHY WON'T YOU TAKE CARE OF BABY!?" but we can't do anything because it's not our baby.
That's why people like to make jokes about dead babies, infant abuse, etc. Because babies are annoying as hell and literally everything they do is designed to make sure we know they're there at all times.
Edit: AND ONE MORE THING, have you ever wondered how a parent can love their baby when it's quiet but hate it when it's awake? Yeah, that's almost certainly a result of primitive humans trying to take advantage of the fact that the annoying poop demon was finally quiet and wasn't ear-fucking their monkey brain into guilt-tripping them anymore, so that they could ditch their babies when they were sleeping. So you can probably thank the negligent, sociopathic protohumans for babies being annoying as shit.
Would you say this about anyone else? Dogs? Cats? Anything at all?
What an odd comparison, given that pets are crated and put in (a warm/pressurized part of) the cargo bay. Is that better then hiding under a seat or the overhead bin? It seems about the same to me.
No i wouldn't think this about dogs and cats etc. As those are not annoying 24/7. Of course there are dogs and cats that are but the majority is well behaved... unlike Babies
Maybe you're joking. Even after assuming that you are, this is in poor taste and a fucked up thing to say.
Good. Making Anthony Jeselnik proud.
How anybody flies without noise-canceling headphones these days is beyond me.
I just had a 9 hour flight where both bathrooms were plugged and aisles were completely covered in puke because this kid got so sick, and refused to throw up into a bag. Every time he got sick he ran from his mom and threw up somewhere else on the plane
Left flight with puke on my backpack and shoes. Whole back of the plane was vomiting throughout the flight due to the smell. Nobody could use the bathrooms for the last 3 hours of the flight
My noise cancelling headphones were not effective
Should have gotten Bose.
I'm taller than average so it already sucks but last year I had three flights IN A ROW where I got placed behind somebody who was obsessed with leaning back in their seat. Like they'd lean back as much as the seat would let them which was already painful but then they'd try and push it more and more and jump back into the seat which was only hurting my knees more. One was 6 hours and I literally could not sleep 1 second because of the pain. three DIFFERENT people did this! Noise cancelling headphones did not help.
Im gagging just thinking about it. Ok, i will forever bring a facemask plus aromatic salts with me everytime i do an intercontinental flight!
In business class, no less. Like come in you rich dorks, you have no excuse to be prepared for this shit.
noise-cancelling headphones don't help with crying babies unfortunately, just hums & buzzes like the engines, HVAC system, etc.
I kind of assume people are listening to music or something with the headphones on. That does a good enough job to drown out all sounds for me. If you just put on noise-canceling headphones, turn them on, then don't play anything.... yeah.... not going to be super effective at filtering out crying babies.
They're good at cancelling out deep grumbling noises but purposely let through high tones so users can hear fire / safety alarms ringing. Unfortunately baby's screaming is more similar to the latter and cuts right through to your ears
It still takes the edge off... I have two little sirens myself.
Overpriced. And then you need them for every member of the family :)
And they also might not work well enough
Or just suck it up and be and adult instead of complaining about literal babies 24/7. Go back to r/childfree
I don't get the rage that some of these comments have from seeing this meme.
It doesn't say that anyone actually did or said anything, just that their expression dropped after seeing an infant board a plane.
People are allowed to be disappointed. I mean, I don't think that most parents actually love hearing screaming and/or crying either. Is a (probably) brief facial expression seriously the same as hating all children, or wishing for them to dissapear to some of you guys? Jeez Louise.
I mean, normally I wouldn't give a hoot either way. Kids on the plane, no kids on the plane, whatever. If I had a migraine that day though, yeah, I wouldn't be thrilled. I wouldn't be upset at anyone for the noise in the slightest, but I also wouldn't be joyful about it.
Are we certain that that's the actual contect of the picture, or did someone just say it was? Is this the accurate, OG text on the picture? Did any one of those people actually say or do anything beyond a facial expression when seeing very small children board the plane?
Some of you guys need to take a deep breath and just relax. I'm referring to both extremes with this.
Hard disagree. Kill all the children!
If pets can travel in the cargo hold hopped up on benzos and ketamine, why can't babies? Or me?
I'm up for it. Are the benzos included int he air fare?
I'm gonna be unapologetically that person one day. Get into a tube full of stinky humans and complain that babies exist in the world. People need to get over themselves.
Especially now that Noise Cancelling headphones are everywhere and work as good as they do. Since I've got my Sony headphones a crying infant becomes only a really minor inconvenience
While this reads like a Sony advert, I have to agree.
Children don't only make noise. So noise canceling headphones only handle one possibility of the outcomes.
Tbf I don't think babies are the worst. They cry, but that's it. The kids that can talk walk and kick you are. And also let's always remember that the major anger is not about the kids but the lazy parents that think everyone else should suffer so that THEY don't have to deal with it.
Maybe it's different in the USA, but I've travelled a lot and don't think I ever remember a long haul flight without multiple babies and young children. It's just a fact of travelling.
I recently did a 16hr flight solo and the other 3 seats in my row of 4 were parents and a toddler.
That's just part of flying and you should plan for it (noise cancelling headphones, sleeping tablets, ear plugs).
How do you get the sleeping tablets in the babies without the parents noticing?
kids crying/screaming on public transport/etc rarely bothers me. impatient parents hissing at them to shut up and sit down does, however... i get it, they're tired, being a parent is hard, but still.
a kid cries on the tram? i keep reading, barely even notice
a parent goes off on their kid? rips me right out of the book and makes me take notice
Yeah, they kinda forget what they were.
We've flown a lot in the US with our now 2 year old to visit family, and have never had anyone say anything to us on a flight in a negative way. We've had a lot of people tell us how great our son did even if he got a little fussy here and there. We've flown first class with him several times and no issues.
I'd say we're lucky that he is a little rockstar and handles it very well, but it is definitely stressful for us but just part of what we have to do sometimes to see family. I feel terrible for people that have to do longer haul flights with smaller kids though, 2-3 hours is manageable but if we had family overseas we would probably fork over the cash to fly people to us rather than put him on a plane for that long. For our sake more than his lol.
This is one of those things I see people complain about everyone complaining. Like vegans or CrossFit people. I've met far more people complaining about complaints than actual incidents.
Most of us get it. It's kids. I've seen obviously not emotional support animals brought in by asshats. Kids aren't my concern.
I'm thankful that my kids fly well, and always have. We flew with them at ~15 months with no issues.
I've always heard the complaints about screaming infants and whatnot...but I've never seen it. Granted, I don't fly too often (and less so more recently), but I've never had the "classic" kid crying through the entire flight. It just doesn't happen as often as people think. I'm sure when it does happen that it's pretty f'n annoying, though.
I have. It's pretty unpleasant, but you put your headphones on and listen to something. These people that assume there is some policy that flights have to be as quiet as a church are beyond me.
FYI, emotional support animals aren't protected on flights any more than other animals on flights, meaning they have to stay in a crate/kennel.
Only service animals can be outside of the carrier and there's extra paperwork associated with that.
Kids these days (Yes, I said that unironically) can't be assed to deal with any amount of discomfort. They've had a childhood of screens put in front of them so they don't have to deal with boredom and other shit that just ruins a person's ability to operate in society.
Grow the fuck up and deal with it.
EDIT: So apparently people are reading this like I'm talking about the crying babies. I'm talking about the ridiculous, pseudo-child-free adults who can't believe a baby might have trouble while flying and god forbid they should hear it cry.
I had a man in his 60s tell me "if you board a flight without noise canceling headphones in 2023, that's on you."
We were flying to Italy (from US) with our 5 month old to visit my Aunt one last time before she passed away a few months later. Baby cried here and there for a total of maybe 1.5 out of the 9 hours. We felt so guilty but people were incredibly nice at the end when we apologized for disturbing their flight.
She's a pretty good flyer overall but will throw her occasional 5 minute fits. I think about that man's joke after working our asses off to calm her down.
I don't know what kind of noise-cancelling headphones he has but mine wouldn't help against crying - they reduce the volume of buzzes, humms, and other background noises, but I can definitely still hear shrieks quite well.
Interesting. Not saying you're wrong because, sure, I can hear some crying with mine too but with music or a podcast playing its a distant background noise that my brain just kind of ignores, I guess. But I like to do work on planes so now I'm wondering if I just got used to tuning it out when I'm zoned in. I'm also one of those weirdos that can sleep on planes. So... I Might be in a small group of outliers on this one.
Being angry at babies is what pathetic people do.they cant do much about their situation.
Its on their parents but... as you say.. sometimes you just gotta fly. With the kid.
Yeah, noise cancelling headphones delete the mechanical noise and the standard level of chatter. Screaming is left in that void to come right on through and into your brain. They don't block angry baby screams, they make them stand out.
When you realize most of those judgemental passengers were those kids like 20 years ago (2003’sh). 😀
As long as there is effort from the parent’s side to help the baby adjust, then people should be more human and acknowledge this is how humans grow up!
No-one's claiming that it's unreasonable or unprecedented for kids to be noisy and disruptive due to (among other reasons) still-developing brains that can't fully process social norms and responsibilities.
We're saying that, given that everyone knows that fact, the parents who choose to bring poorly-behaved kids onto planes are being selfish and irresponsible.
The kids are mostly blameless in these situations - they're still developing, they can't (depending on age) be expected to be fully responsible. It's the parents that are selfish shitbags.
I didn't chose to be born nor did I chose to be a child. I have the right to be irritated though by other people's mistakes. It is completely OK not to make humans. We are not just mindless beasts only good for reproduction. People have a right to find people's poor life choices distasteful, lie smoking cigarettes and doing drugs.
Anybody that complains about children and babies can go fuck themselves. You shouldn’t have to feel guilty for being a parent.
Yes you should. That child is going to face pretty bad economic and climate times. The likelihood of them dying from climate change or starvation is going up. And because of covid damaging immune systems, dying of the increasing numbers of illnesses running around. Not to mention the return of once defeated diseases due to anti-vax movements.
They chose to bring a kid into a world of misery because they were needy, or they thought it would be cute, or whatever. Selfish reasons. That's who should go f themselves.
Except it's a choice.
I don't think hours of noise canceling headphones are a realistic solution for everyone, like people with autism or sensitive ears.
What we should have is a "children's section" in the back of the plane. If your party only contains adults, then you can only book in the adult section until it's filled, and same with parties that have kids. Parents don't want to disrupt everyone, but imagine this on a longer bus or train ride!
I DROVE across Canada rather than dare take a plane with a possibility of screaming and kicking children. Sensory issues are a bitch.
When I bring my whole family somewhere I almost always book the farthest back on the plane I can. There doesn't have to be specific sections... just people with common courtesy.
but one thing I'm noticing as a common theme in these threads is that there's an innate blame on the children/parents. Kids oftentimes CANNOT pop their ears due to how narrow their Eustachian tubes are. There can be cases where the baby's ears actually tear if the Eustachian tubes are blocked due to a cold or something of that nature.
The better answer is to just educate them in a friendly manner. If you do it tactfully then maybe junior will simmer down and everyone can move on without this passive aggressiveness we see in the photo. Giving the kid a bottle (if they're that young) is often all that needs to happen to work the tubes open a little bit to relieve the pain.
Now... if you're a parent... and have a colicky little one... skip the plane if you can. You know your kid. If they're not going to take to the plane well, then you're just being a dick to everyone around you.
So in other words: putting a sick young child on a plane is a health and safety risk for the child
Anecdotally my spouse and I know this; our kids are just extremely energetic. We aren't simply uneducated on how ears work, and getting unsolicited tips from childless people while already busy with our kids is just another stressor.
Call me a dick if you want, but sometimes flying noisily is the only practical option. No we're not going to drive cross country to grandma's funeral.
I've had to use canceling headphones for several hours a day for months due to asshole neighbours. Doing that provokes and exacerbates migraines. Using common sense and separating noise emitters from noise sufferers should always be the first step.
Yep, during booking they should only show the back rows available if you're traveling with children of certain age. It should be simple, I think.
Honestly? You should.
Thanks, Satan!
They should put soulless freaks like you down. Having empathy for literal babies is a basic requirement for a human being.
I just fly Delta cause parents can't afford it 🤷 Problem solved.
I miss Delta. I always flew Delta, but my wife likes to be frugal.
Were you forced to have kids at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to wait until your kid grows up a little bit and stops crying for no fucking reason. You can still travel with your toddler if you really want to, but use your own car. I don't get the reason to take a kid this young, to travel with you, since he's not going to remember anything anyway
Are you forced to take a plane at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to use your own means of transportation in order to be sure to be alone if you don't like children. You can still take a plane if you really want to, but use your own plane. I don't get the reason to take public means of transportation, since there will always be other people in them anyway.
yah please do no one wants your little shits around.
don’t go on holiday if you have cum pets. You chose that when you couldn’t keep it in your pants.
This ass taking weird selfies in his first class seat looks so entitled
not gonna lie that guy has an incredibly punchable face
I have a dysfunctional baby. We took an 8 month old on a plane to Japan because of a family tragedy and she freaking got excited when we hit turbulence and when we landed. Five other babies lost their shit but my kids all giggling.
Actually, she also lost her shit in a literal way, Jesus fucking Christ the amount of poop that came out after the pressure change or someone. Ain't nobody talks about that but all babies shit their pants at landing--- pretty sure.
Get her a dirt bike and a ramp. You may have a future stunt woman on your hands.
Why not make an airline for people with kids and then they could deck the inside of the plane out to make it fun for kids complete with a flying tube sized playground, maybe a mini arcade, and definitely a ball pit. The pilots could even be those creepy ass animatronic creatures from Chuck-E-Cheese.
That would make people happy which is the opposite of what the airline industry wants to have happen.
That's a great prompt for a movie. Where the kids cause chaos and overrun a plane.
"I have had it with this motherfuckin kids in this motherfucking plane"
I like where this is going. We just gotta wait for the Hollywood c-suit to start paying their writers again...
"Five hours at freddys plane" revealed.
They could also make every second row smaller child's seats and put them closer together to fit more people and children in the plane. Bonus: the parents can use the top of the kiddie seats as a footrest.
I remember the main complaint against me was trying to fall asleep on the floor during a flight to Japan.
The exception being when one of those kids is running around the plane spitting on people. Happened to me on a return trip from the Philippines. That was neat.
I'm gonna be that guy in about a week, kid is 6 months. Any seasoned parents got good tips? It's not a long flight at least, only 2h.
Edit: Thank you all, I read every one of your replies. Flight goes at 6am, but we booked a night at the airport hotel so we just have to walk across the street. Baby will be in a carrier and get the bottle during takeoff/landing. Fingers crossed.
Since Roe v Wade has been overturned, I'm all out of ideas
I think most people will give you credit for trying. Parents get it, non-parents who are non-assholes will also have some level of tolerance as long as it looks like you're doing your best to keep the child calm and quiet.
Shit happens. Kids are unpredictable.
You can also try a baby dose of benadryl to knock them out just before takeoff.
Googling your benadryl solution results in what I can only describe as the Internet desperately yelling at me to NOT DO THAT
The specific search terms being "benadryl to make baby sleep", resulting in the Office of the Child Advocate Connecticut Child Fatality Review Panel's writing in all-caps
Not a seasoned parent but have been through this process. Try to get enough sleep yourself so you can give the necessary attention while traveling.
2 hours in the plane also means like another 3 hours in the car + airport queues. Don’t forget that bit.
Sleep deprivation is a great reason why parents are angry with kids and can’t focus even for a minute due to irritability.
The kids are the only ones on the plane who are going home with you
When we flew for the first time (also short flight, baby was ~11 months) we had her in a carrier (ergobaby) and she fell asleep. I don't know if you planned on booking an extra seat or not, we didn't since it was a very small plane and there were no 3 seats in a row and also we didn't come by car (so bringing an extra maxi cosi would have been a nuicance). If you don't, you get a kind of extra seat belt to attach to your seat belt so the baby sits on your lap. What surprised us is that they didn't force us to take her out of the ergobaby but looked at us, basically saying "noiccce" with their eyes, and let us just sit like this. It was insanely more comfortable and actuallt more secure than with that seatseatbeltbelt consturction. I guess they realized this, I mean the baby is completely strapped to my body. Anyway, I was very grateful that it turned out there was no policy about having to use the seatseatbeltbelt and prohibiting the carrier. This way our baby was secure and slept for most of the flight (also on the way back. She slept 50/60 minutes one way and 60/60 the other.) The other obvious recommendation is breastfeed (/bottlefeed) on the lap during takeoff and landing.
Feed them on the way up and the way down. Sucking/drinking greatly helps with the air pressure changes. We did that and worked wonders. We would walk of and people would be surprised there were children were in the plane.
Child free by choice person here, though not the child hating kind.
At the end of the day, do your best. Your kid is all that matters. Focus on comfort, stuff to help with popped ears, and other soothing things that can help your baby sleep.
Assuming your partner is breast-feeding, pop that kid on a nipple. We flew several times with young kids and being able to suckle kept the little ones quiet for most flights.
Fly when your kid normally sleeps. Practice having them sleep on you. Motrin for kids.
2 hours, you're good.
Don't give a shit what other people think. I went through puking etc. in transport and public places. Just focus on kid comfort and prepare yourself with bags, wet wipes and backup clothes.
Just keep loving them. Fuck everyone else. They'll get over it.
This thread is goddamned train wreck. If you need to fly with young children, buy a big bag of those el cheapo foam ear plugs and pass them out to whomever wants some.
I don't have kids, and I have sensory issues that make baby crying noises physically painful, but I get it. Sometimes you need to take your tiny human places, and I just have to deal. It's a part of life.
It's unreasonable to expect parents to buy you earplugs. If you know you have sensory issues, you need to pack earplugs just in case. That is your responsibility.
Ear plugs always fall out, don't work properly and feel uncomfortable for me
You can also try over-the-ear hearing protection style gear
I had that problem until I switched to smaller earplugs.
I really feel like society has advanced to whre headphones or ear plugs are a thing you should be able to expect to provide for your self like sunscreen. Maybe you don't need it or want it for every mission. However if you are on a mission where it would have benefitted you to have that's on you for lacking.
Screaming kids are easy to ignore on most flights but I recently had one on a 14.5+ hour flight (Asia to US). Screamed 10-20 mins every 1 to 2 hours. I got 2 hours of sleep and felt as if I had the flu.
Spends hundreds of euros on a flight. Cant buy a noise cancelling heqdphone or earphone. I kinda assume a babys gonna cry when i fly because 200 people closed in an aluminium cylinder together isnt the most pleasant experience.
Noise cancelling headphones don't work against babies. They are designed for cancelling ambient sound by playing frequencies to cancel out the noise, but can't predict sudden noises like children crying very well. Earplugs or earbuds do a better job at drowning those out by plugging your ears from outside noises
proper earbuds will block out most everything. get ones that actually fit into your canal and play something you'd rather hear. when I put mine in, I literally can't hear anything but my music.
I wear both when angle grinding (at the same time). It cuts out the higher frequencies fairly well. Don't fly much though.
Hell, after dealing with airports I want to cry. I just have a bit more self control than the infants and toddlers.
Not much more, mind you.
Dang that’s a big plane! 4x4??
I imagine it wouldn't be profitable at all, but I would love services like flights, resturants, movies, etc that were adult only. Would be nice to just not have to deal with it.
It's unavoidable and a part of life you just have to deal with though. You roll your eyes, you turn up the noise cancelling on your headphones and you deal with it. But at the same time, parents should do all they can to keep their kids quiet and well behaved and maybe consider whether flights before their child is even a toddler are the best idea.
Far too reasonable for this thread. You have to pick a side. You either have to believe that parents and children bare no responsibility for their intrusions on strangers lives or you have to believe that all babies should be exiled from public spaces until they are old enough to behave.
Edit: /s cause this thread is ridiculous enough to need it.
My wife and I picked an adult-only hotel for our honeymoon. It's fucking glorious. One of our fondest memories ever, and we cherish it even more now with third kid on her way to wreck havoc to our ears in a few short months.
I can imagine, especially for a honeymoon.
Seems that everyone forgets they were kids once . I mean, we were not born adults and intolerant, right?...
That's irrelevant. Yes, we were all kids once. That doesn't make children any less annoying to travel with.
I used to think that way until I had my own baby. I understand the parents a lot more now. We don't bring our babies in flights/places to annoy anyone (some parents might do it, Idk :v). It's a complicated situation where we want to stay with our loved ones and at the same time don't be yelled by strangers who can't handle baby noises, trust us, we try to calm them down, if we could, babies wouldn't annoy so much, but they kinda have a mind of it's own 🙂 (stubbornness at its peak) I don't expect anything to change, specially in the terms lf having patience with strangers, but... idk :v
One of the best things about moving here from the bad place was how their senseless, rabid hatred of young people didn't carry over. It's heartbreaking to see sentiments like this starting to spread.
Come on. It's not that bad. Plus "maybe don't take babies on plane trips" doesn't equal "kill all babies" or "fuck Dem kids". There are many subtle levels.
I was never a kid on a plane, because I don't have bad parents.
I'm sorry your family was too broke to ever leave whatever shithole you come from. If your parents were good at your job you wouldn't be threatening to hurt children.
Except people don't hate the babies for screaming on the plane. They blame the parents for bringing them on the plane.
yes but they chose to have children
Not anymore in some states.
I always book late night / red-eye when travelling with kids / grandkids. For some magical reason I cannot comprehend, they sleep nearly the entire flight.
That motherfucker is not real
Repulsion at the thought of sharing space with the most vulnerable humans literally unable to communicate or control their emotions is a sign of a deeply sick society
Them being unable to control it doesnt make them less annoying.
Do some self-crit. Why do you feel that way and why has our society applauded that idea? Where did the idea of kids should be seen but not heard come from and why did our society so quickly adopt it? Why are kids seen as an inconvenience instead of learning to exist in society? What affect does this have on you and on kids you interact with?
Thank you for saying it. Its frustrating how common revulsion towards children is.
There's also a complete contradiction in how these people see children. Children are not an individual issue, as if the only input they get is from their caretakers. They are moulded and shaped by society like everyone else, and a society that teaches them that being a normal kid is wrong because it inconveniences adults actively harms everyone. So by even thinking children can behave in ways they physically can't -- their brain isn't even developed for Christ's sake -- by making the individual choice to belittle or shame children for being kids, these individuals actively make society worse, thereby continuing the cycle of sickness.
I'd bet in many cases that people who resent children existing are actually resentful they weren't allowed to be children.
Don't want to be pedantic but you don't "own" children, you are parent.
literally pedantism
oh, but you DO want to be pedantic.
very much. (to be a bit too pedantic here)
Can you legally make them work for you for free?
As long as the work can reasonably be referred to as "helping out their parent" and you're not getting paid for it, yup. No problem.
OP is probably not a native English speaker and didn't mean for it to sound this way
Thx, I don't like this kind of view, too.
There is a quote in my native language: "Kids are only borrowed."
Bad parents just suck
One time, my one year old niece screamed all the way from Barbados BGI to London Gatwick
I was glad of my headphones.
She was fine on the way out there though
I have 3 kids, they're much older now and I love them dearly... Have another one? I would rather cut my cock off with a rusty spoon. I have no clue how I got through all of the crying and bullshit.
Adults without kids should bring speakers with crying noises blasting from it. When people understandably get upset tell them to deal with your bad decisions.
Sounds like a good method for adults that like to get punched in the face a lot.
Agreed. I don’t have kids and I feel that it’s my responsibility to bring earplugs and headphones if I want a quiet flight.
ANC headphones don't work against shrieking cum pets.
Ugh, parents going somewhere long distance? Disgusting. You should be on house arrest until at least 18 months.
Damn I feel bad for the parents
They chose to bring the baby on the plane.
30 years ago, when I was a child, my father was in the US Army. Because of that, we relocated all over the country every two years or so. We did NOT have the choice of whether or not to bring my baby brother onto the plane we couldn't even afford ourselves because the move was paid for by the Army. They say jump, you say "how high?".
You don't know every situation. And after 41 years of life, I don't pretend to know what someone else's situation is either. So I generally let dumb shit like this slide now. It's not important enough to get worked up over.
No shit? That doesn't somehow stop my sympathy
Why? They chose a life of hell.
Because while a baby on a plane might be annoying to other passengers, they're getting the worst of it and the contempt from others on top of that. Must be fun
Maybe private airplanes aren't such a bad idea after all.
You've made me see the good in climate change /s
Parent who fly with toddlers here. My kids made noise throughout the entire flight. To those passengers who got mad, you know what I think: Fuck you!
To be clear, I never met anyone who was angry. Most people made fun with them and enjoyed seeing the youth
It's fine if they're playing. If all they're doing is crying, no one wants to hear that shit.
My only issue with kids on a flight is if I'm responsible for them. If they are someone else's problem, all is well.
I'll never mention anything on the plane of course because I realize the parents don't really have a choice and small children will inevitably act like small children but I can't really help being annoyed by their behavior either. Some people just don't like kids and that's fine too.
To those passengers who got mad, you know what I think: Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Well fuck your children then too. If they get close while screaming, I will hit them.
If I see one of you reddit neckbeards lay a single hand on a child I will smash your skull in.
Control your children, or don't have them. Fuck you.
"DAE anyone else hate crotch nuggets. Breeders amirite. Us epic ledditors would never have children because we maintain our virginity."
Shut up already. It's a baby. when your brain develops fully you'll have enough empathy to stop constantly whining about them.
I'd be interested in acquiring some children. For... purposes... Where can I get some?
Put your dick in crazy, other fun associated with that comes with the package.
If you unable or unwilling to take care of your child to keep them from making a scene and bothering people your child has no business being on a plane.
How don't you know how children work?
I know how they work: if the parents don't take it at the plane, it will not annoy other people
You sound like an entitled parent.
It's fine to want and to have kids. But if they are at an age where they are going to make an awful ruckus and you bring them on an airplane for several hours then you're being a selfish piece of shit to everyone else.
And no, it's not the kid's fault. It's the parent's fault for putting everyone in that situation. Just because your kids are disruptive to you doesn't mean you have to make everyone else suffer
Am guessing you don't have kids....
Oh wait you are serious.
Duh. The number of people who expect to be catered to because they had a child is just pathetic. Grow up and take responsibility for your own kid.
It is an option to not post anything instead of dumb bullshit like you just did. Maybe keep that in mind in the future.
Lmao, it was an option to keep your mouth shut and not have people realize your ignorance and lack of self awareness but here you are. I dont care about self absorbed peoples opinion. Educate yourself so next time you have a worthwhile response, then maybe there's a discussion to be had.
Everyone acting like they weren’t a kid themselves at some point in life. Get over yourself and stfu.
Give me one single person on this post that is "acting like they weren't a kid themselves at some point in life".
Just one.
Or are you fighting with ghosts?
I was never a kid on a plane no. My parents knew how awful it is to bring small kids on flights.
Daddict moment
The entitlement of the edgy childfree people (not all childfree people; most of you are cool) is hilarious. Screeching about entitled parents daring to take their children in public because they (the edgy childfree people) are entitled to being perfectly comfortable at all times. The irony is amazing.
As a child free adult, I don't mind that kids are on planes. I mind if the parents aren't making sure they behave.
Too many times I've had a kid scream at me for my attention and their parents just ignore it.
Oh that would stop real quick. Travel with terrifying (yet legal!) things to show them.
It is not about taking them to public places and you damn well know that! It's putting them into a metal tube with a lot of stressors and ruining the flight of many many other people just because you couldn't be bothered to take a break from flying for the first 2-3 years of their life.
Lol you guys are ridiculous. Get over yourself. My family has to miss several years of anything that requires a plane so YOU don't have to be mildly inconvenienced for half an hour? Sure, bud.
People shouldn't even be reproducing anymore is the thing. Unless the parents are millionaires those kids are completely fucked later in life
In this picture:
1 cute baby
1 caring parent taking his kids on a trip
And a bunch of entitled douchenoozles, not understanding that THEY used to be screaming babies too!
Edit: The replies to this are wild lol this platform really is just single dudes circle jerking. If you really have no compassion for the parent in this picture, you need to take a deep look at yourself.
I'm not a screaming infant anymore. And I chose not to reproduce because I didn't want to deal with screaming children. Not wanting to listen to someone else's screaming/crying children in an enclosed space you can't get away from them in isn't being a douche its expecting common courtesy and a pleasant experience everyone has pain potentially a lot of money for.
"You used to be a child once, so you aren't allowed to be frustrated at any behaviours of children or choices of their caregivers" sure is a perspective.
Yes, I was once a child. And if my parents had taken me on a flight before I was sufficiently mature not to yell during it, they would have been being irresponsible and selfish. "Babies scream, sometimes there's nothing you can do to stop them" is true, but doesn't imply that you should be allowed to take them anywhere.
What about ugly people or people with body odour? Do we not allow them to travel on planes, too? I can easily block noise with earplugs. Can't really plug my nose or keep my eyes closed all the time.
Why is everyone else responsible for your comfort? Wanting all families banned from airtravel just because wearing earplugs is asking too much is in my opinion a lot more selfish than bringing a child onto a plane.
Ugh, forget it. The majority here are young people, mostly men, without any experience with children.
I've had plenty of experience with children crying on planes.
Well, what would you expect from someone who says they "own" children?
It's a joke...
JFC, some of these responses here about people with children “should” do this or that. This is precisely why Reddit and most social media is cancer and people filled with 0 social and life skills.
Parents shouldn’t have to do anything. If you have an issue with a crying child, the onus is on you to find another space for yourself to make yourself comfortable instead of mandating what other people should/should not do.
Does that mean that parents should let their kids run around? Hell no. But this also means that you stop acting like another baby and find a way to adjust just like everyone else incl other parents.
Internet thinks that parents with children should stay home in shame and never leave the house.
Flights are not comfortable by design, people dont always donit for the fun. Sometime you really have to take a flight even if you dont want to. Parents too.
JFC, some of these responses here about I 'should' do this or that. This is precisely why Reddit and most social media is cancer and people filled with 0 social and life skills.
I shouldn’t have to do anything. If you have an issue with my crying child, the onus is on you to find another space for yourself to make yourself comfortable instead of mandating what other people should/should not do.
Does that mean that parents should let their kids run around? Hell no. But this also means that you stop acting like another baby and find a way to adjust just like everyone else incl other parents."
FTFY. The problem with this argument is it's just as self-centered as the others. If your child starts crying or throwing a fit, go to the bathroom or something, soothe it, and come back. It's not that hard. If your child isn't poorly behaved, it won't cause any other problems. Don't let your child bother other people by being a nuissance. It's not on them it's not their child.
Case in point. Jfc again.
Please don't fly with your kids, especially babies, and if you do, please for the love of all that might be holy, don't do it in business and first class!
Based and energy pilled.
People in business class or first class are almost never rich. Sky mile programs, travel credit card point programs, gaming point relationships between airlines and affiliates can make business and first quite affordable. And for when it can't be affordable, if someone is paying for it, it's not usually for luxury. I try to always send my wife at least business class so she is treated MUCH more as a human being than she normally has been in coach, as she is a minority and disabled. Rich people charter planes or own them. Those in business class are usually people who just plan ahead better than you. And if you're jealous of that, then you're a jealous piece of something.
don't do it in business and first class!
Lol. If you're wasting those sums of money to fly, I hope you do get noisy kids right next to you.
Here are some reasons for business class and first class:
So it's not a waste, especially when my wife is flying alone 7600km, 10,500km, and even 11,700km as both a person of colour and a disabled person to deal with family tragedies. For you to want to screw with people for that... Yeah, don't care for you.
Lol. I'm also not the biggest fan of children, but what are the parents supposed to do? Not having vacation? Leave them home alone? Throw them out the window on the drive to the airport?
Don't have vacations or visit family even if it's for a wedding or funeral. Stay inside your house until your kids graduate high school to be sure. Having a life is not worth the possibility of inconveniencing other people for a few hours every so often. You're ruining other people's lives if you do so.
Usually, yes. Stay home or have a sitter or nanny. If it's a family emergency or tragedy, benedryl for the child before the flight. Do NOT change the child outside of the plane's lavatory. Premium economy, not business class, as premium has some perks for bringing your baby, is more affordable than business class. Daytime flights if possible. Red-eye's people want to sleep. Be prepared, binkies, blankets, diapers, quiet toys, etc. Try to fly when you will have the most energy, hard to parent if you yourself are sleeping from exhaustion. (not always a choice, we know.) Insure your flight. If the baby is sick, colic, or especially if it has inner ear problems, don't go or again, arrange care for the child. No need to make the baby suffer, and in turn making you and everyone else miserable, too. Many people will not be kind if the child wasn't feeling well and kept them up 14 hours, which will be hard on you in addition to your own exhaustion.
If you have to fly business with the rest of the poors that can't afford a private jet, you don't get to complain.
I'm going to do it and then laugh at your annoyance.
Up to you. May or may not go well for you. While I won't do anything to you except an unkind look, you don't know who else we're flying with and what they might be going through. You really want to risk you or your child's well being just be right? Have you seen the crazy's on planes lately? I'll tell you this, if someone does read you the riot act or worse, I sure as hell won't come to your aid. And despite wanting to film such a happening to see you miserable or worse, I won't, because I won't want to contribute to giving you evidence you could use against your attacker(s). If you think it's terrible I wouldn't try to protect your baby, not my fault you were such a terrible parent that the child would have been better off being aborted than being your child.
I'm going to go with the very opposite opinion. Don't fly with your kids, especially babies, but if you do, do it ONLY in business and first class. Working class people have enough shit without having to deal with your baby.
Uh, we're working class people who are paying to avoid your baby.