"What do we do now?" - LMG's response to the recent controversies
"What do we do now?" - LMG's response to the recent controversies
At least, some of the recent controversies.
"What do we do now?" - LMG's response to the recent controversies
At least, some of the recent controversies.
Big shout out to them leaving the links to LTT merch in the description. Venal fucks.
100% this. Whoever is in charge of uploads is almost definitely using a macro to auto-fill every description. If you look, the description credits the intro/outro music which weren't even used in this video at all.
Most YT channels do this, very few big channels actually put anything besides their own links in descriptions.
The part witch Nick plugging LTT store was cringe
EDIT: did not know about the allegations from the former employee and it just saddens me. I was only aware of the cooling block and it's auctioning when I wrote this.
This thread you made is cringe. Grow tf up and try to have some understanding for once in a while.
Big corporations will always pull fake apologies and complain that consumers are beligerent little hotheads who's opinion doesn't matter in the long run. You're proving their point right now.
But if say LTT actually does pull out of this amicably and their words are followed by prompt action that remedies the situation, we can in turn look at Intel, AMD, Nvidia and the likes and say "see? That's how it's done".
As tech jesus himself said in his expose video is that we all make mistakes.
Do not attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, and the way LMG has been working has been stupid.
Don't give the bastards an inch, I understand. But let us be clear about who the bastards are and I still don't think LMG has gone over to the side of evil.
Now they're stepping back, taking the time to make amens (I hope they really give that company they shafted a much needed boost for instance, as a bare minimum) and we should be here for that.
If you're just here to whine, fine. But don't think you're adding to the conversation or saying anything meaningful, because you are in fact just trolling.
Again, try and have some understanding. It's very important for us to do that, because secterianism and feudes will in the end hurt the community, and also the consumer, because we have to stay on top of this.
So I just watched the entire team apologize for Linus and then Linus proceeded to attempt to gaslight everyone watching.
Fuck this guy.
Yeah, I feel now it is out that he is a narcissist and it just feels so obvious. He is gaslighting everyone and people try to clean up after him, that's just symptomatic. He won't change, he will maybe get managed better by the people around him to reduce the damage. But there isn't anything else to hope for.
Monetizing an apology video of all things says it all.
From the majority of the team, this is a pretty good and textbook PR mea culpa. "Here's how we screwed up, here's how we're fixing it."
The pushing the merch was tone-deaf and the defensive whining from Linus was NOT on-point, though. I appreciate it ended with "how I'm going to fix it," but he should keep the defensive shit to himself.
Glad to see this video, even with some of the drawbacks mentioned in the comments. I think everyone needs a path to redemption and LMG should get a chance. I think that this "reflection" should be more regular. LMG is no longer a small company and like it or not, they need to regularly be ahead of these situations. I really hope that they will take a week ever month or two to review any new screw ups and remedy them. Process will not solve everything, ensuring a company culture that has key values will triump process. It takes time however. I wish them the best.
I agree that it's good they're acknowledging the problems but that video felt like an interrogation. So corporate and weird.
In fairness, they would have been absolutely stupid to have not done a 100% prewritten, teleprompted PR riddled pre-written response given the situation. Linus sitting down in front of a camera and just letting his mind do Linus things isn't gonna help anyone lol.
How many takes do you think each of them needed before they all managed to look at the camera while talking, read the script appropriately, and move their head and hands enthusiastically?
How many times do you reckon the team needed to ask linus before he decided to take the whole thing seriously.
So likely every scripted apology video basically
Guess, I am out of the loop.
After Linus blasted people using ad-blockers (fucking hypocrite), I uh, just blocked his channel.
Same, I unsubbed back then.
(Thanks Louis Rossmann for existing, BTW).
Recent events only confirmed that my choice was right.
I unsubbed from MKBHD as well a while ago, I'm not at ease with YouTubers becoming corporations (or getting close to).
I loved LMG and watched their videos for years, but if you are going to put out false or exaggerated data knowingly, or auction off a one of a kind prototype, would pass me off but I might tune in from time to time for the entertainment.
But if you are called out on this and instead of trying to do the right thing you double down and even straight up lie to try to make a case where you aren't the bad guy, then I am done with LMG channels as I can not support a company with this clown.
IMO a good answer and directly adresses my biggest stated problem of "we know stuff goes wrong, but we don't care about them" (see https://lemmings.world/comment/1218294)
The thing about Madison: if true it's very concerning, but for now it's only one person who told about these problems and I don't know her enough to trust her like that without proof. In contrast: I trust GN and they showed proof
But that doesn't mean you should ignore these accusations and I would like to see an answer from LMG.
This is MY opinion on this matter. Your opinion may vary!
Re: Madison, she sprinkled a bunch of non-issues (edit: I don't mean to downplay the more serious issues she raises! I'm concerned that this would leave room for others to do so) or things that are normal for companies that aren’t super huge- the journal/lined paper debacle for example. Of course the company focused on profit is going to ask you to make do with essentially the same thing. That’s super normal.
Being asked to manage the OF despite objections isn’t super bad when you are literally hired just to do social media. It’s unpleasant, but most jobs are going to have unpleasant moments. At a similar pay scale, I’ve been required to go into homes where folks had COVID. Coworkers have been shot at. I’ve seen things I really would have preferred not to. No job is perfectly sane in that sense.
Some of the issues where Madison said “they wanted me to do x and I couldn’t because y” (red footage editing/ram comes to mind) feel like issues where she would be told something, then would vent in her head instead of going “hey, I don’t have enough ram to edit that footage!” - something I’ve encountered a ton with less experienced (in a business sense, not skill) hires.
The managerial and behavioral issues she brings up are awful but not entirely surprising given the type of folk who stick around there. It indicates a systemic issue and that usually happens due to a lack of oversight and course-correction, or outright malicious management. I’m hopeful that it’s the former.
Last but not least, she repeatedly states it was her dream job. This is an experience that should hopefully show her to never meet your heroes! Dream jobs usually suck unless you get lucky, because they have lots of rough edges. Hopefully she’s doing something that brings her more joy now.
I feel that your post is belittling a situation that, as narrated, is straight up mobbing and bullying, only acknowledging it in a small paragraph which I feel boils down to a dismissive "awful but only maybe malicious, probably just lack of oversight", while the rest of your comment tries to find excuses and normalizing something that is not.
I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, "how I liked to fuck".
I was told that certain issues were "sexual tension" and I should just "take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out"
I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called "retarded" I was called a "faggot"
My work was called "dogs--t" I was called "incompetent".
"I think the reason you try to be funny, is because you lack any other skills." smiled then walked away.
I watched co-workers get what I had asked for weeks before they did. It took 2 months to get mine.
Also apparently some managers didn't like me because I "hadn't gotten drunk with them before" Which was said in that haha just jokin (but actually I'm serious) tone
Are nor normal nor acceptable: for anyone who is in a corporation where this is common place: take a step back and understand that it is not healthy for you, bad power dynamics are a real thing and the abuse of them sometimes can feel normal, especially in small businesses that get a sudden explosive growth. And I don't even want to go into her self harming to get a day off.
You can say it was probably a single person, but the lack of action by management with phrases like "change your priorities", "put on your big girl pants" and stuff like that makes it a Company issue, Company which indirectly accept and endorse that kind of treatment: they being so against unionizing sincerely gets a whole other meaning read under this light.
The notebook case is self evidence of it all: A small thing that normally wouldn't be anything important, but compounded with the stressful environment got emotionally distressful. The fact that such a small thing has stayed with her so long should tell you that she was really not in an healthy mental state.
I don't personally care about the whole LTT fiasco, as an uninterested spectator it's fun to watch from the outside and then change channel, a blip in the media world that will most likely blow down in a couple of weeks. But reading how these actions are belittled is really distressing. Bullying is not normal, and it should never be accepted. Ever.
The full thread for whoever missed it: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html
I think this is the most sane opinion here really; and it's one I share...
Like, alright, they screwed up; we don't need to have a riot about it. I've followed these guys for a while, they seem genuine, they're humans, I think they deserve a chance.
It feels like a lot of people who don't know "how Linus is" or the history of the company getting upset and grabbing their pitch fork a bit too quickly.
Other than the Madison Reeves post I just read, I am completely out of the loop on the LTT controversy. That said, I made it about 1/3 of the way through the video before I had to stop it. I know very little about these guys but that video is infuriating.
Short and sweet summary as called out by Gamers Nexus:
Thank you!
You can watch the Gamers Nexus video on the LMG for context. Steve highlights a lot of errors that they've made.
Actions speak louder than words...
Their action was to monetize the apology video, which is especially funny after Gamers Nexus explicitely didn't monetize their video. They advertised their shop and floatplane and teased a new product. Just incredible.
They really cannot help themselves. Money corrupts all.
The description text is full of their ad stuff too while the GN videos is not.
The fact they're still hiding their testing methodologies behind floatplane makes me dubious of how effective this "housekeeping" week will be. Not that I plan on watching or interacting with anything LMG related going forward until the allegations brought up by Madison are properly handled anyway, in which then my final decision will be made.
I know Linus was pushing back REAL hard on getting a fact checker. And it would've likely prevented this situation entirely.
Edit: Other than the pushing of merch... Sigh... This is a pretty good PR mea culpa. At least from the rest of the team. I guess I should finish it. Pretty textbook. "We screwed up, here's how we're fixing it."
Edit 2: Nevermind. I got to the part with Linus. FFS.
What do we do now?
Just shut the company down. LMG peaked years ago, and went downhill from there. And even back then it was worst amongst the big tech channels.
Jesus, Michael Dell vibes over here
You can just not watch their videos. That's always been allowed.
You don't have to be that drastic. Sure, I'm done watching their videos but if they truly want to keep their remaining audience, 1. Linus needs to step down from appearing in any vídeos, 2. Put out a statement to both the community and vendors that they are going to do better and list each change being addressed, and 3. Slow down the video release schedule to ensure proper benchmarks and results can be validated and accurately captured.
Oh my god i am so tired of seeing posts about this, PLEASE can we give it a rest? i want to leave this trend hounding shit on reddit
It's been like 3 days dude, calm down.
Browse link aggregator website. Complain about links being aggregated
No but that's specifically what i'm complaining isn't happening, i see the same link 5 times in a row.
It feels like we need an extra level of aggregation for posts. It would be great if all posts for a certain topic could be grouped together. Maybe hashtags or something.
Yeah it's honestly very strange that they don't implement a proper tag system, i can't imagine it would be difficult (like bro it's an extra array for every post) and it would give a ton of flexibility to the ecosystem.
It's also a feature reddit has...
People did move here from reddit after all. That's why I recommend apps like lemmy connect on Android with keyword filtering. You can't control what people post, but you can regain control by controlling what you see.
Relax. So they made some mistakes. Cringe mistakes that could easily be avoidable (a lot like much of my life has been). Either they do better in the future or they die. People are getting so upset and enraged it looks like this is something that matters. They are still fun, I like them. Im rooting for them to improve!
or they die
enraged it looks like this is something that matters
Zen master how can I reach your wisdom of dying doesn't even matter
You can't
I am carefully optimistic about this. They addressed the problems and seem to take some time to fix them. I hope they will focus on quality over quantity as they promised.
After all the shit Madison revealed, you’re going to give these creeps a chance?
The PC world truly is a toxic cesspool if you can sand behind these assholes a second longer.
To be fair: I (and probably you) don't know her and she didn't show any proof. So just take the accusations with a grain of salt. (That doesn't mean that they should be ignored!)
This event is the first time I've heard of this company. I've built several PCs for friends over 20 years, never used YouTube for it, once. This feels like standard influencer drama, and much of the influencer space is a toxic cesspool. It's not about a hobby, it's about greedy assholes.
I will look at LTT to see the next new product, but I won't go to them for technical specifications anymore, which was one of the primary reasons I watched his videos.
Decent video until Linus gets on and immediately starts making excuses.
Just recently a creator I watch talked about how YouTubers sometimes create drama between each other to gain more relevance. Then they go for drinks together. Is this the case here? No way to realistically know for sure.
Probably not from Gamers Nexus' side of things. Their video is very professional, and focuses on the damage done to other companies featured on the channel, and challenges LTT and LMG to be more professional. They also said in their followup that they won't be making any more videos on the topic, their goal was to raise awareness, and now it's LTT's responsibility to decide what to change, if anything. Is LTT playing it up as drama? Maybe, but I think it's more likely that they want it treated as drama rather than legitimate criticism so that they can ignore it and move on, rather than to increase attention/ relevance.
I don't think Gamers Nexus would do something like that, they have a good history of calling out companies for bullshit they try and pull. doing that would damage their reputation.
Calling out the integrity of a channel after that channels spent millions trying to shed the perception of them as just an entertainment channel as opposed to a trustworthy and reliable review channel by investing in the lab? Who comes off here thinking LTT is even more trustworthy when it comes to their reviews which weren't trusted in the community to begin with.
If this were just some personality driven non tech recommending channel I could agree, but LTT is a channel reviewing hardware like Intel and amd to name a few alongside their wacky lets build a teleporting PC. There's just some channels where hits to reputation would hurt them as opposed to help.
I don't know, Linus is still trying to excuse and justify. It would seem taking him out of the driver's seat was the right call. As for the rest, they are responding because their backs are against the wall. Time will tell if they will really make any changes.
Gamer's Nexus recently released a video detailing how LMG's pace-over-all-else attitude is in direct conflict with their "we're going to be a serious data company" plans for LTT Labs. What has people the most upset, however, is the story around Billet Labs. LTT did a terrible, rushed, unprofessional job at reviewing a custom prototype from a small startup--they used the wrong hardware (after losing the GPU the company sent them to test with), didn't care enough to re-test properly, and then auctioned off that hardware instead of returning it to the owners.
Linus then responded (only in a space he controlled, of course) and said "we're going to do better, trust me bro" and made everything 10x worse. GN was essentially forced to respond to that because Linus blatantly lied to cover up the timeline on the Billet Labs fuckup.
Oh, and LTT also released a video in the middle of this that had a ton of testing problems, just like the original video outlined.
Now we're here, where the new CEO, Linus's wife (and co-owner, to be clear) and the rest of the LMG leadership have to pick up the pieces to try and salvage their reputation.
Someone else in the thread linked this article which has just come out as well and seems to be a summary of an ex-employee's accusations of terrible working conditions on Twitter. (I can't see the Twitter thread because of no account so I can't link to a primary source, sorry.)
‘You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…’
I always assumed this guy was a d-bag.
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