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  • “Support for the conduct of the IDF is unacceptable and inconsistent with our values in the US Armed Forces.”

    Uh, no it's not.🤷‍♂️

    • Well yeah obviously, and this is certainly not what Bushnell would have written, but the impact is clear as day. Something is stirring.

      • Oh, yeah, and that's great, but...unless the left latches onto this and does some serious education, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Imperialism: Now with Nuance!™

  • sure would be ironic and funny if a combo of decreasing rates of enlistment combiend with deteriorating material conditions causes even like 10% of the u.s. military to radicalize to the left

    doubt we'll get a carnation revolution out of it but there could definitely be some funny consequences

  • If an officer is left alive to give the order, the soldier that didn't frag them is complicit in the genocide. Both will deserve the Hague.

    • Okay cool, yeah we all agree about the troops, but the question is "what do we do with this information?" and "how do we leverage this to radicalize potential comrades"

      As someone that actually organizes IRL we can't simply write off an important component of any potential successful revolution.

      Writing them off and pushing them away out of a sense of moral purity is only going to leave them twisting in the wind and vulnerable to fascists.

      • I like the idea of dissenting soldiers and see the value of getting a Certified 1905 Moment™. An anonymous letter which heavily decries politics and the idea of political soldiers is just performative on its own. It's Step 1. Bushnell showed one form of Step 3. For this to have any real significance to me, I need to see that they're committed to some kind of Step 2. That Step 2, which the whole Certified 1905 Moment™ depends on, would require contradicting the first three paragraphs of this and admitting that war is political and a coherent response against imperialism/colonialism/genocide is political. Maybe it will come but I've been watching the military subreddit responses to Bushnell's self-immolation and it's 100% psychopathic.

      • We must be extremely careful that support for dissenting soldiers does not undermine opposition to participation in the armed forces.

        This is clearer if we talk about cops. If I start talking about how some of the cops are actually good and trying to change things what reaction does that conjure up in you? For me it immediately feels like it threatens to undermine all anti-cop work we do. It threatens to convince people that it's ok to be a cop if you're one of the good ones.

        This same principle applies to the military. For me, the decision to promote radicalising military members really only becomes a viable prospect when we're actually approaching a sincere possibility of revolution. Outside of that specific situation it feels like it would undermine the work that has been so successful in harming their recruitment.

  • This must be a "guest" twitter thing, but when I click this users profile the most recent tweet is from 2023.

    • The site's ordering of posts has become completely broken at some point, as far as I can tell. The post is live (link is within this forum's post) but yeah the profile posting it has tweets from 2021, 2022 appearing above things from last week and is generally a completely unreadable mess. Maybe the author makes those decisions, I've never used Shitter besides Nitter/Tor