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  • Moon. Extremely underrated Sci-fi movie

    Vera. Excellent British detective show

    • I love Moon! Such a fantastic sci-fi movie. I always suggest that one to folks looking to watch one.

  • After a LONG stretch of mediocre Star Wars content, I was burnt out on the franchise and had pretty much tuned out from new releases cuz they all sucked.

    ...saw people rave on and on about Andor, finally dove in expecting it to be more of the same half-assed shit we'd been getting for years leading up to it.


    Like holy shit, it felt so good to actually enjoy SW content again!

  • Blade Runner - the final cut

    Originally, I planned to skip it before Blade Runner 2049 as I seen people shit on the original blade runner. But then I realized they were referring to the Theatrical cut as it was apparently filled with a lot of boring or even off-putting narration. It was definitely worth it to watch it before 2049 (and also the 3 short films that were included on the DVD* of 2049).

    Secondly, They Live (1988).

    Really describes the world we live in well.

    *Yes, I buy DVDs. I like them. And there's no way I am paying for a movie unless I get a physical copy. Otherwise,

    • The final cut is the only version. The theatrical version was pressured by the execs because they didn't think people would understand what was goin on. They were wrong and it ruins the theatrical version.

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine—I was always a fan of TNG, and the original star trek movies growing up and watched Voyager’s later seasons as they aired but for some reason never gave DS9 any attention—didn’t watch it until after college and my god was I missing out. It is absolutely the best star trek property out there.

    A couple others that come to mind:

    DC Legends of Tomorrow. The first season is admittedly pretty bad because it basically repeats a crossover event of The Flash and Arrow (and of course its just a CW Arrow-verse show so not by any means a masterpiece) but from the second season on it stops taking itself seriously and becomes a genuine delight of nonsense. Still mad it got cancelled when they could’ve just finished it off in a final season.

    One Piece as well, it’s definitely a slog, but is really a very charming show. I never gave it much mind but after seeing the first episode of the Netflix live action version, I had to check out the original.