more liberal bullshit on lemmy dot world
more liberal bullshit on lemmy dot world

Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top: “Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

more liberal bullshit on lemmy dot world
Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top: “Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]
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I can't wait for Trump to win. I know he is just as much a Zionist as Brandon but sometimes libs need to be owned.
As always, I'm going to link that Roderic Day article on "Brainwashing" because it's good to try to sympathize with people and understand why they believe what they believe, even if they are completely wrong.
Honestly, Ion't have any sympathy for the motherfuckers. If they're still stumping for Genocide Joe, four months into Biden's 'unconditional support' for Israel's genocide, four months into the HUNDREDS of hecatombs of Palestinian bodies sacrificed to an Old Testament death god, the blood is just as much on their hands as it is his. From that point forward, I don't give the first fuck what their opinions are, where they fit into the machine, or why they believe what they believe; they're genocidal monsters and deserve to be stomped out right next to the other batch of ghouls.
And if we don't, Amerika's subjects-of-empire will be the next ones in these settler crackers' collective scope.
It feels like deep down they subconsciously know it's real and bidens a monster, and they refuse to believe it because they have too much cowardice to recognize the blood on the wall.
I won't tell you how to feel, but ultimately I think that an epistemology that lumps people in that way and is, by your own admittance, uninterested in how the machine you oppose works or why its supporters support it, will find itself far less able to actually oppose that machine. If you want to destroy it, it is in your interest to understand it as well as you can.
The way I approach it is a calculus of 'vulnerable lives saved by ripping out the weed' versus 'vulnerable lives lost trying to save fascist souls'. Winning the heart and mind of a fascist means so much less to me than protecting the vulnerable they'd destroy; and the minority grinder will not stop at Palestine. I'm not trying to watch the pace of my community getting fed to it increase because we got jammed up trying to change the stripes on a tiger.
I share your hatred of these smug ghouls as well as your despair that we such a small minority. NGL having a really hard time handling all this mentally. IDK how long-time comrades do it. Everything is so bleak and feels hopeless and worst of all people just don't fucking care.
"Winning fascist hearts and minds" as if they have either. Lmao
The way I approach it is a calculus of 'vulnerable lives saved by ripping out the weed' versus 'vulnerable lives lost trying to save fascist souls'. Winning the heart and mind of a fascist means so much less to me than protecting the vulnerable they'd destroy; and the minority grinder will not stop at Palestine. I'm not trying to watch the pace of my community getting fed to it increase because we got jammed up trying to change the stripes on a tiger.
Beautifully said!
As a lifelong Socialist I'm more forgiving. I know what it takes for people to see the truth, and these people are already trying to resolve enormous cognitive dissonance. Many will snap eventually.
I keep pointing out that overall we're in a good place for the left. The systems of power are under increasing collapse and each crisis drives them further into patholgy while driving people to us. A 1917 moment might not be near, but things are increasingly feeling 1905.
My wife had a great observation, that the best outcome would be Trump winning but the Dems hold a decisive majority in the house and senate. Nothing significant can get passed, anything done by executive order can be undone by executive order under a future president, the dem establishment gets completely undermined, and once Trump is done with his second term it neutralizes a lot of the MAGA movement. They no longer have the possibility of another term to animate them and Trump wannabes don’t have the same je ne sai quoi.
The worst part would be that the Dems cave and compromise on something because they think voters judge them on # of bills passed per session. But given the branding they’ve ridden on the last 8 years of “we must thwart the Trump agenda at all costs,” they won’t do too much of it.
Nothing significant can get passed, anything done by executive order can be undone by executive order under a future president,
Not that it's very likely to be undone, as Biden has in fact renewed many of Trump's executive orders, e.g. on immigration and the environment.
Biden also fucked the dog on the jcpoa, the one good thing that Obama did. If Biden had just restarted that in 2021 instead of assuaging the Israelis, there might be something closer to rapproachment between the US and Iran now, in which case maybe Israel would not feel they had a blank cheque to just genocide Palestinians.
It's amazing because when I ask them what they're going to do if Trump wins, it's almost always
He won't because America knows better
He won't because he's going to jail
They literally cannot fathom a world where they have the power to rise up and take an actual stand
It would be sad if they didn't also cut anyone down who doesn't show their love for the "democratic process"
Bad, bad take. It's fine to recognize that (in the growing absence of meaningful differences between Democrats and Republicans) voters are mostly motivated by stuff like spite and trying to own people they argue with, but succumbing to that mentality ourselves is trying to fight fire with fire, and we know what the leftist take on that is
I think it's fine to hope Democrats lose, but in a "they need to fundamentally change or get out of the way" sense, not a "own the libs" sense.
I was being kinda sarcastic but honestly liberals are being really annoying about Biden.
Either way doesn't matter to me, I'm not American.