People are noticing positive things about you
People are noticing positive things about you
People are noticing positive things about you
Don't mean to be a downer but of course it's a young, pretty woman making that claim lol
That’s a very nice thought that I can safely file away as “does not apply to me”.
"I wish I had his last name"
This is same as reddit threads where they ask women what do they like about men and none of the responses resemble me.
Yeah, that would require me to interact with people.
I mean, if that's you in your picture, I'm a fan of your beard.
I’m amused that your comment got downvotes. Like, why?
I can't fucking stand comments like these. Empty sweeping platitudes that the commenter does not know if they're true and cannot know if they're true, posted entirely for the own self satisfaction or to make people perceive them as kind and caring.
The only thing that I am actually aware of about this post is that she used the full word "you" exactly once. WHY? She could have just said "u" again and I would've been much less irritated.
Yes! If you're going to be a completely vapid lazy halfwit dumpster, at least be consistent.
If you just believe in yourself enough you will succeed! You're perfect the way you are!
You can tell this was written by a pretty girl as words of self-validation to herself.
I got one spontaneous compliment from a stranger some years ago and I'm still savouring it. Gotta make it last, never know if/when there'll be a next one.
I was walking alone in an empty street during NYE when a random girl, who happened to come by, spread her arms and blocked my way in a playful manner.
She only let me pass once I cracked a smile.
It's been well over a decade, but I still remember her face.
It was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.
I love that
The compliment I got about 8 years ago (a cashier told me I smell really good) is starting to run out of steam. I desperately need a stranger to tell me something nice about myself unprompted, once that smell comment runs dry things are gonna get gloomy.
Perhaps not unprompted but you sound quite honest.
Tell me you are male presenting, without telling me you are male presenting.
Source: I know the pain
Can confirm. There are SO MANY people in my life who I'm like "you're just so cool." People who might not consider themselves the prettiest, the smartest, the trendiest, the most intelligent... Etc. but each of those people fucking SHINE to me in a way that is so truly irreplaceable and THEM. I try and say it whenever I have it, but there are many people I just never get the chance to say it to.
One that stands out is this girl in my class at college back in the early 2000s. Random girl, I worked with her on one project, but something about how she inspired and motivated me has stuck with me for 20 years. I've made decisions and changes in my life because of her, and she has no clue that she's a pivotal and incredible power in my world to this day.
This is you to someone. I guarantee it.
I'm a man and I meet a fair amount of people who compliment me. For some reason, they all have something in common: they're trying to sell me something.
Everyone else in the comments needs to learn to appreciate and care for themselves more. Yes, this was originally posted by someone who doesn't know us individual but also it's almost certainly true. Think about the number of people you see every week. Each time you go to work, or go shopping, or walk through town, hundreds of people see you very briefly. It would be a statistical anomaly that literally none of them find a single thing about you to be pleasant.
No-one is saying that you're a perfectly attractive person, just that there is one thing about you that's nice. Surely you can believe that?
I used to hate myself and have no self-confidence or self-esteem. I spent years and years putting in conscious effort to get to a place where I can accept myself as I am. It's a journey that has been very worthwhile. There are lots of things in my life that I dislike, but at least I don't treat myself unfairly any more. I remember what it's like going through life hating myself, and it just makes everything so much worse.
I spent years and years putting in conscious effort to get to a place where I can accept myself as I am. It’s a journey that has been very worthwhile.
It's a crazy journey going from self-loathing to the point where now I check myself out in the mirror. I even used to hate my name, but now I slap that shit on everything, and don't even abbreviate in a professional environment.
Took a lot of years and a lot of work, but definitely worth it.
Congratulations! That's a great place to be!
just that there is one thing about you that's nice. Surely you can believe that?
I believe it, I just don't think that of the comparatively small amount of people I communicate with any of them think oh they're so positive aspect! and that they consciously appreciate me because of it.
At some point in time, I don't really know when, something snapped in me. I didn't want silent lovers or anybody wanting to possess any aspect of my being.
What I want is to live out my remaining days in total anonymity without anybody having any thoughts of me whatsoever to the point that when I eventually die in my house, it won't even be discovered until my bills have lapsed for a couple months and the police do a wellness check to find my decomposing corpse and can't figure out who the hell I even am beyond a name on a property tax roll.
This is not a death wish. It is a desired retirement from interaction. I'm so so very tired of people.
Lemme comments don't count. I'm just some random username leaving thoughts in a small online journal that others happen to be able to see.
Same. It's kinda funny how some people how some people are terrified of dying alone. For me that's a goal. I know that pain, and I don't wish that on others, especially anyone I care about.
What do you do for work that makes you so tired of people?
I want a switch that makes me able to not be perceived.
Unless I happen to find someone I'm romantically attracted to and feels the same way and is just as introverted as me that sounds awesome. Sometimes I wouldn't mind it coming sooner though.
I believe the technical term for this is 'a crock of shit'.
Over the past 10 years I've lost a lot of hair and have gotten 40 pounds fatter. I was objectively more handsome 10 years ago, but my 8yo daughter thinks I'm the most handsome now even when I show her my old pictures.
I really miss reading to my kids. If you're not already familiar with it, The Phantom Tollbooth is a lot of fun and might be perfect for her age - it's certainly memorable, in a hilariously reevaluating the world around you kinda way.
Bwahaha! Mmm'kay.
P.S. you. your.
Ha! That's better'er. 😁
The proposed phenomenon of "silent lovers" also implies the occurrence of "silent haters" and even more likely, "silent neutrals"
It also implies being a pretty white woman
Nuh uh, there's plenty of nice not necessarily white people of any gender that are appreciated.
The spelling makes it unwholesome for me at least because being filled with rage and hatred doesn't seem wholesome to me.
It must be nice knowing you're attractive and that people "probably" feel that way about you :( some of us were cursed at birth
Your personality is also relevant. That's easier adjust than appearance.
Are these hypothetical people jealous of my wheelchair and my chronic pain too? Sentimental dribble.
Likely just your personality. Hope you feel better one day! Or at least can be cheered up a little.
Can't do wheelies when you're walking.
I'm bald.
Better for vitamin D in the winter. Faster to dry after bathing.
"I wish I could reflect sunlight as well as you"
u have a lot of silent lovers on this planet
they wish they had ur smile
ur hair
You're right, this doesn't apply to bald people like you
Yes, that line is what inspired me to comment.
I'm bald. I was bald at my wedding. I was bald in the dating app photos that my now-wife saw before we met. It's all good.
Pics or it didn't happen
I think the positive way to take this statement is to just assume its true whether it is or not.
Yeah. I do have silent admirers. Kick ass and go me!
They wrote "you" at least once, so they appear to know the correct spelling.
It’s such vapid act.
Not me
My manager often comes to me in order to fix all of her problems, does that count?