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  • National review is conservative, feel like npr/the others is more damning to send to lib friends (also, considering his goals, i don't think its inappropriate to use his act in such a way, more over i suspect its the least we can do


    • I would go further to say it is what he wanted/intended/knew would happen.

      I know if I did such a thing I would sure as shit want people to use it to radicalize people. Otherwise what is the point?

  • Every outlet loves acting like they're so concerned about "civilian casualties" until someone actually commits an extreme act to bring attention to the horror, at which point they condescend and obfuscate to make sure nobody has any sympathies. Know your place, wring those hands until the skin falls off!

  • I've never had more active social media accounts than when I commented how telling it was that someone from the air force was willing to do this to protest genocide.

    Seriously. That was it. My inbox lit up from some very passionate individuals who wanted me to admit that this was a nothingburger. Just has nothing to do with anything.